Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1413: Go and stay

As a last resort, Blair had to lead the reconnaissance team around the forest near the shore, while evading the attack from aerial artillery, while fleeing from the enemy kobold soldiers.

The time for the investigation team is running out. The forest near the sea is so big, and there are two thousand enemy kobold soldiers. The longer the time, the smaller the scope of the investigation team in the forest. The enemy completely surrounded.

But this is exactly what Blair wants to see.

After Blair took the reconnaissance team a few laps in the forest, the artillery fire from the enemy's air stopped at some point.

In the air, the three five-meter-level spherical demons did not leave. They hovered in the air, circle after circle, and stopped firing.

Looking into the forest from the air in this way, you can find that at this moment in this forest near the sea, there are swaying figures everywhere. It is not clear who is the enemy and who is the right army.

Not to mention the enemy’s air units, even the ground-searching and advancing koo-headed soldiers had stopped firing at some point. In this forest, they chased the enemy for a long time, but at some point, they suddenly lost their tracks. Searching aimlessly in the forest.


The movement from the top of the head made the soldiers hold their breath. Although they were in a powered combat uniform, no sound would be heard even if they panted loudly, but the tension in their hearts made them instinctively eliminate any noise.

This is a seam in the forest. The seam is not very deep, only less than 30 meters. The entrance is also very narrow and ordinary people can cross it in one step.

But this small place has become a perfect hiding place for the investigation team.

Because the ground cracks are narrow and the edges of the cracks are covered with weeds, it is difficult for those dog-head soldiers to find that there are more than a dozen people hidden in this small crack.

Blair breathed a sigh of relief as the movement above his head faded away.

Although this narrow crack is hidden, once discovered by the enemy, they will become turtles in the urn, and there is no possibility of escape. Therefore, this seemingly safe place also has certain risks.

And they can't stay here for a long time. Once the enemy searches the forest again, the second search will be more careful and will not let go of any hiding place in the forest, including here.

Now they are mixed with the enemy soldiers. Although they have escaped the surveillance from the air demon, Blair has not yet thought of a good way to do the next step.

There are too many enemy soldiers. Once they leave the hiding place, they will be discovered soon. Once they are found, they will fall into the previous dilemma.

There is only one way, and that is to arrive at the evacuation point quietly without disturbing the enemy, and then take a speedboat to leave this place of right and wrong.

Although the open sea is easy to be spotted by enemy air units, boarding a speedboat may not be able to evacuate safely, but compared to this dangerous forest, the survival rate after boarding a speedboat is undoubtedly much higher.

This is the only way, but there are also great difficulties.

This first step is a big problem for the reconnaissance team, because it is impossible for them to reach the evacuation point without disturbing the enemy, and once they leave here, there is only one chance of success.

Once they are exposed to the enemy's eyes, kobold soldiers scattered throughout the forest will surround them in a short time, and by then, their survival rate will be almost zero.

"Sergeant Chief, we must leave here and act separately. Let our first team attract the enemy's attention. After the enemy's attention is attracted by us, the Chief Sergeant leads the second team to wait for the opportunity to leave."

Many soldiers understand the current situation, and they also know what to do to better reduce losses.

"No, it is our second team to stay. The first team has lost more than half. Even if we stay, we can't get enough time. The second team has a small loss. Only our second team can get enough time. "

The captain of the second team retorted the first team's initiative to keep the request to attract the enemy's attention.

"Because the loss of the first team is greater, we will choose to stay. In this way, more people can leave here. Although our number is small, we are all battle-tested fighters. We can definitely win enough for you. time."

The two captains had a dispute over who should stay.

And their team members remained silent about this. They are soldiers and are ready to sacrifice at any time. No matter who stays, there will be no complaints in their hearts, and they will only hope in their hearts that their efforts will not be wasted.

As the captain of the first squad said, the only way now is to let a certain squad take the initiative to attract the attention of the outside enemy, so as to create a chance for another squad to leave.

No matter how the captains of the two teams dispute, the decision is in Blair's hands.

Just when Blair was in a dilemma, a call from the fleet suddenly rang from the communicator.

"Call Sergeant Blair, I hear please reply."

Although I don't know why the fleet contacted him at this time, Blair didn't think much about it, and quickly responded: "I am Blair, please tell me."

"The fleet is about to enter the battle zone. Please leave the battlefield in time. We can't hold on for too long."

Blair was taken aback by the news, and there was no happy expression on his face.

This is too risky. The enemy's strength on Alcatraz is unknown. Once the number of enemy air units exceeds the limit that the fleet can handle, the fleet will be in a very dangerous situation.

Not to mention them, the entire special fleet might be lost in the waters near Alcatraz Island.

This is a gamble, not worth it, but Blair could not refute the Monvi Fleet's approach.

Because Captain Monvi is giving them a greater chance of survival, the only thing they can do is to seize this hard-won opportunity.

At this time, in the waters northwest of Alcatraz, a special forces fleet consisting of three warships is approaching Alcatraz.

A heavy cruiser, two destroyers, with their huge steel bodies galloping at full speed on the surface.

"Is this too risky?"

In the command room of the "Thunder" heavy cruiser, Bur Air was very worried about the upcoming operation.

Worried, he couldn't help but remind Meng Wei.

Burrell did not object to Monvi's order to rescue the investigation team on Alcatraz Island, but from a rational point of view, this approach is very dangerous, and it may cause the fleet to fall into an impossible situation.

Mengwei knew what Burrell was worried about, and there was no reason to worry about it.

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