Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1401: Unfavorable situation

Seemingly aware of something, Oriana said worriedly: "How will the kingdom blood continue? In this generation, there are no males in the Aredir royal family, only three of you princesses. As the eldest princess, you are the orthodoxy of blood continuation. if you……"

"I will find a way."

Before Oriana was finished speaking, she was interrupted by Gunia.

On this matter, Gu Niya did not want to discuss it.

Oriana knows Gunia very well. At this moment, what Gunia is thinking, how can Oriana know.

Looking at Gunia in deep thought, Oriana reminded: "The identity of the prince is very important. It will give the child an orthodox identity. An illegitimate child is not eligible to inherit the throne and will not be accepted by the public. "

As if Olianna had said what she was thinking in her heart, Gunia's face turned slightly ruddy.

As Oriana said, she had this idea.

As long as she can be pregnant with Li Meng's child, won't the royal blood continue?

But Olianna's reminder made Gu Niya understand that she was a bit simpler.

"There will be a way..."

Gunia can only comfort herself so.

But is there really a way?

Gunia's heart was disturbed.

Leaving the palace, passing through Darwin City, Tanya returned to the port.

On the dock, a silver-gray battleship was docked quietly. Its huge body and streamlined armor gave it a metallic beauty that attracted countless curious eyes on the dock.

This is a heavy cruiser, and Tanya took it to Darwin City.

The end of the war brought Davis back to Tan Ya's side.

As the most trusted tenth-level sergeant under the general, Davis also served as the chief of staff, giving Tan Ya some different opinions on certain matters.

"The war on the Austrian continent has ended, and there is no need for our attention everywhere. When the Austrian Kingdom has digested the territory we have obtained, we can free ourselves from the Austrian continent. Now, we can pay attention Force is placed on the outland of Austria."

In the cruiser's command room, Davis was telling Tanya something that should be noted.

Out of Austria?

Davis' words reminded Tanya of the Danlan Kingdom. One year has passed, and the unification war outside Austria seems to be going very poorly.

Thinking of this, Tan Ya asked: "How is the situation over there."

Tan Ya has not paid attention to the situation outside Austria for months.

Tan Ya knows nothing about what is happening outside of Austria.

Although it can be known from the data terminal, there is no convenience to know from Davis.

Davis replied: "During the stalemate, at the beginning of the war, the Danlan Kingdom launched a surprise attack on the Yasi Kingdom and successfully seized all the cities except the capital, but they were not fast enough and the army's combat literacy was not high enough. It was repelled in front of the capital of the Yasi Kingdom "Gulantan", which led to the failure of the Danlan Kingdom’s blitzkrieg strategy. This gave the Dengsha Kingdom time to react. In the middle of the war, the Danlan Kingdom was attacked on both sides, although it was advanced The weapon trapped the Yasi Kingdom in the capital, but could not go any further. On the other side, the Dengsha Kingdom attacked the Danlan Kingdom with all its strength, making the Danlan Kingdom had to disperse its forces to stop the Kingdom of Dengsha. Invasion, which led to a stalemate with the Three Kingdoms War, no one can move forward, and no one is willing to take a step back."

Having said that, has the Danlan Kingdom's unification battle failed?

Protracted war is not what the First Army wants to see. Although for a war, a year is not long, but for the First Army, a year is long enough and can do many things. .

"What do you think?"

Tanya asked Davis, wanting to hear Davis' opinions on this matter.

In this matter, Davis’s view is very clear. He truthfully said: "Now the war on the mainland of Austria has ended, and the war in Austria has come to dissipate, although the Danlan Kingdom has not Meet the requirements of the First Army, but in this year's war, they have worked hard enough and have proved that they have the ability to command the entire outland of Ogeria, in order to make peace come to Ogeria earlier I think the First Army should immediately intervene in the war outside Austria and end the war as soon as possible."

Intervene in the war?

Although the First Army has done a lot about this matter, Tan Ya still hesitated about intervening in the Austrian Outland War.

It was not the Asi Kingdom that made Tanya hesitate. The strength of the two kingdoms of Dengsha was not worth mentioning in the eyes of the First Legion. Once the First Legion intervened, they would quickly be defeated until they were completely defeated. .

Tanya cares about another matter. The outlying area of ​​Austria and the mainland are originally one. In a certain era, the outlying area of ​​Austria was also the territory of the Kingdom of Austria. Today, Ogeria The mainland has been unified. It stands to reason that the outer regions of Austria should also be under the rule of the Kingdom of Austria.

However, from a political perspective, there is only one country in such a vast Austria, which is not a good thing for the First Army. Therefore, Tanya hopes to have an independent country outside Austria. country.

Previously, the Danlan Kingdom was favored by the First Army and helped it become the only country outside of Austria.

But this premise is that the Danlan Kingdom must unify the outland of Austria by itself.

Judging from the current situation, it is undoubtedly difficult to achieve the goal of reunification only by relying on the Danlan Kingdom's own strength. To achieve the goal of reunification, the only way to get the First Army to intervene in the war is to go.

However, once the First Corps intervened in the war, that meaning completely changed.

Maybe the Kingdom of Austria will ask the First Army to request the outland of Austria.

Although the First Army can definitely refuse, this requires a reasonable reason.

If the Danlan Kingdom unifies the outland of Austria with its own power, then this is a very critical and reasonable reason for the First Army.

This matter has to be considered, not too anxious...

Tan Ya thought so to Davis: "Go, it's time to meet the little queen."

There is only one person who can be called the little queen in Austria, and that is the queen of the Danlan Kingdom "Legodas Catherine".

Soon after, in the port, with several loud whistle sounds, dragged by the tugboat, the huge heavy cruiser slowly left the port.

It took a full half an hour before the huge cruiser entered the wide waters and left the port.

With its own power activated, amid the roar of the "rumbling" engines, the huge battleship gradually moved away and entered the vast sea.

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