Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1381: Tyra's request

Speaking of this, Tyra's face was a bit sad, she said solemnly: "The heroes who lived in the same era as the teacher in the world are passing away one by one. People's life span is limited, even if they have strong power, After all, I can't escape the fate of "death". I don't know how long the teacher has, but I hope that there will be someone who can accompany the teacher in her last life."

I have to say that women are indeed sensitive.

Li Meng can be sure that Wang Yanmei has kept in her heart the matter about the short life span.

But Tyra was able to guess this based on some phenomena. No doubt, Tyra had a delicate heart.

Speaking of this, Tyra looked at Li Meng very seriously, and said: "The teacher treats you... From the eyes of the teacher yesterday, I can feel that the teacher has a unique emotion towards you, maybe that It's just the trust between friends, but I hope Li Meng can understand the teacher more deeply. In this world, if anyone can be worthy of the teacher, then only Li Meng is you."

Tyra's words made Li Meng a little weird, looking at Tyra in surprise.

Lying beside him was not Wang Yanmei, nor her other woman, but Tyra.

It's incredible that she is lying next to her, but allowing herself to pursue other women.

With a helpless smile, Li Meng turned over and pressed Tyra under her body, and said fiercely in her ear: "You woman, how can a woman push her man outside, asking if there is any conspiracy."

When speaking, Li Meng's hands were not idle, he leaned under the blanket and stroked the delicate body.

Although separated by a layer of yukata, the beautiful curves of Tyra's body can still be clearly felt.

For a moment, Li Meng was dissatisfied with the status quo, and greedily dived under the bathrobe.

The hot and soft touch of the skin glided between the fingers, all the way down, successfully occupying the long slender legs.

Feeling the touch from her thigh, the shyness in her heart made Tyra gritted her teeth, her face turned slightly ruddy.

But she didn't give up, resisting the teasing from Li Meng, and said with a grievance: "For the teacher, you may be the only one. I cannot and cannot selfishly possess you. I also know that you will not only I belong to me. In this case, Li Meng, you should give the teacher a chance. As long as you agree, I..."

"What am I?"

Li Meng said in a low voice in Tyra's ear.

With a blush on his face, Tyra plucked up the courage to say: "As long as you promise, I will be yours, whether it's the body or the heart, I belong to you completely."

Hearing this, Li Meng raised his brows and said angrily: "So, you are not mine now?"


Li Meng's angry tone frightened Tyra. When she looked up at Li Meng's face, she found Li Meng was looking at her with a smile.

At this moment, how could Tyra not know that Li Meng was teasing her.

The rapid beating in her heart made Tyra roll her eyes to Li Meng involuntarily, and said angrily: "I'm not kidding, I'm serious."


Taking a deep breath, she took a look at Li Meng next to her. Tyra moved her body and plunged her whole body into Li Meng’s arms. She chose to bear the hand that was looted on her thigh. Caress.

Feeling the warmth on Li Meng’s chest, touching the hot chest, Tyra said softly: “I’m over forty years old. For a woman, I’ve passed the age of youth, and you, still young, In my prime of life, I will not ask too much, nor will you feel bound, no matter what you think in your heart, even if I am only your lover, I am willing, only old..."

Tyra's words were not finished, Li Meng lowered his head and kissed Tyra's red lips again, preventing Tyra from continuing.

There was a conversation, and at this moment, both of them were feeling each other's existence silently.

After a long time, Li Meng let go of the rosy Tyra.

A silver thread connected the corners of the two people's mouths, disconnected after a while, and disappeared.

Looking at Tyra’s beautiful face, Li Meng chuckled lightly: “It’s not as simple as you think. I can’t promise you about it. Aside from our private friendship, the three of us represent two Different forces, public to public, private to private, this matter can only go with the flow."

This is also...

Tyra did not refute Li Meng's words.

Of course she knows that things are not so simple, and things will not develop as she wishes.

Leaving aside the teacher, it is not convenient for her to get too close to Li Meng with her current status. Although neither she nor the teacher cares too much, but in her position, we have to think about more than personal interests. The focus must be placed on the interests of the country. She cannot be willful, let alone teachers.

"Think too much..."

In her heart, Tyra realized this.

In Li Meng's arms, Tyra nuzzled lazily, and said softly: "Well, it's up to you, let everything be natural."

This is the first time that Tyra lay in the arms of a man. Before that, she had never thought that the embrace of a man was so reassuring, so comfortable, and all the troubles seemed to be gone, which made Tyra very It is useful.

After embracing quietly for a while, in Li Meng's arms, Tyra's whispers sounded again.

"When will you leave Kyoto?"

From beginning to end, Tyra knew that Li Meng would not stay in Kyoto for a long time. This "ambassador" was not Li Meng's true identity in the First Army, but a part-time job.

Although he knew that Li Meng would leave, Tyra couldn't know when he would leave.

However, Tyra has a hunch that Li Meng will not stay for long in Kyoto.

Li Meng did not conceal the inquiry of Tyra, and answered truthfully: "After your teacher's injury has completely stabilized, I will leave by then."

Speaking of this, Li Meng sighed slightly and said in a low voice: "This world is not safe. There are too many things to do. Before that day comes, we must be prepared."

That day?

Tyra didn't understand what Li Meng said, but he didn't think too much, just nodded gently.

Although the man next to him is about to leave, Tyra does not feel too sad. Although she is a little bit sad, neither she nor Li Meng are ordinary people. A temporary separation does not mean a permanent parting. As long as the person is still alive, There is a chance to get together, besides, compared to the deep love, what Tyra needs is someone to miss.

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