Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1380: Heroes dying

The next morning...

Sleep is a very magical thing. Time seems to stand still, like a hundred years, and like a fleeting moment.

On the large bed, under the blanket, the two hugged and slept quietly.

The faint light outside the window shone into the house, making the bedroom gradually brighter.

Although the light was not dazzling, the color change in the bedroom still made Li Meng wake up.

On the large bed, Li Meng's eyelids moved slightly and he opened his eyes slowly.

The people around him were leaning back, and the first thing they saw when they opened it was Tyra's beautiful face.

When he was conscious and the confusion in his eyes was not there, Li Meng smiled slightly, leaned forward slightly, and kissed the ruddy lips when he looked at the people beside him.

The touch on her lips awakened Tyra, and she opened her eyes.

When she saw Li Meng's face close at hand, she was taken aback for a moment, and then her face became a little ruddy.

Li Meng saw the changes in Tyra, he took an inch and pried Tyra's mouth open.

There was a verbal intercourse, and Li Meng let him go to Tyra's shy "hum".

Looking away from the shy Tyra, Li Meng glanced out the window slightly.

Although the darkness outside the window is gradually disappearing and the light has enveloped the earth, it is still early.

At this moment, Tyra's whispers sounded in his ears.

"Let’s go to bed, it’s still early. I have arranged a meeting with the American Federation Ambassador. There are about four hours before the meeting. The meeting place is in the headquarters of the original "Heroes Association". Great Hall."

Heroes' Association?

Looking back at Tyra next to him, Li Meng asked, "This Hero Association has existed for nearly a hundred years, right? Why did your teacher cancel the Hero Association? Its existence is not necessarily a bad thing for China. ."

Li Meng was still surprised when he learned that the Heroes' Association was revoked by Wang Yanmei.

The surprise is not the regret about the disappearance of the Heroes' Association, but the power in Wang Yanmei's hands.

An international organization has various powerful countries behind it. Wang Yanmei can honestly dissolve this international organization with a single sentence. This is not something ordinary people can do.


With a lazy smile, Tyra's delicate body moved, facing Li Meng sideways, and said softly: "The reason for this is actually not difficult to understand. In the past, the teacher did not have much interest in rights, which caused Yu Huaxia to be unable to Unification, the cities of David belong to Kyoto in name, but the government is self-governing, and sometimes it will embarrass Kyoto specifically. In this case, the teacher needs an organization or department to manage international affairs and conduct with other countries. Contact, in this way, will not derail China Xia from the international community. In this environment, the Association of Heroes will appear."

Speaking of this, Tyra paused, and looked at Li Meng quietly with a light gaze, and continued: "The original intention of the Association of Heroes was only to establish some images for certain people, and to bring them to the people with powerful force. A sense of security, but with the passage of time, the Heroes’ Association is also changing. With the gradual changes in the system, the Heroes’ Association has gradually become an international joint organization, where countries take root to obtain benefits from China."

"Before China was reunified, this was originally a win-win situation. Countries can benefit from China, and Kyoto can also benefit from each country. This is a transaction that includes political and commercial transactions, but with China’s unification , The change of foreign strategy makes the existence of the Hero Association very embarrassing. Although some benefits and diplomacy will be lost, the teacher decided to let the Hero Association disappear."

It turned out to be like this...

Li Meng finally understood why Wang Yanmei wanted the Hero Association to disappear.

The unified China does not require the intervention of external rights, and the existence of the Hero Association is undoubtedly a taboo.

Although the existence of the Heroes' Association will give China a higher status in the world, Wang Yanmei still had to let this organization disappear in order to obtain China's true sovereignty.

Tyra's words let Li Meng know a lot of things he didn't know.

Looking at Tyra, Li Meng said, "So, your teacher is really capable. Over the past century, the Hero Association has been deeply rooted in China, right? Your teacher will let the heroes The dissolution of the association honestly is not something ordinary people can do."

Li Meng’s words made Tyra very proud, and she couldn’t deny: “This is the prestige. Although the teacher has stayed in Kyoto for the past two hundred years, he has always been in a state of “indulgence” to rights, not to mention the acropolis. The political power in Kyoto is completely decentralized. Teachers have always stayed at the court to live their lives. Although there have been civil strife in Kyoto in the past, the people who denounced were all the departments in charge of Kyoto rights. Teachers were never involved, and no one dared. To question the teacher, in the eyes of the public, the teacher is the real hero, whether it is Kyoto or the Acropolis. This is why the teacher can unite China without a soldier. This is public opinion, and public opinion cannot be violated."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tyra realized that Li Meng beside him had fallen into contemplation for some time.

As if thinking of something, Tyra chuckled: "You don’t think about the teacher. The teacher is not me. In terms of the age difference, in the eyes of the teacher, Mr. Li Meng is probably still a child. You, Don't be too greedy..."

Li Meng, who had recovered from Tyra's words, just smiled.

He stretched out his hand and squeezed Tyra's white nose, and said very affectionately: "Now you still call me Mr. Li Meng?"

Although Li Meng's intimate behavior was a little bit shy in his heart, Tyra was still very useful.

She squinted her eyes slightly, her face was ashamed, and she whispered: "I see, Li Meng!"

This "Li Meng" made Li Meng very satisfied.

Li Meng smiled slightly, and Li Meng said calmly: "What you said, I naturally know that in this world, Wang Yanmei, your teacher is probably the oldest person in the generation. Although she looks young, she has experienced things It's something you and I can't think of. Facing her, although I have the impulse and ambition that a man should have, I still have more respect and respect. I will not desecrate her."

From Li Meng's words, Tyra felt Li Meng's heart when facing the teacher.

Looking at the man next to her, she sighed slightly, and said softly: "Actually..., if Li Meng can really do, I hope Li Meng treats the teacher as an ordinary woman, not an elder. After the dragon man became stiff, the teacher has been alone for more than two hundred years. He has no peers and no object to tell. The teacher has been living a repetitive life in the court for these two hundred years. Although the teacher has not said anything, But every time I see the teacher sitting alone by the flowerbed in the courtyard, I always feel the sad loneliness."

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