Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1410: crisis

In Alcatraz, Blair quickly received a clear reply from the fleet.

In the communicator, Blair first contacted the third team.

"The third team, abandon the surveillance of the air demons, immediately withdraw from Alcatraz Island and return to the fleet."

The third team was puzzled about this order, and confirmed on the communicator: "Sergeant Blair! Please repeat your order."

In the helmet, Blair's expression was very calm. He knew why the third team was puzzled by his orders.

He said again: "The order is clear, you must evacuate first."

After a little silence, a reply from the third team sounded in the communicator.

"The Chief Sergeant, please withdraw this order. We are in the dark. Even if there is a fight, we can cover your evacuation. We are a group and we must go together."

The third team didn't know that Blair's order was for them to escape from the land of Alcatraz Island.

Blair said: "The environment we live in is not open. There is no such thing as who is covering whom in this dense forest. Once you emerge from the dark, you will step into the same predicament as ours. This is our only one. If you have the opportunity, follow the order and leave immediately."


This is an order. Even if the heart is not willing to give up the first, the second team flees alone, but the third team has to say: "Understood, we will evacuate immediately. May death bless you and good luck."

Grim Reaper...

Although Blair is not a believer, at this moment, he also hopes that the **** of death believed in the First Legion can hear their prayers and protect them to evacuate safely.

Even if Alcatraz Island is destined to become the end of his life, he also hopes that he will have a second chance to rebirth, continue to carry out his responsibilities as a soldier, and look at the world in another attitude.

In the helmet, Blair's expression became solemn.

He turned around and glanced at the soldiers everywhere in the forest, and said solemnly: "Everyone... is going to evacuate."

The order to evacuate caused the soldiers to look back at Blair, focusing on Blair.


In other words, is their task completed?

Without time to hesitate, the soldiers moved immediately and began to reclaim some life equipment in the forest.

Soon, the soldiers were ready to evacuate.

Looking up, Blair looked up, his gaze towards the sky through the gap between the treetops.

In the sky, at that extremely high place, Blair could see a small black spot. Through zooming in on the screen, he could clearly see that it was a ten-meter-class spherical demon, and it was still faintly visible on the devil’s body. Seeing a slender figure, of course, this slender figure is only compared with the spherical demon.

For humans, its physique is already burly enough.

When he retracted his gaze, Blair said to everyone: "Go!"

In the gloomy forest, under the leadership of Blair, the investigating team began to evacuate, heading south where it had come.

Just as Blair led the first and second squads to withdraw to the south, on the other side, the third squad that evacuated first discovered a situation that they had never expected.

After a big fallen tree, the third team hid here, lowering their body as much as possible to reduce the chance of being found.

The air was trembling, and there was a "buzzing" resounding in the forest. The sound was very penetrating. Although it was not very loud, it caused subtle vibrations of everything.

Above their heads, a large number of spherical demons were galloping past the treetops.

Among the demons, the three huge spherical demons are particularly conspicuous. They are huge, with a diameter of 100 meters. They are floating in the air like a big mountain. Wherever they pass, a "buzzing" roar resounds through the earth. .

This is a demon fleet consisting of three hundred-meter-class spherical demons, ten ten-meter-class spherical demons, and twenty five-meter-class spherical demons.

Looking up from the forest, the members of the third team could see the huge figure of three hundred-meter-class spherical demons. While feeling the hugeness of the hundred-meter-class spherical demons, the soldiers also looked at the bottom of the spherical demons. When we arrived at a huge blue coil, it seemed to be the power source of the hundred-meter-class spherical demon. The roar of the "buzzing" seemed to come from the blue coil. Near the blue coil, the air was also twisting.

The speed of the demon fleet group was not slow, and it flew over the head of the third team in just a few breaths.

Not far away, in a small basin about one mile away, the demon fleet stopped.

As the third team was watching, three hundred-meter-class spherical demons slowly descended and landed on the ground.

Immediately, there was a commotion not far away.

Because of the high ground, the place where the devil landed was an empty river bank, and the soldiers who secretly observed it could see the distant scene.

A round hatch was opened on the 100-meter-class spherical demon that landed on the river bank, and a large number of soldiers wearing chain armor and dog helmets lined up from the hatch.

They lined up on the river bank in unison.

The densely packed figures are continuous, and the number is less than two thousand.

Seeing this scene, the third team was shocked, but also issued a warning to Blair for the first time.

"Sergeant Chief, there is an army landing about ten miles southeast of you. Their target is likely to be you. Please evacuate as soon as possible."

When the third team issued a warning to Blair, Blair was leading the first and the second team was walking in the forest.

The warning from the third team was so sudden, causing Blair, who was walking in the woods, to give a slight pause.

An army?

At this time, Blair realized one thing.


Why did the demon above their heads just monitor them? Now, Blair found a reason.

It is the commander of the devil, and it is waiting for the arrival of its own army.

In other words, before that, on Alcatraz Island, the power of the demons was limited, so it delayed the attack on them.

Now that the demon army has arrived, it means that the demon has increased its vigilance.

Now, it is time to eliminate them.

Thinking of this, Blair was a little annoyed. He was too cautious. If he could evacuate in time last night, presumably the devil above his head would not risk being killed to stop them.

And now, it's too late.

The demon army arrived, and their situation became even more dangerous.

"Sergeant Chief, a group of five-meter round demons are flying in the direction where you are. Please be careful to hide."

At this time, an emergency alert from the third team sounded in the communicator.

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