Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1418: Hyperspace

When he came, Li Meng heard Tan Ya's last sentence about Alcatraz Island. It seemed that something embarrassing had happened to Alcatraz Island.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Li Meng softly, and Tan Ya whispered: "Two days ago, I dispatched an investigation team to Alcatraz Island. Not long ago, we got a report from the Navy Command. The investigation team is very good. After completing the task, they found some very special circumstances. The reason why the demons captured the city of Silil was only a kind of ore called "Sikkim" that existed on Alcatraz Island, and they enslaved Silil. The inhabitants of the city mine ore for them. We don’t know what this “sikin” is. We just guess that this should be a very important resource for the demons.”


Li Meng's omniscience comes from his mastermind, and Li Meng also knows nothing about the mineral "Sikkim".

With a thought in his heart, Li Meng grabbed the mastermind.

The mastermind did not disappoint Li Meng, and an explanation from the mastermind sounded in his mind.

"Sikkim, a rare and precious metal, is the main material for the manufacture of interstellar engines. For any civilization, if you want to get out of the home planet and enter the starry sky, you will find "Sikkim", a metal with high temperature resistance and superconductivity. Minerals are the first step into interstellar travel. According to the existing information on the demons, the technology possessed by the demons has been able to leave the planet and travel between star systems. For humans, the demons have technological The advantage of rolling, the only thing they lack is the precious materials needed for the development of advanced technology. This is a very powerful enemy. Master, you must be careful."

The warning from the main brain made Li Meng very curious.

I was curious about the origin of the demons, and also wondered what kind of race the demons were.

And what kind of relationship do they have with humans...

"Huh, it doesn't matter. They are outsiders and predators. Master, do you remember the envoy you saved in Adras? It has a human body, but its soul is a foreign thing. The method of reincarnation is just a certain type of "parasitic" method. According to my guess, the demons should be a certain kind of peculiar race of thoughts. They have no entities and parasitize other species to achieve the purpose of survival."

Missing race?

Does it mean a race that exists in consciousness?

Li Meng never thought that there would be such a strange life in the universe.

"What's so strange about this. The universe is far beyond your imagination. The Milky Way alone is home to countless civilizations. They exist in various forms, and humans are just the most common carbon-based life."

The irony from the mastermind left Li Meng speechless. Indeed, compared to the mastermind, he was an aboriginal who knew nothing.

From the main mind, Li Meng got relevant information about "Sikkim". It is obvious that the Mozu mines "Sikkim" to make an interstellar engine.

What is the interstellar engine?

It does not refer to a sublight engine, but a hyperspace engine capable of long-distance travel between the stars, which is what the ancients called the jump engine.

The universe is extremely vast. The two places are often separated by thousands or even tens of thousands of light years. According to the rules of the material world, the fastest speed is the speed of light, and matter cannot exceed the speed of light. Flying at the speed of ninety-nine per cent of the light, it would take thousands of years to reach another planet light years away.

For any life in the universe, this is a journey that cannot reach the end.

If you want to travel in the vast sky, you must break away from the laws of the material world, look at the world from another level, and find answers to difficult problems.

During a long period of exploration, the discovery of hyperspace has become one of the necessary conditions for a race to enter interstellar civilization.

What is hyperspace?

This is a dimensional space attached to the material world. Unlike subspace, hyperspace is dead and silent. Its only characteristic is to ignore the rules of the material world, allowing matter to maintain its own quality even when the speed of light is exceeded. .

This is a bit strange...

Thinking about the various behaviors of the Mozu now, Li Meng is very puzzled.

In terms of technology, the demons are far ahead of mankind. This technological advantage is enough to allow the demons to subvert the entire human world and become the overlord of the earth.

But the demons have been shrinking on the southern continent for many years, taking a step outside from nothing.

Why is this?

Li Meng knew a little bit about Yunan Continent.

Li Meng's mental power can cover the entire world. Before that, Li Meng had explored the southern continent many times.

On the Yunan Continent, humans exist, and there are many, about 200 million, and there are countless large and small towns.

However, the human society on the southern continent seems to have regressed to the medieval era. There are no tall buildings, only low-rise buildings with a literary atmosphere. Although they also use electricity, their lifestyles are similar to those of humans in the medieval era.

Is the reason for all this just to better rule "humanity"?

This may be just one of the reasons. In the Southern Continent, the demons use theocracy to rule mankind, while blind beliefs are based on ignorance. Advanced technology and excellent living standards will only bring about the collapse of the theocracy system. Spirit, in this case, it is not difficult to explain why the demons control human society in an era of ignorance.

Although I don't know why the demons have shrunk in Yunan Continent these years, one thing is clear.

In the future, the demons will become the biggest enemy of the First Army.

Thinking about it now, Li Meng realized how stupid the missionary empire's expedition plan was.

If the Order Empire really launched an expedition to the Southern Continent, Li Meng can be sure that the Expeditionary Army of the Order Empire will only have one end, that is, the entire army will be destroyed.

Even the current First Army Corps dare not say that it has the ability to fight the demons.

At least in terms of technology, the First Army is far behind the demons, and there is a big gap.

Those spherical vehicles that can float in the air seem simple, similar to some kind of biological machinery, but their power system is not understandable by the First Legion. Maybe those spherical vehicles can easily escape the gravitational force of the planet and swim freely in the star system.

At this moment, Li Meng regarded the demons as his real enemy.

The First Army needs time, at least now is not the time to conflict with the demons.

Li Meng thought so back to Tan Ya: "Stop all military operations related to the "Alcatraz". Don’t conflict with the demons for now, monitor the Aegean Sea, pay close attention to the movements of the demons, and our actions on Alcatraz. It cannot be ruled out that it will anger the Mozu and cause the Mozu to carry out some retaliatory actions."

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