Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1375: Changeable attitude

This twelve-year-old mind is probably just what other people think of her, because she looks small, of course others regard her as a child, and her every move is naturally childish in the eyes of others.

This is probably a sense of illusion.

Next, there was much quieter between the two, the little guy led the way, and Li Meng followed behind.

It didn't take long before the destination arrived.

In a part of an arc-shaped corridor, in front of a room door, the little guy stopped, pushed the door and entered.

Following the little guy, Li Meng entered the room.

Looking around, this is probably a guest room, where they are located is the outer hall, and there is a bedroom inside.

The light is not bad and bright enough. It should be on the edge of this palace. Looking out the window, Li Meng can see the palaces not far away.

In the room, the little guy said to Li Meng: "This is your room."

Glancing around in the living room, Li Meng praised: "Not bad."

It’s really good. Although the furnishings in the room are very simple, everything is simple, but it gives a very literary and elegant feeling. On the walls and large decorations, there are some Chinese soft calligraphy and paintings. This makes the room look very elegant and there seems to be a woody fragrance in the air.

On a sofa with wooden handguards, Li Meng sat lazily.

Seeing Li Meng sitting down, the little guy's petite body also climbed onto the sofa opposite Li Meng and sat down, staring closely at Li Meng.

Seeing the little guy staring at him, Li Meng touched his nose, wondering what the little guy was doing.

He tentatively said: "Why, are you still not leaving?"


At Li Meng's words, she hummed and tilted her head aside.

However, it did not mean to go.

If you don't leave, don't leave. This is not your own site. On other people's sites, Li Meng can't drive away the host's people.

Therefore, Li Meng could only ignore the existence of the little guy.

While thinking about how to perfectly heal Wang Yanmei's injury, Li Meng took out his palm computer.

Now the communications satellite of the First Army has been in the sky. Although there is still a certain distance from the global network, the signal has been fully covered in this East Asian region. This allows Li Meng, who is as far away as Kyoto, to fully control the First Army with the help of a data terminal. The situation on the mainland of Austria.

Compared to peaceful China, Austria is experiencing a war.

Although the initiator of the war was the First Army, Li Meng would not feel any guilt about it.

Although many lives died in the war, their deaths gave Austria a better future.

Because of the fact that it cannot be erased.

Even without the First Army, Austria will not stay away from war, and will only let the humans on this continent struggle in an endless cycle in the exhaustion of civil war.

Although the First Army was a foreign enemy, it gave the humans in Austria a life-changing opportunity.

War will pay a price, but for the people on the mainland of Austria, the price is worth it.

"You...what are you looking at?"

Seeing Li Meng take out a small thing, she kept looking at it, which made her very curious.

The voice was in her ears. At some point, she had already slipped off the sofa and came to Li Meng's side, staring curiously at the palm computer in Li Meng's hand.

The voice of the little guy in his ear caused Li Meng to withdraw his eyes from the silver screen of the palm computer. He shook the palm computer in his hand and said, "You said this?"


The little guy nodded heavily, his eyes moving with the palm computer in Li Meng's hand.

Such a cute appearance made Li Meng forget her true age for a while.

He stretched out his left hand, clasped her waist, and put her tiny body on her lap.

She was surprisingly lifeless at Li Meng's rude behavior, and sat obediently on Li Meng's lap.

It seems that the handheld computer in Li Meng's hand has made her overlook many things.

While holding the little guy, Li Meng said: "This thing is a small display, it can display data in the form of images, it is connected to the satellite in orbit, know TV? You can think of it as a small , A TV with more complete functions."

"Look at this!"

Gently tap on the screen, and the screen flickers, and a shocking picture appears in the eyes of the two.

The picture is an arc-shaped earth, a vast expanse of whiteness, and the outermost part is a halo.

This is a picture of the earth taken by a satellite in orbit from a long-range distance.

"what is this?"

Seeing the shocking picture on the silver screen, the little guy was dumbfounded, completely stunned.

That look is very cute, and the look on his face is no longer the same cold attitude that he had used to Li Meng before.

In the ear of the little guy, Li Meng said lightly: "This is a picture taken by a satellite in orbit."

"Orbit? Satellite?"

The little guy muttered to himself.

For her who has never left the palace, she certainly does not understand these two words.

Although the voice was small, Li Meng still heard it.

In the next time, Li Meng explained to the little guy what the orbits and satellites are.

After some contact with the little guy, Li Meng discovered a problem, that is, the little guy didn't know anything about common sense.

Originally, Li Meng thought that the little guy just stopped growing physically, and that his mind should be very mature.

But Li Meng was wrong, a big mistake, he found that the little guy's mind is probably not twelve years old, it should be even lower.

Although he is young at twelve, he has been able to distinguish between right and wrong, and has a certain control over himself.

But the little guy is different.

Looking back at Li Meng with a sweet smile, the little guy said softly: "Thank you, big brother! So this is a satellite."

Looking at the sweet smile of the little guy, even though this little guy is really petite and cute, Li Meng always felt that something was wrong.

The change in attitude is so great that Li Meng has not forgotten how the little guy treated him before.

This "big brother" is so sweet that even Li Meng is a little uncomfortable.

Although somewhat puzzled, Li Meng didn't think much about it.

Little children, if the little guy's mind is immature, his temperament is changeable.

"According to Big Brother, if I put my hand out the window, can the satellite see my hand?"

Seeing the little guy staring at him eagerly, Li Meng smiled and said, "Of course, although I can't see too clearly due to accuracy issues, and it's a little fuzzy, I should be able to see it."

It's not enough to just say it, you have to do it to be convinced.

Looking at the little guy in his arms, Li Meng said, "Would you like to try?"

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