Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1379: Long breathing

He sighed slightly and looked at Tyra's beautiful eyes, Li Meng said softly: "There are some things I can't tell you. Maybe someday in the future I will give you an explanation, but now, I can't give you anything. "

Tyra only smiled at Li Meng's answer like this.

She said indifferently: "I know your identity is extraordinary. You have your own secrets, just like the mysterious First Legion. I am not young anymore. Now I just want someone to miss. , I don’t need anything else."

Being able to say this shows how determined Tyra is in her heart.

Although Li Meng did not know why Tyra suddenly changed his attitude, Li Meng would not refuse Tyra's wishes.

Regardless of the past or the present, Li Meng has a place in his heart for Tyra.

This position may be just a little thought, but Li Meng will not deny it.


Taking a deep breath, Li Meng got up from the sofa.

Said to Tyra: "Let's go!"


Tyra asked in a puzzled way: "Where to go?"

Glancing at Tyra in surprise, Li Meng took it for granted: "It's getting late, and of course I went to bed."

At Li Meng's words, Tyra was taken aback, a trace of ruddy appeared on her face.

Although she has made a decision, but so quickly...

Facing Li Meng's gaze, she lowered her head and said softly: "I just came back and want to see the teacher."

Li Meng said: "She's okay, let her rest."

Although Li Meng has found a way to treat Wang Yanmei, he is not in a hurry tonight.

Li Meng still needs to understand the use of "Holy Light" in detail. A small bite mark and a hideous wound are completely two concepts. The use of power is more complicated. Li Meng cannot take Wang Yanmei's risk. .

"This...well, I'll take a shower first."

After hesitating, Tyra finally resigned.

At this moment, Tyra has no room to retreat. Although she is a little bit shy in her heart, she is no longer an ignorant girl. The psychological maturity makes her let go. Although her face is shy, she is more calm. With a glimmer of expectation.

Under Li Meng's gaze, she stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

Seeing Tyra disappearing in the bathroom, Li Meng smiled slightly and lay on the sofa lazily.

Tyra has made such a change. Although Li Meng was a little surprised, it was more of a surprise.

In fact, Li Meng understood more or less what Tyra was thinking.

Human life is short, but only a hundred years. Tyra is over forty years old. It can be said that half of her life has passed. In the first half of her life, she was alone. Although the martial artist is aloof, she has a weak view of love. , But there is one thing that cannot be changed. The martial artist is also a human. As a woman, Terra also hopes that there will be someone by her side, and hope that there is someone worthy of miss.

Over the years, Li Meng’s boldness and straightforwardness have moved her. Although the two have not been together for a long time and their understanding is not deep enough, one thing is clear. Tyra does not hate Li Meng. .

Whether it was Li Meng's bold move or the frivolity towards her, she couldn't raise her hatred, and once she left, she missed it a little.

The complicated mood made Tyra make a choice, and Li Meng accepted it calmly.

The world's love debt Li Meng owed enough, and he didn't care about Dotella alone.

No matter who she is, as long as she is worthy of Li Meng's miss, one day they will truly return to Li Meng's side.

Only then will they embark on the same path as Li Meng.

Tyra didn't let Li Meng wait for a long time, and after a while, the movement in the bathroom disappeared.

As the bathroom door opened, Tyra came out in a white bathrobe.

Her long, pale blonde hair was casually draped behind her shoulders, although it was wet, but it gave a more peculiar beauty.

Under the tight yukata, is her plump and perfect figure.

Seeing Tyra approaching, even Li Meng felt a little surprised at the moment.

Perceiving Li Meng's fiery gaze, Tyra was not shy, and came to Li Meng's side with ease.

When Tyra sat down and looked at the beauty close at hand, Li Meng only smelled a scent of fragrance into his nose, which made Li Meng's spirit uncontrollable.

Without saying more, Li Meng didn't keep silent either. He stretched out his hands, put one hand on Tyra's knees, and one hand on Tyra's back, and hugged Tyra in a princess hug.

Although Li Meng's body is weak, he is a man after all, and his body is weak, but he still has strength. It is naturally not a problem to pick up Tyra, a woman who is not too big.

Holding Tyra, Li Meng walked towards the bedroom.

At this moment, with the breath of a man in his nose, Tyra finally showed the shyness that a woman should have.

She didn't say much, let alone resisted, but looked at Li Meng's close face shyly.

She doesn't know what will happen tonight, but she has made a decision and will not regret it.

The way to the bedroom was short. Holding Tyra, Li Meng walked into the bedroom lightly.

In Tyra's shy gaze, Li Meng carefully placed Tyra on the wide and soft bed.

When the person in his arms was not there, Li Meng sat on the edge of the bed, smiling at Tyra who was lying on the bed at a loss.

Li Meng knew that Tyra had never experienced these affectionate things, not to mention having such close contact with a man, and any reaction to her was normal and understandable.

Compared to Tyra's "innocence", Li Meng was much more sophisticated, he knew what Tyra cared about most at this time.

Didn't say something tender, this is not Li Meng's character.

But Li Meng did not take the next step.

Turning over and lying down, Li Meng hugged Tyra's gripping waist in Tyra's shy eyes, resting his head on the soft and high mountain peak.

With a light wave of his right hand, the light in the bedroom went out.

"go to bed!"

In the darkness, Li Meng's whisper sounded.


The response to Li Meng was Tyra's somewhat startled voice.

Feeling the squeezing touch on her chest, while astonished, Tyra smiled helplessly.

Only stretched out his hands and gently hugged him in his arms, and slowly closed his eyes.

In the darkness, the bedroom was quiet, only the breath of two people was slow and long.

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