Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1406: Kobold soldier

The sentry raised the scepter in his hand and pointed it at Blair. The scepter in his hand seemed to be a weapon.

Blair rushed towards the sentry with a dagger in his hand.

One was active, the other was passive. Before the sentry attacked, Blair got close to the sentry.


In the splash of sparks, the dagger pierced deeply into the sentry's chest.

The impulse and Blair's own strength gave the dagger a powerful piercing ability. Although the armor of the sentry had a certain protective ability, the dagger still pierced it.

The heart was pierced, and the sentry did not die immediately. He was struggling and whimpering in his mouth.

In order to prevent him from making too much movement, Blair supported him with one hand and kept him in a standing position, while holding the dagger in the other hand and twisting...

This twist made the sentry completely limp and stopped moving.

After all this, Blair took a deep breath.

so close……

If he hesitated for a while and gave the sentries more time, then they would really be exposed.

Fortunately, he decided to take a bet, and the result was satisfactory. Fate took care of him.


The silence in the channel made the soldiers below squeeze a cold sweat.

They don't know what happened in the watchtower, they only saw the master rushing into the watchtower.

"I'm fine, follow the plan, the second team, you can come up, don't use jetpacks."

The response from Blair let the investigating team below breathe a sigh of relief, too late to be happy, they immediately launched an action.

When the jetpack is activated, it will produce a tail flame, which is still obvious in the dark.

It is not easy to be spotted by one person with the help of the campfire in the camp, but when multiple people use it together, the chance of exposure will increase. At this knot, there can be no more troubles.

Fortunately, the investigation team has a variety of methods in overcoming obstacles.

The most primitive method is climbing. Using the power assistance of combat uniforms, every soldier has a certain climbing ability.

In the darkness, the investigating team began to climb on the fence, moving upwards bit by bit like a gecko.

The climbing process went smoothly. The first team successfully surpassed the wall, while the second team continued to move up and boarded the watchtower.

"Sergeant Chief! What is this thing?"

The soldiers were very curious about the existence of the dog helmet.

Is it human?

Perhaps it is because these dog-head soldiers are the same size as humans, and the dog helmet may be just a symbolic helmet.

Whether it is human or not, Blair also doesn't know.

However, Blair was also curious about this.

He gestured to the soldiers of the second squad. The two soldiers moved forward clearly, and jointly took off the dog helmet on the sentry's head.

It really is human...

Under the dog's helmet, it was an ordinary human face.

Perhaps because of death, his face was pale, and there was a golden mark on his forehead, which seemed to have some symbolic meaning.

Satisfied with curiosity, the soldiers put on dog helmets for the dead sentry again.

Although he killed humans with his own hands, Blair didn't feel much in his heart.

In the past two years, he has not killed less people, and he killed all human beings. The sentry he was cutting tonight was not the first person he killed, and it will not be the last.

Before leaving, Blair said to the reconnaissance team in the watchtower: "Pay attention to the movement of the watchtowers around you. If something is abnormal, report it to me immediately."


Leaving from the watchtower, Blair joined the first team on the ground.

"let's go!"

Time does not wait for people. The longer they stay in the camp, the higher the chance of them being found.

Blair knew clearly the dangers in this camp, and he had to proceed with caution.

Each watchtower has its own monitoring area. In the controlled watchtower monitoring area, as long as you do not leave the monitored area, as long as it is not discovered by the patrol in the camp, the safety of the first team can be guaranteed.

Cautiously, crossing the buffer zone between the fence and the camp, the first team successfully entered the camp area.

By the side of a dilapidated camp, Blair stopped. He waved his hand slightly and pointed to the camp in front of him.

The soldiers moved forward clearly, approaching the camp, listening to the movement in the tent.

The camp was quiet, there was no sound, only a faint sound of breathing.

There is a breathing sound, which means that there are people in the tent, and a long breathing sound means that the people in the tent are falling asleep.

After Blair nodded, the soldiers drew the daggers from their waists, lightly pierced the tent, and entered the tent through the cut.

The camp is large, but the internal space is very small and very dim.

It's messy inside, and traces of the bed can be seen.

There were five people lying in the camp, and their tiredness during the day made them sleep soundly, so much so that the investigating team entered the tent, and none of them woke up, they were still asleep.

Waved to the soldiers not to make too much movement, Blair moved forward and observed the five people in the tent.

In the end, Blair chose a younger and weaker man.

The mission this time is investigation, not rescue operation. Only one of these five people will be taken away.

Pointing at the thin young man, the two soldiers stepped forward clearly and came to the thin man's side.

One of the soldiers took out a syringe filled with blue liquid from his waist.

This is a coma potion. As long as the injection is in the body, a person will fall asleep in a few seconds.

Just as the soldier took the injection and was about to **** the young man's neck, the sleeping young man suddenly opened his eyes.


A panicked rant suddenly sounded in the dim camp.

The soldiers did not expect the young man to wake up suddenly. They did not expect the young man to wake up at this time.

The young man's exclamation also awakened the others in the camp.



Seeing that the five sleeping people were all awake, the soldiers on standby had to take out the syringes around their waists and use force to control the five people who were not fully awake. The syringes in their hands were inserted into their necks.

They were all unarmed ordinary people, who would be the opponents of the soldiers. After a brief riot, the five of them fell into a coma.

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