Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1404: The Mine and the Devil

Squatting down behind the hillside, Blair slightly stretched out his head and looked into the distant forest.

From this look, Blair discovered how close they were to the target.

The hillside weakened the transmission of sound, which made them miscalculate the distance.

Just below the hillside, in the forest not far away, there is a distance of more than two hundred meters.

A large area of ​​forest was opened up, forming an empty land.

In that open space, countless humans in torn clothes are working, they are digging hard rock with simple iron tools in their hands, and the sound of "ding ding dong dong" came from here.

This seems to be a mine, and those humans are mining ore.

It's just that... this mining method is really primitive, and those human labor seem to be used as slaves.

They are thin and weak, with messy hair, insensitive expressions, dead silence in their eyes, and mechanical and rigid movements.

How is this going?

Blair was a little confused about what he saw.

Wasn't the "Holy City" Sri Erlin destroyed by the devil?

How did these humans come from?

Looking at the scale of human labor outside, the number is probably no less than two thousand. This is still the number of human labor that can be seen in the eyes. There may be more humans in the distance.

Just as Blair was muttering in his heart, a new situation appeared in Blair's eyes.

A group of soldiers wearing gray armor and dog helmets entered Blair's eyes. They held scepters and lined up patrolling the mines. Everywhere they passed, working humans could not make it.

"Sergeant Chief! Look at the sky."

The reminder from the soldier in his ear made Blair look up at the sky.

At this look, Blair frowned slightly and his expression became more alert.

In the sky above the mine, there are some strange things hovering. They are gray and spherical in shape. The small ones are five meters in diameter, and the big ones are ten meters long. There are three in total, two small and one large. Blair also saw a slender figure on the large spherical "devil".

Its water chestnuts are distinct, its body is brownish-red, and its skin is red horny. Its overall image is like a legendary demon, but it is more humanoid, about two meters in size.

It sits on the large ball-shaped demon, and its golden pupils are scanning the mine below.

When he saw it, Blair's expression changed, and he quickly made a retreat gesture to the soldiers behind him.

Quietly, the investigation team retreated into the depths of the forest.

Blair breathed a sigh of relief when he was far away from the hillside and deep into the forest.

"so close……"

Thinking back to the scenes just now, Blair felt afraid for a while.

That is the third type of demon, the most powerful unit of the demon army in the southern continent.

Like the Dark Iron Warriors of the First Legion, they have power far beyond mortals.

Blair can be sure that once this scout team is discovered by it, not to mention the spherical demons, it alone can bring disaster to his team.

In this gloomy forest, it is its home field. In the absence of an open battlefield, soldiers will not be its opponents even if they have more advanced weapons.

Therefore, Blair, who knew he was invincible, did not hesitate, and immediately issued the order to evacuate and stayed away from it.

"Sergeant Chief, what should we do now? There is so little information available, we can't just go back like this."

Of course not, Blair will not give up this intelligence gathering operation because of the appearance of a third-type demon.

The temporary evacuation was just a temporary escape.

Leaning on a big dark tree, Blair sat down and said, "Resting on the spot, waiting for the night to move. Only the locals know what happened to Alcatraz Island. Tonight, we must find a way. Rescued one person to obtain relevant information."

It can only be so. They can do more things in the dark than during the day, and the darkness will be a good cover for them.

There are still a few hours before dark, and then there is a long wait.

Deep in the gloomy forest, everything is quiet. Although there are more things that are not part of the forest, it does not affect the tranquility of the forest.

While waiting, time is slowly passing by.

The sun also slowly set from the east to the west, until it disappeared from the western skyline.

When the sun went west, the light only struggled for a while, and then darkness fell.

The leaving of light and the coming of darkness also caused some changes in the quiet and evil forest.

All kinds of strange noises rang from all directions. It was not the singing of birds, but the roar of the polluting beast.

Although Alcatraz Island is small, it also has its own ecosystem. On this island, there are also creatures.


A long and angry roar suddenly sounded from the depths of the forest, sweeping across the four directions mightily.

The huge roar seems to announce to the creatures in the forest that this forest is its territory.

When the roar swept through and swept the place where the investigation team was, Blair opened his eyes in a false sleep with his eyes closed.

He raised his head slightly and looked towards the sky along the gap between the treetops.

Although the sky is blocked by clouds, occasionally a beam of moonlight shines through the gaps in the clouds, bringing a faint light to this dark earth.

On the screen, the time has been fixed at nine o'clock.

Time is almost up...

From the ground, Blair stood up.

At this time, due to the roar, many soldiers have stood up, consciously guarding the surroundings.

Blair's getting up also drove the other soldiers. In the dark, as the figure shook, the faint blue light beams flickered, and everyone's eyes turned to one person in the dark.

"set off!"

A low-pitched command, although the words are short, the meaning expressed by two words is enough.

In the darkness, the figure was shaking, and after a brief disturbance, the forest became quiet again.

When Blair took the team back to the observation point during the day, the hillside was quiet.

The human beings at work can no longer be seen, there are no ball-shaped demons in the air, and no soldiers patrolling. The entire mine is covered in black.

When the line of sight looked farther, there was a light shining on the northern edge of the mine.

"Go, keep going!"

After observing for a while, when noticing that there was no threat in the mine, Blair gave the order to move on.

To his order, Blair set an example and was the first to walk down the hill towards the mine.

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