Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1408: Robert William

As the screen flickered, communication was interrupted.

Things are a bit tricky...

Frowning, Mengwei fell into thinking.

The power of the investigation team is limited, and if its whereabouts are discovered, it will fall into a very dangerous situation.

Being spied by a powerful demon, even if the demon at this time does not have the idea of ​​attacking the detection team, the existence of the devil is undoubtedly a time bomb. Whenever this bomb will fall, the detection team may be dangerous. Up.

At this time, Burair on the side said: "We only have three warships and less than two hundred soldiers on board. We cannot support a large-scale war. This time our mission is to investigate, not fight. We should Actively control the scale of the battle."

Speaking of this, Burrell suggested: "Send the Dark Iron Warriors. They have extraordinary powers. At this time, only the Dark Iron Warriors can help the investigation team safely evacuate Alcatraz Island."

Dark Iron Warrior?

Meng Wei certainly knew what power the Dark Iron Warriors possessed, but likewise, their number was very small.

For this reconnaissance mission, Mengwei was only allowed to take three Black Iron Warriors, and they were on the "Thunder".

Before the expedition, Mengwei was clearly warned by the Navy Command that it was forbidden to send the Dark Iron Warriors to do some mortal missions that could not return, and the Dark Iron Warriors must be brought back safely as much as possible.

As far as the current situation is concerned, sending the Dark Iron Warrior is indeed the most appropriate choice.

Because the opponents of the investigation team are demons, in terms of individual strength, only the Dark Iron Warriors have the ability to fight them.

After hesitating for a while, Mengwei forgot the warning from the Naval Command.

There will be some tolerance outside. The biggest reason for bringing the Black Iron Warrior is to deal with the situation like this one. At this time, Meng Wei couldn't care too much.

Although he understood that the Navy Command cherished the Dark Iron Warriors, because every Dark Iron Warrior was their comrade in the past, and the living soldiers might have a second chance to rebirth, but the Dark Iron Warriors are gone.

With a slight face, Meng Wei said solemnly: "As you said, let the Dark Iron Warriors set off immediately, find the reconnaissance team, and bring them back. In addition, order the fleet to retreat back 20 nautical miles immediately."

The retreat of the fleet twenty nautical miles was not for Mengwei to be timid, but a prudent approach.

The reason why the demon of the surveillance and reconnaissance squad allowed the reconnaissance squad to leave may be looking for the existence of the fleet.

Alcatraz Island is located in the sea. It is an isolated island in the true sense. The detection team wants to reach Alcatraz Island by taking a large ship. Maybe at this time, the devil is searching the waters around Alcatraz Island.

At this time, if the fleet is still within the visible range of Alcatraz, it will undoubtedly increase the risk of exposure.

With the roar of the "rumbling" engine, the fleet moored on the sea set sail again in the darkness, making a sharp turn of 180 degrees, gradually moving north.

When the fleet set sail, in the darkness, a speedboat left the fleet and sailed to the distant Alcatraz Island.

Time is passing. On Alcatraz, the scout team spent a long night in the forest.

When the darkness dissipated and the light shrouded the earth again, a new day came.

In the early morning, when everything recovers, Alcatraz Island seems very peaceful.

At night, the forest is full of commotion, and the roar of polluting beasts can be seen everywhere.

As soon as the darkness left, the forest fell silent, silent and dead.

The gloom in the forest made this dead silence even more terrifying, and a gloomy feeling was revealed everywhere.

But for the reconnaissance team, such an environment will only make them more at ease, because in the forest, they can better hide themselves, thus avoiding exposure to the eyes of powerful enemies.

"How's it going?"

The basic quantum signal technology has freed the First Army from the trouble of communication.

No matter where they are, no matter how far away they are, as long as they are on this planet, the two can communicate unimpeded.

Of course, no matter how powerful a signal is, a medium is needed, a device for receiving and sending signals.

The power combat uniforms worn by the soldiers do not have this function for the time being, and need to use the communication tower on the warship for transit.

But the entire Alcatraz island is within the signal coverage of the fleet. On this island, no matter how far away the third team is from them, both sides can communicate well.

Faced with his inquiry, Blair quickly got a response from the third team.

"It's still there, it's always there, right above your head."

In other words, even if they are hidden in the forest, can the demons in the sky find them?

In this case, it might not be easy to get rid of the demon's surveillance.

Unless you encounter a terrain that can block the line of sight from the sky, although the forest is dense, there are always gaps to be found, especially when standing at a high place and looking down vertically, you can see the situation in the forest more clearly.

This is probably the reason why the devil can always follow them.

Although the report from the third team did not bring any benefit to the situation encountered by the current investigation team, it at least let Blair know that the threat lies in the sky.

"Sergeant Chief! He is awake."

At this time, a soldier approached Blair and said to him.

Is he awake?

Of course Blair knew who he was referring to.

Disconnected from the third team, Blair got up and stood up and walked to the other side.

Not far away, under a big tree, Blair saw him awake, the young man who was rescued from the camp by the investigation team last night.

He seemed to be very scared, looking at the soldiers surrounding him timidly, his eyes full of fear.

When Blair appeared, he took a step back, watching Blair approaching in fear, leaning against the damp tree.

In front of the young man, about three meters away from the young man, Blair stopped.

Looking at the frightened young man, Blair said: "Don't be afraid, we are not malicious, what is your name?"

What Blair said is a common language. This language was very popular before the Dark Ages. Today, two-thirds of the world's countries speak this language, especially some large countries.

Most of the residents on Alcatraz are descendants of the cult empire, descendants of some soldiers, and should be familiar with this language.

Sure enough, the reaction on the young man's face clearly understood Blair's words.

He said timidly in the same language: "Robert William."

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