Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1400: Candidates for Prince

Returning to the inner court, for Oriana, she couldn't be free, she had another person to meet.

When she returned to the study in the inner court, Gunia and the other person were already waiting.

She was wearing a black bloodline armor, the cloak behind her was particularly conspicuous, and the hood on her head blocked her appearance, making it impossible to know what she was like.

This costume will only be a general of the First Legion, and it is not the first time Oriana has come into contact with this.

As soon as Oliana sat down, Tan Ya's voice rang before she could be polite.

"Political issues, the First Army Corps will have a special team to negotiate with you, I am a soldier, will not participate in anything about the political level, I only have one thing this time, now the Austrian mainland has gotten Unification, the illegal armed forces in various places have been annihilated, our military’s obligations have been completed, and the military will continue to withdraw in half a month. You must deal with the issue of changing defenses as soon as possible."

Austria is very large, which makes the army of the First Army very dispersed. Once the army is dispersed, the logistical pressure is very high. Due to the physical conditions of the soldiers, the First Army cannot use local resources, which causes A very unfavorable consequence, even in the non-war period, the half-million army was like a gold swallowing beast, madly devouring the little remaining funds of the First Army.

As a result, the withdrawal of the army from the mainland of Austria was put on the agenda.

Now that Austria has been unified, and the fall of the pseudo-royal family, the continent of Austria has no war, and it is time for the Kingdom of Austria to take over all rights.

Half a month?

With worries on her face, Oriana said worriedly: "Is this too fast? The change of power requires many things to be dealt with. If the First Army is withdrawn at this time, there will be a power vacuum, without the deterrence of the First Army. , A lot of juveniles will surface, and by then, the kingdom that is in the process of digesting rights will experience great turmoil."

Regarding this question, the First Army had certainly thought of it. What the First Army wanted was a peacefully unified Kingdom of Austria. Naturally, it would not allow the Kingdom of Austria to continue to fall into turmoil.

In the hood, Tan Ya's cold voice appeared again.

"You don't need to worry about this. The army will withdraw one after another in half a month, not all of them. The first army stationed everywhere will leave a small number of troops to garrison until the Austrian Kingdom passes the power buffer period."

Hearing Tanya's words, Olianna was relieved. She should have thought that the First Army would not leave the Austrian mainland without any preparation.

With a faint smile, Oriana whispered: "Thank you for the help of the First Legion, and also thank the general for bothering you. It's almost noon, so let's stay for dinner."

Tan Ya refused to Oriana's invitation without even thinking about it.

"No, I have something to do, it is inconvenient to stay for a long time, goodbye!"

With that, Tan Ya got up from the seat, turned and walked out.

Seeing Tanya's departure, Gu Niya and Oriana looked at each other, and had no choice but to smile.

They knew from beginning to end that the general of the First Legion was not a good master.

Olianna didn't care. Inviting Tanya to stay for dinner was just a matter of politeness. She never thought that Tanya would really stay. If Tanya stayed and accepted her invitation, Olianna would be surprised.


With a sigh of relief, Olianna looked at Guniya.

Oriana spoke slightly, "Gunya, after waiting for the Kingdom of Austria to stabilize completely, it will be your day to succeed to the throne. Before that, you have to learn some basic etiquette, but I can no longer follow the temperament of the martial artist."


To Oriana's instructions, Gunia just responded softly.

At this moment, Gunia knew in her heart that it was her responsibility to succeed the queen.

She can't escape the heavy responsibility on her shoulders, nor can she escape.

Gunia’s good behavior made Olianna very satisfied. She chuckled and said: "After taking the throne, the choice of this prince should also be on the agenda. You are not young, and you must consider marriage matters. The royal family of Radil will continue forever, and the continuation of blood is also your responsibility."


Future partner?

For some reason, Gu Niya thought of Li Meng in her mind.

If anyone can become a prince and her partner, he is probably the only one.


Shook her head lightly, Gu Niya whispered: "No one can restrain him, I can't, neither can the identity of this prince."


Olianna naturally knew who he was about Gunia.

She smiled faintly and comforted: "There are so many men in this world. If he doesn't want it, there are so many men who want to get your heart. With your charm and identity, are you afraid that no man wants it?"

How could it be so simple, Gu Niya knew that she lacked understanding of Li Meng and Oriana, so she said this.

For the prince, for the future partner, if the object is Li Meng, Gu Niya is willing to accept and hope that the two will have a good result, but Gu Niya also knows that this is just a luxury.

The identity of the prince may be very noble, but in his eyes it is probably not worth mentioning.

Does he love himself?

Gu Niya has confidence in her own charm, but she doesn't have any confidence in her heart only about this.

In his eyes, he may like her and love her, but it is probably more possessive.

Gunia could feel this when she was around him.

A man who a woman doesn't want to like only likes and loves herself. As a woman, Gunia is also not listed.

But Gu Niya knew that Li Meng would never belong to her alone.

He is too special, with strange mysterious attributes on his body, which will make people approach him unconsciously, resulting in some changes that even oneself cannot realize.

With a slight sigh, Gu Niya shook her head and said: "Wang Hao, don’t say this in the future. In Bentley, my body and mind are already owned by Li Meng. He is the only man I care about in my life, whether we have a future In any case, I will not allow a second man to appear between me and him. I will not allow it, nor will he allow it."

When she said this, Gunia's expression was very firm, and she would not let anyone shake her mind.

Gu Niya's reaction made Oriana a little curious about Li Meng.

Oriana knew who Li Meng was, but she didn't know.

What he knew was this person, but what he didn't know was his identity in the First Army.

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