Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1417: Mozu

Time went back to one day ago...

From the port of Darwin City, Davis and Tanya set off on a warship to Melorka City in the Danlan Kingdom. A lot of things happened during this day, but for Davis and Tanya, they went Meloka's journey was only two-thirds away.

The report from the Naval Command let the two learn about Alcatraz Island.

North of Arafir Strait, in a certain sea area.

The weather today is very bad, with dark clouds in the sky and rough seas.

Under the impact of wave after wave, warships sailing on the sea sink and undulate from time to time.

Facing the huge waves, the huge heavy cruiser is like a flat boat in the sea, marching hard.


After a "bang" thunder, a huge lightning tore the sky, making the dim world bright in an instant, but only for a moment.

Amidst the lightning and thunder, the huge warship braved the wind and waves, and with an indomitable momentum, split the sea.

Compared with the "noisy" sound outside, the sound of waves hitting the sky, and the sound of splashing into the sky, they appear to be very quiet in the command room of the bridge. Although the shaking degree is large, it is very quiet in the command room People have a very gentle feeling.

"During the investigation of Alcatraz Island this time, we got some very useful information. According to the intelligence obtained by the investigation team, the purpose of the devil attacking Sylil Forest City is not simple, not just to capture more. Territory, enslaving more humans, but for a kind of ore called "Sikkim."


Looking at the turbulent and dim world outside, Tan Ya's voice sounded in his hood.

"Can there be "Sikkim" data in the data terminal?"

Davis shook his head and said: "No, after getting the report from the Naval Command, I checked in the data terminal and did not get any information about "Sikkim". According to speculation, Sikkim should be a rare and unique kind. The ore of mine may have a very special effect on demons."

This is just a guess, not a real answer, but Tan Ya cannot be satisfied.

In the hood, Tan Ya fell into contemplation.

She personally ordered the investigation of Alcatraz Island, and the purpose was simple and clear.

Explore the situation on Alcatraz Island and the deployment of the Devil Legion's forces to lay the foundation for the first legion to seize Alcatraz Island in the future.

Now that the purpose of the devil's capture of Alcatraz Island is known, this allows the First Army to get a lot of useful information.

One is about the special ore "Sikkim", and the other is the status of Alcatraz Island in the eyes of the devil.

If the ore of "Sikkim" is an extremely important resource for the devil, then the capture of Alcatraz Island by the First Legion will become very difficult.

This is not good news for the First Army.

Although the war on the Austrian continent has ended, Tan Ya doesn't want to clashed with the devil so quickly. After the war, the First Army needs a certain buffer time.

Sikkim...what is it?

Tan Ya has a hunch that if he knows the special nature of the ore like Si gold, many unexpected situations will occur.

At this time, Tan Ya thought of the master...

With a slight sigh in her heart, Tan Ya muttered to herself: "It would be great if the master was there, and maybe we can know what "Sijin" is."


Tan Ya muttered to herself, of course Davis heard it.

Indeed, in the eyes of the First Army, the commander is omniscient and omnipotent. General Tanya has this idea, and Davis can understand that he, like General Tanya, is full of curiosity about "Sikkim."

"Why, are you thinking of me?"

In the quiet command room, a familiar voice suddenly rang in Tan Ya's ear.

Tan Ya was taken aback at the sudden appearance, and then she was delighted.

Looking around, Tan Ya cried suspiciously: "Master?"

Beside Tan Ya, a black death force emerged in the void, and Li Meng's figure gradually solidified.

This magical scene attracted the attention of everyone in the command room, and they cast their curious and admiring eyes.

Such scenes are rare. Although it is known that the commander has the ability to be like a "god", the dreamlike feeling is very unreal when you see it with your own eyes.


When Li Meng's body was solid and appeared beside Tan Ya, everyone in the command room quickly stood up, holding the military salute, and shouting in unison, and Tan Ya stood up with him.

With a slightly raised hand, under Li Meng's gesture, everyone sat down again, holding their posts.

"Lord...Master, why are you here?"

Until now, Tan Ya has not recovered from the surprise of Li Meng's arrival.

It was too sudden, and suddenly it made Tan Ya a little doubt whether this was true, how could the master appear by her side at this time?

is this real?

"Is it a projection?"

Regarding Tan Ya's doubts, Li Meng just smiled, stretched out his hands, and took off the hood on Tan Ya's head, revealing that beautiful and stunned face.

It's not a projection, the master really came...

If it is a projection, it is impossible for the owner to touch her and take off her hood.


After taking a deep breath, Tan Ya put away all doubts and smiled.

This smiling expression made Li Meng a little surprised. He was very surprised and said: "It seems that you have undergone a lot of changes in this more than a year."

Tan Ya certainly knew what the master said and meant.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at the master, she said quietly: "Does the master not like it?"

"Do not!"

Li Meng shook his head and chuckled: "This is a good thing. This shows that your rigid emotions are slowly recovering. This is what I have been looking forward to."

Taking a step forward, Li Meng unceremoniously sat down on the captain's seat that Tan Ya let out.

On this trip to Austria, Li Meng did not inform Tan Ya in advance, and knew that Tan Ya had doubts.

In the eyes of Tanya and Davis, Li Meng said indifferently: "This time I am here, one is to worry about the situation in Austria, and the other is to target the demons on the southern continent. Those guys are not real demons. But what they are, I don’t know. I’ll call them demons in the future to separate them from real demons.”


The name is also appropriate, and Tan Ya has no opinion on this.

Looking back at Tan Ya next to him, Li Meng asked, “It seems that what happened on Alcatraz Island, let’s talk about it.”

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