Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1407: Gaze from the sky

Seeing the five people lying on the bunk, the soldiers looked at each other with a look of rejoicing.

Fortunately, they only let them say a word. If they keep yelling and attract the attention of other people in the camp, they can't continue to hide.

"Sergeant Chief! What should I do now?"

The medicine in the syringe is very fierce. If an ordinary person is injected with one injection, I am afraid that they will have to fall asleep for a day, not to mention these tortured and thin people. Whether they will wake up tomorrow morning is still unknown.

It is impossible for five people to be taken away, and Blair does not want to know what the fate of the other four people awaits them.

Without hesitation, looking at the young man in a coma, Blair said coldly: "Take him, let's go."

With a clear order, a soldier hurried forward and pulled the young man up from the ground, resisting his shoulders.

Looking at the four sleeping people on the ground again, Blair turned around and said, "Go!"

Following Blair, the soldiers quickly left the tent and returned along the same path

In the camp, the reconnaissance team evacuated very quickly, approaching the wall quickly and lightly under the weak fire light.

Everything seemed silent, no one noticed them.

In the dark night, the campsite was very quiet, only a pile of bonfires were crackling, and that was the only clear audible sound in the campsite.

In the sound of slight footsteps, the first team trot in the buffer zone between the fence and the camp area.

This is a very dangerous area, and they must leave this empty place to avoid being noticed by certain eyes in the dark.

But Blair, and the investigating team's personnel did not know that there was a pair of golden eyes looking at them high in the sky.

Above, under the heavy clouds, in the darkness, a billowing spherical demon is floating high in the sky. On its body, there is a slender figure, a humanoid demon.

When a trace of blood wafted over the camp, it spotted the group of uninvited guests below.

Looking down, its golden pupils are very calm, at least for now, it doesn't intend to do extra things.

It still needs to wait, wait patiently.

But it didn't know it, and the other pair of eyes were also looking at it on the land below.

The pace of advancement paused slightly, and Blair's face became tense in the helmet.

"OK?" He confirmed again.

"I'm sure, it's still staying at about 600 meters high in the air. It's been there all the time, and it hasn't moved."

The affirmative answer from the third team made Blair's face very unsightly.

Crisis, Blair felt an unprecedented crisis.

"When did it appear?" Blair calmed down and asked again.

"It appeared soon after you entered the camp area."

In other words, has it stayed high in the sky for a long time?

What is it waiting for?

With a light breath, Blair said to the stopped soldier: "Keep walking, don't stop."

With that, Blair continued walking, and the soldiers followed closely.

As he approached the wall, Blair's brain quickly turned around.

There is no doubt that their whereabouts have been exposed, but for whatever reason, the demon who discovered that they did not attack them, but was watching from a high altitude.

Although the reason is unknown, the demon's wait-and-see attitude is an opportunity for the investigation team to escape from here.

Blair thought this way and whispered to the team: "Keep it natural and don't look to the sky. Evacuation of the camp is the first priority. Other things will be discussed after leaving here."

The purpose is clear, Blair hastened the pace.

When Blair brought the first team to the guard wall, the second team on the watchtower was ready to evacuate.


With an order, the soldiers moved quickly, following Blair over the city wall one by one.

Outside the wall, in the darkness, every figure swayed, gradually moving away, and then disappeared without a trace.

Blair was relieved to have successfully evacuated from the camp.

While passing through the mine, while approaching the dense forest on the other side of the mine, Blair contacted the third team.

"You should have not been discovered by it yet. Now you are working separately. The first and second squads are responsible for containing it. Before we know its clear purpose, we cannot leave Alcatraz Island, let alone return to the fleet. It is monitoring us, and yours The task is to monitor it, to ensure that it is always in your sight."

"Yes, I will stare at it, it is moving now, just above your head."


Blair didn't look to the sky, no matter what purpose the devil had, at least he had no desire to fight the devil now, he had more important things to do.

The evacuation proceeded in an orderly manner. Soon after, Blair led the first and second teams into the forest.

On the other side, the third team was also monitoring the movement of the demon in the sky while hiding its whereabouts.

Can you escape the devil's surveillance in the dense forest?

Blair didn't have this plan. Since the demons allowed them to escape into the forest, it showed that the demons had absolute confidence in this aspect and Blair could not take risks.

In the following, Blair did not panic in the forest, but stopped somewhere in the forest.

Although they don't know what the devil's purpose is, they are safe now. Even if the devil launches an attack on them at this moment, it is not known who will kill them, and there is no need to always care about the threat it brings.

Although it was late at night, when the team stopped, Blair immediately contacted the fleet.

"That's how it happened. Our whereabouts have been exposed, but the devil's reaction is very strange. It found us but did not attack us. Instead, it allowed us to leave and only monitored us in the air."

"We have managed to rescue a local resident, and he is really in a coma now. When he wakes up, we will know what happened on Alcatraz Island."

It was late at night, but Monvi and Burair on the "Thunder" did not sleep.

When they received a communication from Blair, the two suddenly became energetic.

Blair's report is very clear, and this allows the two to know the dilemma facing the investigation team on Alcatraz at this time.

Sitting on the captain’s chair, looking at Blair’s calm face on the screen in front of him, Meng Wei said solemnly: “You have done a good job. You have done what you should do. Continue to complete your mission. Now Alcatraz The situation is unknown. I cannot give you too much promise, but I assure you that I will not leave any of you behind."

To Mengwei's promise, Blair's expression did not change much. He solemnly said: "Please rest assured! Guarantee to complete the task."

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