Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1416: Naval command

The loss is a bit heavy, you know, this is just an encounter with the devil.

In a close encounter, 76 people were lost, and the casualties were not insignificant.

Speaking of this, Burair said with regret: "Because there were no nuns on board, the sacrificed crew members did not have a second chance to rebirth, and time was too late."

After a person dies, the soul will wander around the corpse for a period of time. During this period of time, it is also the only chance for resurrection. Once this time is exceeded, the soul will leave and wander between the heavens and the earth, until it is finally inhaled by the subspace.

The reconnaissance mission this time is extremely dangerous, and the Navy Command will naturally not allow the fleet to bring nuns.

In the First Legion, the number of nuns is extremely rare, even more precious than the Dark Iron Warriors. These nuns generally only follow the large forces because they can protect their safety.

In some dangerous missions, it is forbidden to carry nuns.

With a slight sigh, Meng Wei said in a deep voice: "Those things are really not ordinary things, they have technology that we can't understand. Do you think those demons can leave the earth's atmosphere?"

The peculiar way of flying, unparalleled speed and flexibility, the kind of aircraft they call the spherical demon, is undoubtedly a very powerful and comprehensive weapon.

The larger the size, the stronger the attack power. In this encounter, the enemy's two hundred-meter-class spherical demons did not participate in the battle, but Mengwei did not think that the two huge guys were just a simple means of transportation.

That’s a hundred-meter level. It’s not a diameter, but a radius. The radius is 100 meters, which means it has a diameter of two hundred meters. It is undoubtedly a big guy flying in the air. How can there be no powerful offensive weapons on its body? .

Regarding Monvi’s guess, Burrell said with some uncertainty: "It should be impossible. If they can enter the universe, then the satellites of the First Legion in orbit are dangerous."

This is also...

Since the first satellite of the First Corps was launched into the sky, the First Corps has deployed many satellites of various types into the earth's orbit, bringing the total number to 37.

It can be said that the Sky Eye plan of the First Army has reached its end.

From the time the first satellite was launched to the present, it has not been heard which satellite was shot down.

If the devil really has the ability to get out of the earth, how can he let the orbiting satellites monitor him?

These things are not what the two of us should worry about now. For them, the most important thing right now is to bring the fleet back safely. Only when they return to Port Kenlin can their mission be completed perfectly.

Kenlin Port is located in the southern part of the mainland of Austria. The fleet departs from Kenlin Port, and the end of the return journey will naturally be here.

Although Kenlin Harbor does not have a large dock, here, damaged warships can be repaired to a certain extent, and the damaged places can be reinforced, so that it has the ability to return to Nanlin Island.

The mainland of Austria is not close to Nanlin Island, especially the more remote Port of Kenlin. The distance between the two sides has exceeded thousands of miles. This is an extremely long journey home.

The investigation of Alcatraz Island gave the First Army a lot of useful information.

Just as Monvi led the scarred fleet on the return journey, in the "Slin City" in the northern part of the Kingdom of Austria, the temporarily established naval headquarters also acted on the intelligence Monvi obtained on Alcatraz Island. .

The Naval Command has just been established and it is not perfect. It is now only a department that manages the navy of Tan Ya. Its power has not yet involved the entire First Corps. It is wartime and there is no time for the First Corps to rectify the system.

Sergeant chief is an army post, which is not applicable to the navy. Under Tan Ya's suggestion, the naval command restored the rank system.

In order to improve the organizational system of the Naval Command, many petty chiefs who originally belonged to the army turned into a naval officer with military rank.

Since the Navy Command will become a very important military department of the First Corps in the future, the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Navy is temporarily vacant. Davis was appointed as the deputy commander, the rank of lieutenant general, and Warren and Wilson were appointed. As the chief of staff, the rank of major general, with three as the center, the naval command has gradually taken shape.

"Lieutenant General Davis is now with the general. We must tell him the news about what Sikkim is, what is the meaning of this mineral, and what we should do, all require the opinions of Lieutenant General Davis and the general. "

In a small conference room in Naval Command, Warren and Wilson are discussing information obtained on Alcatraz Island.

The naval headquarters is located in the palace where the former king of the kingdom lived. It is said to be a palace, but in fact it is just a castle. It is not large in scale and is very suitable for the new naval headquarters.

Ever since, the Naval Command took over here as a temporary station.

Wilson naturally wouldn’t object to Warren’s words. He reminded: “We don’t have much intelligence now. Alcatraz is still mysterious to us. The commander’s order is clear. Alcatraz It must belong to us. Although the war on the Austrian continent has just ended, it may not be the time to be hostile to the devil, but we should make some preparations. You should know that we fought an encounter with the devil on Alcatraz Island. We don’t know how the demons will react after this battle, but we do not rule out that they make some radical retaliation actions. We must take precautions to prevent them from attacking the neighboring continent of Austria."

Wilson said that Warren naturally knows the risks involved, and this possibility exists.

Warren asked, "What is your opinion?"

Now that this question was raised, Wilson naturally had an idea. He replied: "Now the war on the mainland of Ogeria has ended, and the navy ships are in an idle state. My opinion is to transfer the fleet to "Kinlin Port", Kenlin Port is located in the southern part of the mainland of Ogeria, close to the Aegean Sea. Whether the devil invades the mainland of Ogeria, or the First Army intends to regain Alcatraz Island, the fleet can be deployed flexibly. Enter the battlefield within time."

Port Kenlin?

Warren naturally knows this port, which is a natural deep-water port, very suitable for berthing large ships.

There is naturally no problem with the fleet stationed in Port Kenlin. As Wilson said, for the future strategic direction of the First Army, it is extremely advantageous for the fleet to be stationed in Port Kenlin.

Warren nodded and said: "I have no opinion, so let's do it, first show the situation to Lieutenant General Davis, we need his opinion."

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