Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1394: Don't even think about it

In the future, what kind of existence she will become, Li Meng can't say why. She is not a dead person, but can use the power of death. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, it is still impossible to draw a conclusion.

The little girl didn't seem to be wary of him. She waved her two little hands and screamed "Ah oh oh".

With a slight smile, Li Meng stretched out his hands and took the little girl out of the cradle.

She seemed very happy to be held by Li Meng, waving her two small hands in excitement and giggling her mouth.

On the rocking chair, Li Meng sat down and teased the little girl in his arms.

The little girl's giggles of laughter reverberated in the room, which caught the attention of the villa owner.

"Mei'er, what's so happy, are you dreaming?"

A soft voice sounded from outside the room, and a smiling Wang Weiwei entered the room.


When she noticed that there was another person in the room, the smile on Wang Weiwei's face instantly disappeared, and she scolded vigilantly and nervously.

Upon closer inspection, Wang Weiwei discovered that the strange figure was so familiar.

"Li Meng?"

When confirming the identity of the person on the rocking chair, Wang Weiwei issued a suspicious question, and the vigilance in her heart disappeared.

With a sigh of relief, Wang Weiwei walked closer to Li Meng.

Looking at Li Meng, who was holding her daughter in the rocking chair, she hesitated and asked in a low voice, "You... why are you here?"

It has been a long time since Wang Weiwei saw Li Meng last time. It should be almost a year.

Because her daughter is almost one year old.

As before, what he appeared this time was still so sudden and so mysterious.

With a faint smile, Li Meng looked up at Wang Weiwei beside him and asked, "Why can't I come."

Li Meng's words made Wang Weiwei quickly explain: "No, I didn't mean that, of course you can come, but next time you come, can you not be so sudden, I...I will be scared."


Looking at Wang Weiwei next to him, and then looking down at the little girl in his arms, Li Meng was slightly clear.

In this family, there is only Wang Weiwei, no husband, and no one to rely on. Of course, Wang Weiwei has reasons to be afraid.

Looking at the little girl in his arms, Li Meng said calmly: "This home is indeed a bit empty. You are still young, and you have never thought about starting a family again? You are not a martial artist, just an ordinary woman. You need someone you can rely on. Object."

What to rely on?

With a wry smile on her face, Wang Weiwei shook her head and said: "This child... is a little different. I don't think anyone can be her father. Besides, would you agree?"

Looking up at Wang Weiwei beside him, Li Meng undoubtedly said: "Of course not, you'd better not even think about it. Without your daughter, your life is free, and there is no relationship between you and me. There will be any intersection, but now, your daughter has been born. She has a great relationship with me. As her mother, you must bear the responsibility of raising her, and only I can become her father."

What I just said, Li Meng is just a test, wanting to know if Wang Weiwei has this idea.

As Li Meng said, Wang Weiwei is still very young, and a young body often needs various needs. As an ordinary person, Wang Weiwei has less willpower than a martial artist, and it is easy to make some mistakes due to impulse.

Such strong words changed Wang Weiwei's expression.

She knew the power of the man in front of her, and she didn't have many choices in front of him.

Although she didn't have any thoughts in this regard, being so forced by a person still made Wang Weiwei a little uncomfortable.

But what can she do? Even for her daughter, she couldn't resist the man in front of her.

Wang Weiwei who thought so quietly said: "You have said so, what else can I do? I'm just a weak woman."

Are the words too heavy?

Wang Weiwei's bitter gaze made Li Meng contemplate in secret.

Although he is indeed a little selfish towards Wang Weiwei, because of Wang Yuanmei's existence, Wang Weiwei can be said to have an unclear relationship with him. It is impossible to leave it alone, but it is impossible for Wang Weiwei to integrate into the large group of the First Army. Li Meng was also a bit dilemma when it came to dealing with Wang Weiwei.

If the status quo can be maintained, this is naturally Li Meng willing to see, but Li Meng also knows that as an ordinary person, there are too many variables in Wang Weiwei. She is still young, and the heart that has been trapped at home for a long time also yearns for the outside. If the vast world cannot restrain her heart, sooner or later a series of troubles will be caused.

With a sigh in his heart, Li Meng got up and put the little girl in his arms back into the cradle.

Perhaps this was destined, the little guy was quite cooperative, not crying or making trouble, staying quietly in the cradle, but the eyes of the water spirit kept staring at Li Meng.

After putting the little girl in his arms into the cradle, Li Meng turned and walked towards Wang Weiwei step by step.

Seeing Li Meng approaching, Wang Weiwei became a little nervous, she had a bad feeling in her heart.

"You...what are you doing?"

With Li Meng's approach, Wang Weiwei couldn't help but retreat, and said slightly nervously.

Without much language, Li Meng approached Wang Weiwei step by step, while Wang Weiwei kept backing away.

When there was no way to escape behind, Wang Weiwei had to face Li Meng's approach.

Without stopping, Li Meng kept close to Wang Weiwei until the last step fell, and the distance between the two was close at hand.

In Wang Weiwei's uneasy and strange gaze, Li Meng stretched out his hands without saying a word, and hugged Wang Weiwei in his arms as a princess.

" let me down!"

Although Li Meng's body looked thin and weak, his arms seemed so strong.

Being held in Li Meng's arms, the man's breath rushed towards him, making Wang Weiwei's expression very flush.

She seemed a little panicked at Li Meng's sudden rude behavior, but the struggle was so weak.

Without saying much, Li Meng would naturally not listen to Wang Weiwei's words and put her down. Instead, holding Wang Weiwei and striding out to the living room.

"do not do that……"

Struggling is useless, Wang Weiwei can only plead with Li Meng with complex eyes.

But Li Meng was unmoved, and carried Wang Weiwei up to the second floor, and entered a bedroom.

As if realizing what was about to happen, Wang Weiwei's expression became more ruddy.

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