Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1412: Nervous escape

The big sword in the hands of the black iron warriors is special. Its production material is derived from the rifle held during the lifetime. After being strengthened by the power of death, it has almost indestructible attributes and is the most powerful weapon of the black iron warriors.

At any time, the Dark Iron Warriors will not abandon their weapons.

It's the Dark Iron Warrior...

Seeing the returning black iron warriors and the three burly black figures, all the soldiers were relieved. In the eyes of ordinary soldiers of the First Legion, the strength of the black iron warriors is invincible, regardless of the enemy. How powerful is the Dark Iron Warrior can be wiped out with his own power.

For ordinary soldiers, the dark iron warriors are their patron saint, as long as the dark iron warriors are there, they are invincible.

Now is not the time to stop. Although the enemy air units have been temporarily repelled, they will soon come back. During this time, it is their only chance to escape Alcatraz Island safely.

"Go, keep going."

With an order, the stopped soldiers ran again and rushed into the southern forest.

Although the Black Iron Warriors do not have jet packs or the assistance of powered combat uniforms, they can easily surpass the soldiers in terms of speed and strength with their strong physical fitness.

Although the soldiers who evacuated from the forest ran fast, the three dark iron fighters kept following behind them at a certain distance.

They can cross a distance of tens of meters in one jump, and there is wind under their feet when running. If it is not necessary to cover the detection team, they will evacuate faster and more quickly.

Although the enemy air unit was repelled by the black iron fighters, the ground troops quickly surrounded the reconnaissance team.

All the way to evacuate, just when the reconnaissance team was less than ten miles away from the coast, the enemy ground troops surrounded and blocked the reconnaissance team's way forward.

In the gloomy forest, a large number of figures were surging, and a soldier wearing a dog helmet marched silently in the forest. They were holding a high scepter, and the direction was clear.

"Offensive! Blasphemer, kill without mercy."

A roar of roar echoed in the forest, which made the kobold soldiers quicken their pace.

At this moment, in the gloomy forest ahead, more than a dozen figures flashed past, at a fast speed, and the silver armor reflected the metal texture in the forest.

It is the enemy, it is the sight that needs to be eliminated.

"Stop them!"

The target appeared, and a dog-headed soldier commander roared loudly. He raised the scepter in his hand and pointed it at the forest ahead.

Under his order, the koo-head soldiers in the forest raised their scepters one after another, and their walking changed into running, chasing the target ahead.

"Shoo, hoo!"

I saw blue brilliance flickering, and amid the dull whistling sound, blue rays shot out from the tip of the scepter in the hands of the dog-headed soldier, dangling past the gloomy forest, and attacking far away.

For a while, as the koo-head soldiers opened fire one after another, a blue meteor shower began to fall in the dark forest.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

A large number of blue rays covered the fleeing investigation team not far away. For a while, the blue light shuttled through the forest, and there was a dense explosion around the investigation team.

The trees in the forest are too dense, and it is difficult to hit the fast-running scout team. A large number of blue light hits obstacles and hit the thick trees one after another.

Amid the sound of the explosion, a small group of blue flames surging, and the trees hit by the blue rays suddenly appeared a scorched black hole, the power is amazing.

Blair had discovered the appearance of the kobold soldiers long ago, but they could not stop. The kobold soldiers were in front of them to the left. The road ahead had not been completely sealed, and they had to evacuate at full speed.

"Flee at full speed, don't look back."

The speed of the kobold soldiers is far behind them, but the weapons they hold are far more advanced than the detection squad. Once trapped by them, they are really inevitable.

Blair knew very well in his heart that only to escape and avoid fighting with the enemy as much as possible, only in this way could he take the surviving soldiers back.

In the gloomy forest, braving the enemy's bullets, the detection team fled in a hurry.

Two teams, a total of 24 people, only 17 people can reach here.

How many of these seventeen people can go back alive?

Blair didn't know, he wouldn't think about these insignificant things at this moment.

In the pursuit of the enemy, under a rain of bullets, the detection team climbed a small hill.

Ahead, the sea is clearly visible, and they are very close to the evacuation point.

"The enemy air unit is approaching!"

Just as the reconnaissance team over the hill was rushing down the mountain, in the sky, three five-meter-class spherical demons were approaching at high speed from a distance.

The warning from his companion made Blair look into the sky.

At this glance, he found that the spherical demon was very close to them, and was diving towards them at a descending height.

His expression changed, Blair quickly reminded: "Disperse, disperse, attack from the air."

In the "buzzing" sound, the spherical demon whizzed past the head of the detection team, accompanied by three blue fireballs that fell into the forest like shooting stars.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a violent explosion above the head of the investigation team, blue flames surging, broken branches fell, and a strong wind swept from the sky.

The attack from the air forced the reconnaissance team to postpone the pace of evacuation, looking for shelter in the forest.

With lessons learned from the past, the enemy air units became more cautious, no longer hovering in the air at low speed to attack the reconnaissance team in the forest, but attacked the reconnaissance team in a dive, and then whizzed past the head of the reconnaissance team at high speed.

In this way, the Dark Iron Warriors would not be able to throw their big swords to cause effective attacks on enemy air units.

Because the target at high speed is difficult to hit, and the black iron fighter is not good at dealing with aerial targets. If the target is in a slow suspension, the black iron fighter will naturally be able to attack. Once moved, it will be difficult to attack. .

In the air, the enemy air units launched waves of attacks on the reconnaissance team in the forest. This made the reconnaissance team very passive. Without anti-aircraft weapons, they could only be beaten passively without any countermeasures.

"Shoo, hoo!"

In the forest, blue rays appeared again.

Enemy koo-head soldiers appeared on the hillside and launched an attack on the reconnaissance team under the mountain.

Can't stop, and can't move forward, because the front is an empty beach. Without the confidence of successfully boarding the speedboat, rushing to the evacuation point will only put the investigation team into a more dangerous situation.

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