Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1395: Wang Weiwei's Cooking Skills

She never thought that Li Meng would do such a thing to her.

Li Meng remained silent and gently placed Wang Weiwei on the wide bed.

Today's Wang Weiwei is wearing a loose white patterned long skirt, which looks very simple, perhaps because she is experiencing breastfeeding and her chest appears fuller than normal.

She seemed to give up. She stopped struggling while lying on the bed, but turned her head to one side, her face flushed.

At this moment, Wang Weiwei's heart was struggling.

She naturally has no love for the man in front of her, let alone liking it, but the sensitivity of her body makes her in a very excited state. Just smelling the breath of the man in front of her will make her feel uncomfortable. The pleasure of control.

This feeling makes it very difficult for her to cut her teeth, but she does not want to go against the impulse from her body.

She fell...

The desire from the body made her turn her head, and she gazed at Li Meng who was standing by the bed, seeming to blame Li Meng for keeping her waiting.

Seeing Wang Weiwei who was showing her obsession on the bed, Li Meng sighed helplessly.

Wang Weiwei had such a reaction, and the culprit would only be him.

He didn't do anything, but slightly provoked the **** desires in Wang Weiwei's body with the power of his soul.

The torture of **** caused Wang Weiwei to give up the weak line of defense in her heart.

At the bedside, Li Meng sat down, stretched out his right hand, and moved around Wang Weiwei's delicate body.

Every time a sensitive part touches, Wang Weiwei will make a soothing "groan". When Li Meng's right hand inadvertently swept across the edge of her chest, Wang Weiwei couldn't help but grasp Li Meng's chest tightly. Hands, flushed, looked at Li Meng pleadingly.

She is ready...

At this juncture, Li Meng would naturally not shrink.

With a wave of his right hand, Wang Weiwei's dress suddenly turned into fragments in the sound of tearing.

Among the fragments flying around, Wang Weiwei's white body was also exposed to Li Meng's eyes.

Although she has given birth to a child, Wang Weiwei's figure is still as perfect as that, the convex place is convex, the curved place is curved, the curve is very beautiful, and the whole body exudes mature charm.

Facing the beautiful and alluring body in front of him, Li Meng stopped waiting and rushed forward.

Soon after, there was a melody that was sometimes light and sometimes deep in the bedroom.

A fragrant scene is taking place in the bedroom, and the sway of sweat makes the two of them fall into a state of selflessness.

It took more than two hours before calm was restored in the bedroom.

On the wide bed, under a soft blanket, the two embraced quietly.

After some passion, Wang Weiwei's heart has calmed down. She lay lazily in Li Meng's arms, with her white shoulders and half of her breast exposed, looking like that temptation.

"Are you satisfied?"

In her arms, she whispered.

There is no anger or unwillingness, only peace and gentleness.

Li Meng didn't reply to Wang Weiwei's words, but just stretched out his right hand to embrace the slippery waist under the blanket, making Wang Weiwei's delicate body closer to him.

With regard to Li Meng's actions, while helpless, Wang Weiwei also thought more openly.

Maybe the man in front of her is not a good partner, but she has no choice.

Regardless of her previous relationship with him, she belongs to him from this moment on.

In the future, it is impossible for her to escape from the palm of the man next to her. What else can she do?

For Wang Weiwei, her only choice is to compromise and acquiesce in the relationship between the two parties.

The Jiao body moved slightly and nestled in Li Meng's arms. Wang Weiwei whispered softly: "Mei'er should have trouble in a while, get up quickly."

It's in broad daylight now, and the two can't just stay on the bed like this.

Li Meng did not refuse Wang Weiwei's request, and let go of the hand that was holding Wang Weiwei's waist.

Without the restraint around her waist, Wang Weiwei finally gained freedom. She sat up with her hands on the bed.

The soft blanket slid off her body, revealing that beautiful white body.

Feeling Li Meng's fiery gaze, Wang Weiwei's face turned red, and she hurriedly got out of the bed. She walked to the closet with naked body, took out a dress from the closet, and put it on her body in a panic.

The white and flawless skin, the beautiful curves, and the perfect feminine body were completely exposed in Li Meng's eyes. Seeing this scene of boundless scenery, Li Meng remained silent and quietly admired it.

After a while, Li Meng and Wang Weiwei both left the bedroom.

During these two hours, the daughter kept quiet, which made Wang Weiwei relieved.

But thinking about what happened in these two hours, Wang Weiwei's beautiful face was red, and she dared not look at Li Meng beside her.

"Sit for a while, I'll go see Meier!"

Coming to the living room, after saying this to Li Meng, Wang Weiwei hurriedly left.

Seeing Wang Weiwei's hurried departure, Li Meng smiled silently, then sat lazily on the soft sofa.

Wang Weiwei didn't let Li Meng wait for a long time, and soon returned with a calm expression.

Looking at the already dim sky outside the window, before sitting down for a while, Wang Weiwei said to Li Meng: "I'm going to cook, tonight... I will stay for dinner tonight."

The occurrence of the relationship caused some changes to Wang Weiwei, at least when facing Li Meng, naturally a lot.

She also regarded herself as the hostess of this villa, and Li Meng was no longer a guest.

Did Wang Weiwei cook the meal by herself?

Although the spirit body does not need food supplements, Li Meng must stay tonight.

The kitchen is on the side of the living room and is connected to the living room. Looking at the kitchen, Li Meng can see Wang Weiwei who is busy in the kitchen.

As an ordinary person, as a mother, cooking is the most basic ability.

The past life gave Wang Weiwei a good cooking skill. She worked hard in the kitchen, and her skillful appearance was so pleasing to the eye.

Half an hour later...

"Okay, let's eat!"

With a soft whisper from Wang Weiwei in the kitchen, with a dish in one hand, Wang Weiwei walked out of the kitchen.

As Wang Weiwei went in and out of the kitchen, the table was filled with dishes after a short while.

Three dishes and one soup, it can be said to be full of color, flavor and flavor.

"Try it!"

Sitting opposite Li Meng, Wang Weiwei looked at Li Meng expectantly.

Li Meng refused to Wang Weiwei's request, picked up the chopsticks on the table, and tasted a dish.

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