Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1409: Sikkim

Looking at the figures shrouded in metal armor, William was very scared.

He didn't know what happened, the memory in his mind stayed at the moment before going to bed.

In his sleep, it seemed that someone awakened him, but he didn't know what happened afterwards. After waking up, he saw the group of people in front of him, and he was in the damp forest.

"You...who are you?"

Looking at the figures in metal armor beside him, William was very puzzled.

Regarding William's question, Blair said: "We are humans, belonging to the First Legion, from the outside, we need to know what happened to Alcatraz Island, and you must tell us everything you know."

The first legion?


As if thinking of something, William was delighted and quickly said: "Are you here to save us?"

"Yes, this is also one of our goals, but we need to know enough about the situation on Alcatraz."

Blair didn't lie. Although his mission to Alcatraz this time was just "reconnaissance", the next time he came to Alcatraz, he would not be a scout team, but an army.

If the residents of Sri Erlin were still alive, the First Army would naturally shelter them.

When he confirmed what he was thinking from Blair, William seemed very happy.

He was very excited and said: "Great, you are finally here, what you want to know, everything I know will tell you."

Blair said: "Then start from the beginning. We have time. Let's start with how Sirierlin fell."

With a sigh of relief, William's expression returned to calm, and he fell into the memory.

"It happened so suddenly, Silil Forest City had no defense at all. Those large and small spherical demons just fell from the sky. Their numbers were overwhelming, almost covering the entire sky of Silil Forest City, in a short time. Within, Sri Erlin fell."

"Demons are evil, but they did not slaughter the residents of the city, but gathered us together. Young and strong men were sent outside the city, while the old and weak women and children were imprisoned in the city, in the forest. , We built one camp after another with our own hands, and then, driven by the devils, we used simple iron tools to mine a burst of unknown ores in the earth."

Devil believer?

Blair asked: "The soldiers wearing dog helmets?"

Nodding lightly, William said solemnly, "Yes, they are humans, they treat demons as gods, and claim to be believers of gods. They are very strong, holding a scepter that can emit blue rays. That kind of weapon is very strong. At the beginning, many of us fought back, but they were all suppressed by those demon believers."

A weapon that can shoot blue rays?

In this way, the scepter in the hands of those kobold soldiers should be an energy weapon.

According to this situation, the demons on the southern continent may have technology that humans can't imagine.

"Do you know the use of those ores?"

On the small Alcatraz island, the demons actually drove the humans to mine. This can only show that the mines on Alcatraz island are extraordinary, maybe it is an extremely precious mineral.

William shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I once heard the devil believer talk about it, saying that it is a kind of ore called "Sijin". In the mine, once the ore is mined, it will be shipped to "Sriel." Lin "City, then was transported away by a super-large spherical demon, as for where it got up I don't know."


This should be a kind of metal. Blair has heard someone talk about "Sikkim" for the first time.

Is it a very precious metal material?

At this time, William continued: "There are many mines like this on Alcatraz Island. Each mine has tens of thousands of human laborers like us. Do you know why there is always a white cloud floating in the sky? It’s because there is an active volcano in the northern part of Alcatraz Island. The mines there accidentally dug an underground lake. The lake water flows into the lava-filled volcano, and a steady stream of water vapor lifts into the sky. A thick cloud is formed."

Hearing this, Blair understood slightly.

It turns out that the white clouds in the sky are a natural phenomenon. Before that, Blair thought it was some kind of devil's method.

After learning the real situation from William, Blair had a feeling of being manipulated by fate.

If the underground lake has not been dug up, the white clouds in the sky will not exist, and the white clouds in the sky will not exist, there will be no reconnaissance mission. The First Army can use satellites in orbit to monitor the situation on Alcatraz Island.

William's words let Blair learn more about Alcatraz.

Now the real situation has emerged. The devil occupied Alcatraz Island not to destroy the holy city "Sriellin", but to some kind of mineral deposits on Alcatraz Island. Otherwise, the devil would not rush to mine on Alcatraz Island. Its purpose has been revealed.

Upon hearing this, Blair knew that their investigation mission had been completed.

Looking at William, Blair said, "Thank you for your cooperation."

After speaking, Blair turned and left.

Coming to a thick tree, Blair stopped for a while and contacted the fleet.

"This is a report from the Sergeant "Blair". The situation on Alcatraz Island gradually became clear. The reason why the devil attacked Alcatraz Island should be for a kind of metal ore called "Sijin". If this metal ore is precious enough, There should be a large army of demons on this island. We will try to leave Alcatraz Island under the surveillance of the enemy and ask for acceptance."

The transmission of the signal was only an instant, and the Monvi Fleet on the Thunder received a report from Blair on the distant sea.


From Blair's report, Mengwei heard a very strange word.

Looking back at Burair beside him, Mengwei said, "Do you know what this "Sikkim" is?"

"I don't know!"

Burair shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

Like Monvi, Bur Air has heard of the metal ore "Sikkim" for the first time.

Burrell suggested: "Report to Naval Command."

It can only be so...

Without thinking about it, Mengwei said, "Reply to Sergeant Blair, saying that their mission has been completed and they can return. The fleet will be ready to meet them, and the speedboat team will wait for them on the shore."

After the order was given, Mengwei did not delay even a second, opened the holographic console in front of him, and reported the intelligence obtained during the investigation to the Naval Command.

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