Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1414: Fierce battle

Looking at the approaching Alcatraz island in the distance, Meng Wei said calmly: "It is indeed a risk, but this is not only to rescue the detection team, but also to get more information about the demons, and to test the combat effectiveness of the demon army."

I hope he is right...

Looking at Monvi beside him, Burair could only pray like this in his heart.

"Captain, has entered the war zone. The radar shows that there are multiple targets over Alcatraz Island. There are 15 five-meter-class flying units, five ten-meter-class flying units, and two hundred-meter-class flying units, of which two-thirds are flying units. Concentrated in the southern and central areas of the island, the southern battlefield is within visible distance."

100 meters?

In his mind, Meng Wei could think of that kind of giant flying in the sky.

"The location of the reconnaissance team has been captured, bearing 124.321, 1024 meters from the evacuation point."

The battle is about to begin...

In the helmet, Mengwei looked solemn and calmly gave orders one after another.

"If the order continues, the fleet enters a first-class combat state, all types of radars operate at full power, and the short-range air defense system is activated."

"Yes, it has entered the first-level combat deployment state, all types of radar have been turned on, and the short-range air defense system has been activated."

Blair: "Turn left 90 degrees, adjust the angle of shelling."

"It is turning, the formation is in deployment."

Outside, on the sea, the fleet adjacent to Alcatraz Island turned sharply at 90 degrees. When adjusting the angle, the triangle formation did not change. The heavy cruiser was still in front. The two destroyers were on the left and right sides behind, and the right side of the hull faced Alcatraz Island.

Blair: "Within one kilometer northwest of coordinates 124.331, three scattering shots, "smoke bombs"."

"Received, coordinate input, three scatter shots, smoke bombs."

Outside, the main guns of the three battleships turned, aiming at the distant Alcatraz Island amid the sound of machinery.

The long barrel was thick and long, and the length even exceeded the deck. A small part of the end extended out, and the muzzle of the black hole pointed directly at the opposite Alcatraz Island.

Blair: "Fire!"

"Bang, bang!"

With an order, the fleet opened fire.

In the sound of the shelling, the thick barrel slammed, and the muzzle spewed out a ball of flame.

In the surging flames, more than a dozen cannonballs dragging white trails flew into the sky, leaving white marks in the sky.

The flying speed of the cannonball was extremely fast, but within three seconds, an explosion occurred on Alcatraz Island in the distance.

The sound of the explosion was dull, there was no flame, only a huge cloud of white smoke rose up, and soon enveloped a large area of ​​forest.

After a pause of ten seconds, the main guns of the fleet fired again, still smoke bombs, and more than ten white tail smoke trails appeared in the sky again.

When the fleet was about to launch the third smoke bomb, the enemy finally had movement.

"The enemy air unit is approaching the fleet. There are 15 five-meter-class flying units and 5 ten-meter-class flying units."

Come out?

With the help of the far-sighted air energy in the helmet, Blair was able to see a large black spot attacking the fleet.

They are fast, and the black spots are getting bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The detection team is moving."

not good……

The fleet's third-party salvo has not yet fired, and the reconnaissance team is moving at this time, and it is likely to be hit by smoke bombs.

The smoke bomb uses a delayed explosion, which will explode five seconds after landing.

Even if the explosive power of the smoke bomb is limited, it is still a big guy with a few hundred kilograms. Once hit by this iron guy, there is no possibility of surviving.

The fleet is still a certain distance away from Alcatraz Island, and the accuracy is uncontrollable, and the bullet point cannot be controlled.

Before he could think about it, Blair hurriedly said: "The third volley was cancelled and anti-aircraft shells were used instead."

For the demons on the southern continent, the First Army had contact with them a long time ago, knowing that demons are good at air raids. Before this mission, this special fleet had been strengthened in air defense firepower, although it was not equipped. Anti-aircraft missiles, but all main and auxiliary guns have prepared anti-aircraft shells of the corresponding caliber.

At this time, the spherical demon in the sky had reached the fleet and entered the edge of the fleet's air defense firepower net.

This distance is the best time for the main gun to fire.

"Freedom to fire!"

Mengwei gave the simplest and clearest order.

On the deck, the main gun was ready to fire, and the shooting angle was raised at a 70-degree angle.

"Bang, bang!"

With a loud roar, the fleet opened fire.

In the raging flames, a series of flaming bullet marks rose to the sky, attacking the demon in the sky.

"Boom, boom!"

However, within three seconds, an explosion occurred in the airspace near the distant demon group.

As the flames burst, a powerful shock wave entrained metal fragments and attacked all around.

In the flames of the explosion, two five-meter-class spherical demons were hit by the debris, shaking their heads and falling to the sea.

They reacted quickly and were even faster. After the first round of attack by the main gun, the demons in the sky swept away and dived into the fleet separately.

After only one wave was fired, the demons left the firing angle range of the main gun and entered the fire range of the secondary gun.

The fierce battle started...

In the sound of the "rumbling" shelling, dozens of large and small artillery pieces fired together on the battleship deck, like a hedgehog, leaning toward the sky.

The three warships shielded each other and advanced and retreated together, making the barrage denser.

Facing the rain of bullets, the spherical demon approached the fleet at an extremely fast speed.

On the way, some spherical demons were hit and staggered to the surface of the sea, while some spherical demons were directly torn apart by large-caliber artillery shells and turned into bits of ashes in the air.

But the speed of the demon is too fast, which reduces the capture accuracy of the fire control radar, and can only rely on the dense rain of bullets to block the spherical demon.

"Boom, boom!"

Braving the rain of bullets, two five-meter-class spherical demons successfully crossed the firepower net and approached the fleet.

Two blue fireballs fell from the sky and hit the front deck of the Thunder.

In the surging flames, the two secondary guns were directly torn apart by the blue fireball, and the deck was lifted by a layer of iron.

The shock caused by the explosion caused the entire ship to shake tremendously.

The next battle became a war of attrition.

The air defense firepower network formed by the three warships continuously launched attacks on the incoming enemy, and the intermittent firing made the gun barrels become fiery red and burst into blue smoke.

While crossing the firepower net, spherical demons were constantly shot down, but the fleet was also attacked by spherical demons.

There were constant blue fireballs hitting the battleship, although the power was not enough to destroy the battleship, but it also caused great damage to the battleship.

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