Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1405: Watchtower

In the dark, the mine was quiet, with no obvious roads, only large and small rocks.

Quietly, the investigation team touched into the mine and came to the edge of light.

It was a campsite, located on the edge of the mine. In the campsite, large and small tents were everywhere. Piles of burning campfires lit up the darkness and made the campground appear in the darkness.

Under the cover of the terrain, the investigation team came to the edge of the camp quietly.

In terms of defense, the camp is quite weak, with only a wooden fence five meters high on the edge.

Every some distance, there will be a watchtower on the wall, and on the tower you can see a soldier in gray armor and a dog helmet.

Amidst the rocks outside the fence, the investigation team hides here.

Looking at the fire-shrouded camp in the fence, Blair frowned slightly, feeling a little tricky.

Although the defense walls around the camp are weak, they cannot act rashly because of the presence of the watchtower.

Once close to the guard wall, even with the help of dark cover, there is a risk of being discovered.

Although no spherical demon was seen in the air or visible to the naked eye, the soldiers in the camp could not be ignored. Forcibly breaking in, the risk was too great.

"Sergeant Chief! There will be some blind spots in the distance between the observation towers, and we may be able to enter the camp through these blind spots."

As soon as the soldier's words fell, another retort sounded.

"It's dark outside. We can get close to the wall and there is no problem, but what about after entering the camp? The piles of bonfires make the camp bright enough. Once we enter, we will be spotted by the guards on the watchtower before we get close to the camp area. ."

Yes, because there is a wall covering, although the camp is bright, it is completely dark outside. Under the cover of darkness, as long as they are careful enough, they can quietly reach the guard wall, but what about after?

It is no problem for any soldier to cross the five-meter-high wall, because they all carry jetpacks, not to mention this small wall, even the one-hundred-meter-high wall can be easily crossed by some experienced veterans.

"Then get rid of the sentry on the watchtower." Someone made the proposal.

As soon as this proposal appeared, the soldiers' discussions suddenly fell silent, and their eyes turned to the silent Blair.

In one respect, this is the best way.

As long as you kill the soldiers on a watchtower, they can enter the camp without being found.

After thinking a little bit in his mind, Blair no longer hesitated, he said solemnly: "Okay, just do this. Each team pays attention to what I say next, and must complete their respective tasks."

After a short speech, Blair then issued an order, saying: "The third team is responsible for sniping outside. Remember, find a sniper spot with a good enough sight. Once we are discovered and the battle occurs, you must try your best to block the enemy who is pursuing."

"Second, the first team will act with me. When the third team kills the sentry on the watchtower, the second team is responsible for occupying the watchtower and covering the first team into the camp area. Did you hear clearly?"



The captains of each team responded to Blair one by one.

Seeing this, Blair turned his head and looked at the person next to him, and said: "The third team, you can set off. After you are in place, we can start to act."

The soldier who was watched by Blair nodded lightly, turned and said to his team member: "Come with me!"

As soon as the words fell, he turned and left, and the investigation team began to disperse. Some figures left the home team and followed him, disappearing into the darkness.

Soon, Blair heard the report from the third team on the communicator.

"The sniper point has been found, the line of sight is good, and the third team is in place."

The report from the third team caused Blair to look back at the back.

There is a unique vantage point in the southeast of the mine. Blair knew that that vantage point would be the only place the third team could choose.

When he retracted his gaze from the rear, Blair said solemnly: "Go."

An order was given, and second, the first team began to follow Blair.

With the help of darkness, second, the first team left the chaotic stone forest and quietly approached the wall.

The world outside the wall was dark, and I saw a figure flickering in the darkness. Second, the first team came quietly under the wall.

Although right under his nose, the sentry on the watchtower still did not find Blair and his party under the fence.

Leaning against the wooden wall, Blair looked up at the top.

Here, they are safe and there is no possibility of being discovered.

The watchtower is above them, and they are in the blind spot of the watchtower below. Even in the daytime, the sentry on the watchtower will not notice the bottom.

With a slight wave, Blair motioned to the soldiers behind him to keep quiet.

Although they are in a blind spot, the sentry on the watchtower can't see them, but if it causes some movement, the sentry can hear them, even at this time, they still can't be careless.

Having arrived at the designated location, Blair contacted the third team and whispered: "In place, solve it."

But for five seconds, only a flash of fire was seen in the distant darkness, and the sound of bullets breaking through the air came immediately.


Just hearing the sound of a metal collision, a spark burst out of the dog's helmet on the sentry on the watchtower.

The sentry fell...

"The mission is complete, the sentry is... not good, he got up."

Just when the third squad thought that it had completed the mission and killed the sentry, an abnormal change suddenly appeared. The sentry that had fallen down shook his head and stood up.

The dog helmet protected him well. Although the bullet hit his head, it was blocked by the helmet. However, the impact from the bullet also made him fall into a brief period of confusion.

The warning from the third team made Blair's face changed, and they were about to be exposed.

With a grim face, before he could hesitate, Blair dropped the gun in his hand and drew the dagger from his waist.

The jet pack started, and the turbine nozzle spewed orange flames outward.

Under the powerful thrust, Blair leaped up and rushed to the watchtower with lightning speed.

The speed was very fast, but within a few seconds, Blair rushed into the watchtower.


With the appearance of Blair, the sentry just regained consciousness, and his eyes met.

After a roar, both of them reacted very quickly.

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