Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1399: The rise of an empire

In the embrace, Li Meng's hands were not idle, sliding lightly on Wang Weiwei's soft body.

From the waist to the hips, to the tight and slender thighs, and finally straight back up, climbing the towering mountain.

Wang Weiwei was breastfeeding, and Shuangfeng was the most sensitive place. The most important place was touched. This made Wang Weiwei's mouth open slightly and let out a numbing "groan" from it.

Looking at the man in front of him in confusion, the fire of eroticism was burning in Wang Weiwei's eyes.

She was no longer patient, let her go, turned over, and straddled Li Meng.

The night is long, and what will happen next is silent.

Time flies quickly, and a new day has arrived unknowingly.

The morning on Nanlin Island is beautiful and extraordinary.

A thick mist rose from the ground, covering everything, even Qingcheng was not listed.

This makes the entire Nanlin Island look like a fairyland.


Opening her eyes in confusion, Wang Weiwei sat up lazily on the bed.

The soft blanket slid off her body, revealing her messy body.

The dress on both shoulders slipped down until her chest, half exposed and crisp, filled her with a lazy flattery.

He stared at him blankly, where the man who was sleeping next to him had disappeared.

Everything that happened yesterday seemed like a dream. Is that a dream?

Of course not. The clarity and physical integration with him is so clear, and Wang Weiwei can still feel that feeling until now.

She seemed to realize something, tidying up her messy dress, Wang Weiwei got out of bed calmly.

In the villa, as she had guessed, Li Meng was not found.

There is no doubt that he is gone.

Sitting in the rocking chair in her daughter's room, Wang Weiwei silently looked at her daughter in the cradle, without knowing what she was thinking.


Mainland Austria, Kingdom of Austria, Darwin City.

What is the general trend?

That is an irresistible force.

For all the kingdoms on the continent of Austria, the front of the First Army is invincible.

In this year’s battle, the seven kingdoms were destroyed one after another. The royal family died and fled. For the superiors, the mainland of Austria is in a struggle for power. For the people, this is one thing. Field change.

Due to the disparity in power, not all kingdoms chose to resist. On October 6, 348 in the new calendar, the last two kingdoms of the Southern Three Kingdoms officially surrendered to the First Army.

At this point, the war on the Austrian continent has completely ended, the Austrian continent has been truly unified, and peace finally fell on this disputed continent.

On this day, the pseudo-royals of the Seven Kingdoms were destroyed, and the Kingdom of Austria officially issued a "recovery" power to the whole country.

With the assistance of the First Army, the people all over the country heard the call from the orthodox Aredir royal family.

"For a hundred years, Austria has been trapped in endless disputes. In this long war of blood and fire, we have lost our relatives and our home. However, our destiny once again favors us, and we have seized the unity. Today, all compatriots in Austria, you will witness the rise of an empire again. Under the leadership of Queen Aredil Gunia, we will usher in a better tomorrow."

The voice from the orthodox royal family changed Ogeria a lot.

The people everywhere who hated the invader of the First Legion also let go of their hatred, because they knew and understood what role the First Legion played in this war of unity.

Peace has a price, and blind hatred will only lead to greater disputes and hatred.

In this way, under the declaration of the Kingdom of Austria, the First Army became a sovereign state with friendly assistance from the invader, and the Kingdom of Austria has truly become a member of the First Army.

In the palace of Darwin City, because of the unification of the mainland, it was also in a busy chaos.

In the king's hall, the court has lasted for two hours.

"There are too many facts to do. We have to put a lot of energy into the matter of Princess Gunia ascending to the throne. There is also a big gap in talents for the dispatch of personnel in various cities and the selection of officials. At this juncture, we have to deal with the chattering nobles. They want to restore the previous enfeoffment system and have obtained their own territory. The disputes in Austria over the past century have made it clear that this system is no longer suitable for existence, and naturally cannot Promise them."

In the empty hall, the voices of the three elders reverberated, though old, but full of energy.

"Although we ministers possess these titles, the aristocracy system has certain drawbacks. If the kingdom wants not to repeat the mistakes of the past, some changes must be made. Since it is a new kingdom, it must be completely washed away. The old ailments, start again."

On certain matters, the opinions of the old three elders are unified.

On the throne, Oriana quietly listened to the opinions of the ministers.

Although Gunia has become the only candidate for the throne, Oriana still needs to control the overall situation before she succeeds. In this tense and important period, only Oriana has the ability to maintain the court.

At the end of the court meeting, she spoke slightly, and in the eyes of the ministers, Oriana said indifferently: "We will discuss the change of the kingdom system. We do not have this time now. The most urgent thing is to gather the rights of the cities in the mainland and establish a slave The right system from top to bottom. In this matter, the First Army has promised to assist and will establish a communication network across the country with Darwin City as the center."

Speaking of this, Oriana looked at the three old men with a majestic gaze, and exhorted: "The three elders should pay more attention to the dispatch of talents. The age facing Ogeria today cannot tolerate the slightest. main idea."

"Yes! I will understand."

This is an era that requires caution, and it is also an era of power vacuum. Only those who seize the opportunity can climb to a higher position. Everyone in the hall does not understand this truth.

After the meeting, Oriana returned to the inner court with a tired look.

The four-hour pilgrimage is something that Olianna rarely experiences.

There are so many problems, the more things that need to be dealt with and thought about, and all kinds of things that need to be thought are rushing back and forth in the mind, and the feeling is uncomfortable.

At this time, Oriana was fortunate to have the three elders. With them, most things can be blocked by them, and she can be a lot easier. You only need to supervise on the side, and the royal family needs to care about the most urgent tasks. Things.

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