Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1382: Browville

"Okay!" The hand under the blanket lightly patted the hip, Li Meng said in Tyra's shy gaze: "Get up, the ambassador of the American Federation, I will go there for a while, to this country I am quite curious."

Pulling aside the blanket, Tyra in a bathrobe sat up with infinite style and left the bed.

Coming to the closet not far from the bed, under Li Meng's gaze, Tyra opened the closet and took out the short skirt she wore yesterday.

In Li Meng's eyes, Tyra boldly took off her bathrobe, and her white body was completely exposed in Li Meng's eyes.

The white and flawless skin, the beautiful curves, and the round buttocks all attracted Li Meng.

This early in the morning almost instantly made Li Meng react.

But Li Meng suppressed the impulse of his body and looked at Tyra who was changing clothes with admiration and fiery eyes.

Tyra didn't realize the impact of her bold move on Li Meng. She took out the clothes she was wearing from the closet and put them on her body one by one.

While wearing it, she said: "This American Federation is not an ordinary country. Due to its excellent geographical location and the stability of its regime, it has been developing peacefully over the past century, and its national strength can be said to far exceed that of any country on earth. Although Kyoto is the cultural center of the world, the national strength of China as a whole is far less than that of the American Federation."

Speaking of this, with purple underwear in one hand, Tyra looked back at Li Meng and said curiously: "Two years ago, if the American Federation was the country with the most advanced technology in the world, but now, In terms of technology, I am afraid that the First Army is even better. The rocket lifts off and the satellite launches. This is something the American Federation cannot do now, but your First Army takes the lead."

Li Meng’s fiery gaze, Tyra, of course noticed it, but she did not conceal her like a girl, but rather openly showed her perfect figure to Li Meng, revealing something that people can’t refuse. within Temptation.

Looking at the tempting Tyra, Li Meng was unmoved, and sat on the side of the bed and asked Tyra, "Do you know who is the "ambassador" this time?"

"of course!"

While putting on purple underwear, Tyra said: "Browville, the former governor of Gome State, is now the ambassador to the American Federation. Although he has no real power in his hands, his reputation in China is not small. According to reliable sources, In the election two years later, he may become a member of the House of Representatives."

"We don't know much about the American Federation, and we don't know much about the grievances between the First Army and the American Federation. You have to hold your own feet during this meeting."

When it comes to this, Tyra is wearing a short white skirt, and the posture of bending over is very attractive.

While listening to Tyra, Li Meng got up from the bed.

Came to the window with a light step, leaning against the window sill, and looking at Tyra who was changing clothes, Li Meng said calmly: "This meeting shouldn’t talk too much. The war in Austria is a foregone conclusion. If you want to intervene, the First Army will not mind fighting them."

At Li Meng’s words, Tyra pondered slightly, and said thoughtfully: “There is a real possibility. In the last ten years, the territory of the American Federation has been expanding, although no major wars have occurred. However, in the form of negotiations, many countries have joined the American Federation and become a state within the American federal system. Austria’s location is very special. It is close to the southern continent and Asia, and is rich in various mineral deposits. It is not a surprise that the American Federation has an idea about Austria, an important military location."

The dress was put on, and while buttoning the button on his chest, Tyra turned and looked at Li Meng.

After a slight pause, she continued: "In the last ten years, some island nations in the Pacific Ocean east of Austria have been incorporated into the American Federation. If the First Army did not appear, Austria might be The next goal of the American Federation."

Tyra's words were not random speculation, and Li Meng did not doubt that the American Federation had this idea.

The possibilities are still there, and the possibilities are very high.

Since the American Federation intervened in the war in Austria, the First Army has learned a lot about the American Federation and has more or less understanding of this federal country.

The American Federation implements representative democracy, using democratic and free ideas to unify the consciousness of the domestic people and increase the blind worship of this system.

Although it respects freedom and democracy, this country is also full of aggressiveness, using its political ideas to continuously invade, assimilate other countries and make them a member of it.

If the First Army used military means to obtain territory, then the American Federation used cultural invasion to achieve the purpose of expansion. The former can cut the chaotic horse quickly and see results in a short period of time, but there are some drawbacks and rule after the war. It will be affected by some, the latter will take a long time, but its effectiveness is also amazing, and there will be no governance problems.

After slightly tidying up some messy clothes, Li Meng and Tyra walked to the outside living room together.

At this time, Tyra had already put on the professional dress, upper body shirt, and lower body skirt. It looked like a uniform temptation, especially the black stockings and long legs under the skirt attracted the man's attention.

In the living room, the two sat down on the sofa.

Looking at Li Meng next to him, Tyra smiled softly and said softly: "What do you want to eat? For breakfast, it's better to be light."

With a faint smile, Li Meng leaned in Tyra's ear and whispered: "Do you know what a beautiful meal is? Or, let me eat you."

The impact of Li Meng's words on Tyra was not small, his expression was slightly taken aback, his face instantly turned ruddy.

Although she had no actual relationship with Li Meng last night, when she thought of doing something with Li Meng now, Tyra still felt a little uneasy and nervous, and more shy.

Seeing Tyra, who bowed his head shyly, Li Meng smiled secretly.

The scene of Tyra dressing in the bedroom just now made Li Meng's heart hot.

Since this fire has come, of course it needs to be eliminated.

Both hands arrogantly hugged Tyra, Li Meng lowered his head and occupied the rosy lips.

After asking for it for a while, Tyra could only silently endure Li Meng's brutality in the intercourse.

Li Meng was not satisfied with the status quo. He attacked the city with his mouth, his hand on his waist went all the way down.

To Li Meng's rudeness, Tyra seemed very passive and cooperated very strangely.

"do not……"

When the sensitive place was touched, Tyra was agitated and quickly pressed the hand on his thigh.

Lips parted slightly, Tyra looked at Li Meng with a grimace, and said softly: "It's late, it's late... I'll be with you again in the evening."

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