Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1411: Sabotage

This made Blair's face changed. He raised his hand and said loudly: "Hidden, hide immediately."

The sudden order to get up made the walking soldiers stunned for a moment, and then reacted and dispersed in a rush, looking for places to hide in the forest.

Under a big rotting tree, Blair was hiding here, and he watched the sky warily.

The third team will not be too far away from them, and the flying demons will not be too slow.

Sure enough, in less than two minutes, a "buzzing" sound rang from above the head of the investigation team.

The sound moved from far to near, and for a moment, multiple dark nights roared through the sky above the treetops, very fast.

Although only a black shadow flashed by, Blair also saw the chubby body clearly.

Is that a demon?

Yes, demons are just a name, because they don't know the demons in the southern continent, so they are called demons.

Those chubby demons are obviously not some kind of life, but a kind of weapon, flying weapon.

Similar to human fighters, but more versatile, can be transported, and can also be used for combat.

"They are back!"

A low warning made the investigating team hiding in the forest nervous.

The spherical demons in the sky did not leave, hovering in the sky, circle after circle, seeming to be looking for them.

The surveillance from the sky demon allows the spherical demon to know the specific location of the scout team, but due to the dense woods, they cannot see the hidden soldiers.

They hovered in the sky, circle after circle, not fast, but not slow, obviously a slightly bloated spherical shape, but they appeared to be very flexible while flying in the air.

They are impatient, maybe they have received some instructions, they are flying in the air, sticking out the hideous barrels from their bodies.

The blue light flickered, and only a few "suds" bursts into the air, the spherical demon opened fire.

Blue fireballs shot out from the barrel, falling into the forest like meteors.

"Boom! Boom!"

As the blue flame rose, a violent explosion occurred in the forest.

In a ball of flames, a large number of trees were blown to pieces by the lazy waist, and fell to the ground with the sound of "creaking".

With the blue fireballs falling from the sky, in the wild bombardment of the spherical demons, they finally reached the detection team hidden in the forest.

Although most of the blue fireball was blocked by dense woods, when the violent explosion shredded the forest, the branches above the head fell, and the detection team had to leave the hiding place.

"Withdraw, withdraw at full speed."

Zang couldn't hide, Blair could only give an order to evacuate.

With the jet pack running at full power behind him, Blair sprinted and jumped to William hiding in the bushes, grabbed William without saying a word, carried him on his shoulders, and ran south at full speed.

Above their heads, amid a piercing "creak", a large tree with a lazy waist was severed collapsed, just hitting the bush where William was.

Amid the roar of the turbine nozzles and the gloomy forest, the soldiers evacuated to the south at full speed, sometimes ran, sometimes jumped up with the thrust of jet backpacks, and flew over a distance of tens of meters, which made the soldiers stay in the forest. The running speed is extremely fast.

But no matter how fast they were, they could not catch up with the spherical demon in the sky.

"Boom! Boom!"

In the sky, blue fireballs kept falling, exploding above the soldiers' heads.

In the powerful explosion, the forest was completely overturned, and from time to time, blue fireballs passed through the forest and plunged into the forest.


A blue fireball fell from the sky and landed in the forest.

With a loud noise, a group of blue flames surging up, and a powerful shock wave entrained the flames to ravage everything around.


A soldier was too close to the location of the explosion and was hit by the shock wave immediately. He flew more than ten meters away, and hit a thick tree with a "bang".

Fortunately, the power combat uniform protected him very well and slowed most of the damage from the impact, making him only feel a burst of blood and energy.

When he landed, he quickly got up and continued to flee, but he was already behind.

The trees above his head had been lifted by a layer, and he was exposed to the eyes of the spherical demon.

In the sky, a spherical demon swooped toward him, and a blue fireball shot out from the muzzle, falling towards him like a meteorite from the sky.


I saw a flash of blue light, and the fireball falling from the sky hit the opposite side beside him, causing a violent explosion.

The surging flame directly swallowed him...

The lack of firepower and the gap in military power put the investigation team into an absolute disadvantage.

Without anti-aircraft weapons, the reconnaissance team has nothing to do with the demons in the air, and can only passively avoid and escape.

The enemy seemed to know that the reconnaissance team did not have the ability to deal with aerial targets. The spherical demon originally hovering in the air directly reduced its speed and flew slowly in the air above the treetops to perform a more precise bombardment of the reconnaissance team fleeing in the forest.

This time, the fleeing investigation team was even more embarrassed.

"Sergeant Chief, you can't go on like this. If we can't get rid of them, even if we successfully reach the coast, we won't have time to board the speedboat. We must find a way to get rid of them."

Solve them?

How to deal with it?

Among the weapons owned by the reconnaissance team, the most powerful is the sniper rifle.

But the power of the sniper rifle is limited and cannot cause much damage to the spherical demon in the air.

At this time, once it stops, it will be wiped out by the fire.

It can be said that at this time, they have no other way except escape.

Just as Blair was in a dilemma, there was a piercing sound in the forest ahead.

In Blair's eyes, three black figures shot out from the forest, accompanied by three lights rising into the sky.

The sky rising like a sharp arrow hit the three demons floating above the forest.

Looking up, Blair knew what the three screaming lions were. They were the big swords in the hands of the black iron warriors.

Under the powerful force, the great sword possessed incredible abilities, successfully piercing the armor of the spherical demon, and almost all the handles sank.


In the sky, the spherical demon that was hit by the big sword exploded and was martyred.

A powerful shock wave swept around with blue flames. Three spherical demons were killed. Under the close blessing, the power of the explosion was superimposed. Amid the huge explosion, a huge blue mushroom cloud rose into the sky. The nearby spherical demons were too close, swept by a powerful shock wave, and staggered to the forest.

Not long after, a series of explosions occurred in the distant forest.

The few surviving spherical demons were also affected by the shock wave of the explosion and moved away in a shaky flight attitude.

The attack of the Black Iron Warriors unexpectedly caused unimaginable results and completely eliminated the threat from the air.

The explosion in the sky was shocking, and the huge blue flame mushroom cloud remained for a long time.

The shock wave generated when it exploded, and the wind pressure generated by the remaining force, even swept the detection team.

The power can be imagined.

The disappearance of the enemy in the air gave the detection team a sigh of relief and slowed the running speed.

The oncoming black iron warriors did not stop, but rushed into the forest behind the reconnaissance team, and it took a while to return with their big swords.

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