Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1415: Evacuate

The cruiser Thunder has a larger body, so it has also become the main target of the demons.

"The No. 1 main battery was destroyed, the No. 2, No. 4, No. 5, and No. 7 secondary batteries were destroyed. The No. 3 cabin was structurally fractured and water was flooding. The No. 6 cabin was fired..."


A more violent explosion exploded in the bow of the ship.

The blue flames soaring into the sky surging up, and the powerful impact made the bow of the ship sink sharply, almost close to the sea.

The violent vibration caused sparks from the electronic equipment in the command room, and piercing alarms sounded everywhere.

In the sky, higher up, the ten-meter-class spherical demon was hidden in the clouds, waiting for the opportunity to launch an attack on the fleet.


The clouds were disturbed, and a larger blue fireball penetrated the clouds and fell to the sea.

In the hole that has not disappeared, one can vaguely see the huge figure of a ten-meter-class spherical demon.

The blue fireball that fell from the sky plunged into the sea beside the bow of the Thunder like a meteor.

A dull explosion sounded immediately, and I saw a sudden flash of blue light in the water, and a huge column of water rose into the sky.

There was a sudden heavy rain on the deck of the Thunder.

Clouds can only avoid the line of sight, but cannot avoid scanning from the radar.

The attack from a high altitude was caught by the Thunder, and multiple secondary artillery launched an attack on the high-altitude clouds.

A rain of bullets soared into the sky, breaking a large cloud cover, and also exposing the position of the 10-meter-class spherical demon.

A stronger attack followed. In the fiery red bullet marks, multiple shells hit a 10-meter-level spherical demon, perhaps hitting a vital part, and saw a blue light flash in the sky, ten-meter-level. The spherical demon was killed with a "boom".

A huge cloud of blue mushrooms rose slowly, and a powerful shock wave smashed the surrounding clouds.

In the low air below the clouds, the battle continued.

During your coming and going attack, the three warships all emitted thick black smoke, and the deck was even more scorched.

Of the three warships, the most severely damaged was the "Thunder".

After being hit many times by a blue fireball fired by a ten-meter-class demon, the entire bow of the Thunder was almost torn apart, the turret on the front deck was overturned by two floors, and the towering bridge became ragged. Rotten and burnt.

The spherical demons in the sky also suffered a great loss. The five-meter-class spherical demons were eliminated by two-thirds, and there were only two ten-meter-class demons.

Just as the fleet and the demon flying unit were fighting on the distant sea, with the help of smoke bombs, Blair successfully arrived at the evacuation point with the detection team.

Although I encountered enemy kobold soldiers many times on the way, in the invisible smoke, the reconnaissance squad with black iron fighters had a great advantage, and the kobold soldiers encountered along the way were easily solved by the black iron fighters.

"Captain! The reconnaissance team has arrived at the evacuation point, has boarded the speedboat, and is approaching the fleet."

The report from the correspondent made Mengwei finally heard good news.

Bur Air also sighed in relief. He said solemnly: "We should withdraw. The Thunder is an old ship. If this continues, it can't hold on."

In the sky, the five-meter spherical demon still charged the fleet with fierceness and fearlessness. In one attack after another, the fleet's firepower net became weaker and weaker, and almost half of the weapons were in a state of misfire and needed repair.

With a solemn expression, Meng Wei said solemnly: "I've been holding on for a while, now is not the time."

The reconnaissance squad is on its way back. If it evacuates now without the cover of the fleet, the speedboat will become the target of enemy air units.

By then, their previous efforts have been in vain.

Burair knew what Monvi was waiting for, so he stopped talking.

It doesn't take long. After waiting so long, I don't care about this moment.

The fiercest battle has passed, and although the two sides are still entangled, they have entered a state of fatigue.

ten minutes later……

"Captain, the investigation team has boarded the ship."

Hearing this news, Meng Wei did not hesitate, waved his hand and said loudly: "Evacuate the battlefield at full speed!"

The evacuation order was clear, dragging the scarred remains, the fleet turned 90 degrees again, and headed northwest when it came.

When the fleet evacuated, the remaining demon flying units still refused to give up.

But they are only in single digits, and they can no longer pose much threat to the fleet. Amid the constant harassment of the five-meter spherical demon, the fleet is going away.

It wasn't until fifty nautical miles away from Alcatraz Island that the spherical demon in the sky left unwillingly and disappeared into the distant clouds.

So far, the battle, which lasted more than two hours in total, has come to an end.


No, there is no winner in this war.

Although the fleet successfully covered the reconnaissance team's withdrawal from Alcatraz, the losses suffered by itself were also enormous, and it did not completely eliminate the enemy.

As for the devil, it was obviously insufficiently prepared. This time the battle with the fleet is probably only a temporary squad. The devil’s large force is not on Alcatraz.

If in this battle, the power of the demon is stronger, then the first legion will only lose.

In the vast sea, the fleet leaving the battlefield is sailing.

Each of the three battleships was scarred, a large number of decks were lifted, and the color of scorched black was everywhere.

The fire has been put out, and although the thick smoke is not there, the water lines of the three warships have been much deeper in the past.

Especially Thunder, its huge steel body, the waterline has exceeded the warning line, the ship's side is only less than three meters above the water, which makes the Thunder look very heavy.

"The most severely damaged was the "Thunder". Due to the age of the ship, the vibration caused by the explosion in the battle caused structural fractures in multiple compartments. Many welding points on the outer armor structure layer under the waterline broke, and several compartments After being penetrated by sea water, the situation has been controlled after the crew’s emergency repairs, and the sea water entering the cabin is being discharged."

"Captain! Before the Thunder can be put into service again, it must undergo an overhaul."

In the command room, Meng Wei was listening to Burrell reporting to him the loss of the fleet.

Meng Wei asked: "How about the loss of personnel?"

Burrell said: "Of the three warships, the personnel loss on the Thunder was relatively large. 33 crew members were lost. Adding the losses on the other two destroyers, the fleet lost a total of 61 crew members. There were 76 people who died in this mission."


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