Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1420: Tanya's sense of justice

The weather on the sea is very changeable. Not long ago, the warship was still in the storm zone, and it was difficult to move forward on the rough sea. After a while, the dark clouds in the sky disappeared, and the rough sea gradually returned to calm.

The sky has also become infinitely blue, very pure, and golden sunlight is splashing the sky and the earth.

For more than a year, when the owner was by his side, to Tan Ya, everything was so unreal.

She missed the master, but when the master really appeared by her side, she didn't know what to do to express her miss.

Can only passively stand beside him, occasionally looking at him with light eyes.

After leaving the storm zone, the warship has entered the waters outside Austria, not far from the city of Melorka.

Time was passing, and before dark, the warship finally arrived at Melorka City.

In the port of Melorka, a warship passed through the gate of the outer acropolis and slowly entered the inner port.

As the sun sets, it is time for the fishermen after a busy day to return to Hong Kong.

At first glance, the waters of the port are very busy, with large and small fishing boats passing by, and noisy trading scenes on the shore. Fishermen are trading with fishmongers.

The emergence of warships is no surprise to many fishermen.

The kingdom is at war, and the warships of the First Legion will go in and out of the port from time to time. Once you see a lot of new things, there will be no shock at first sight.

However, the huge Gangtian body of the warship slowly entering the port still attracted a lot of attention.

Compared with any ship in the port, the warship entering the port is undoubtedly the largest in size. The metallic texture that reflects the silver-gray brilliance gives people a "handsome" feeling.

When there was still some distance from the dock, the warship stopped.

Soon after, the two tugboats left the dock and approached the warship.

With the assistance of the tugboat, the warship slowly approached the dock.

In the bridge command room, Tan Ya turned her head and said to the owner beside him: "Master! I'll go to negotiate with the Regodas royal family first, and let them arrange to meet the owner and meet."

Tan Ya's words made Li Meng nod his head lightly, and said, "Go."

Before Tan Ya left, Li Meng exhorted, "I don't like big scenes, so let them not greet the gods and just arrange the meeting."


Although Tan Ya believes that the host’s arrival and the welcoming etiquette in the big scene are necessary, which can show the host’s dignity, this is what the host requires, and Tan Ya will naturally not force it.

Then Tan Ya left, and at this time, the warship was already docked on the dock.

Looking at the pier outside the window, the prosperous scene made Li Meng feel a little curious about the city.

Li Meng remembered that in the data terminal, he gave a brief introduction to Melorca, which was a very beautiful city.

Where is the beauty, you can't see it naturally in the port, because behind the port is a tall city wall, which obscures the line of sight and makes it impossible to see the city.

After watching for a while, Li Meng withdrew his gaze.

Although the noisy scene in the port is quite prosperous, the port is showing a dilapidated scene.

Perhaps it was due to the long years of disrepair. Cracks appeared in many places on the wharf. The place where the trade was prosperous also gave people a sense of mess. Although the distance was a little far away and the smell in the air could not be smelled, the scene, People can imagine the smell that permeates the air.

Looking back, Li Meng looked at Davis who had been standing aside.

"Your name is Davis?"

Faced with this sudden inquiry from Li Meng, Davis replied: "Yes, commander, my name is Davis, deputy commander of the Navy Command, the rank of lieutenant general."

The establishment of the Navy Command was made by Tan Ya. After consulting Sakuya and Natasha, Li Meng agreed to Tan Ya's request.

Today’s First Army Corps is indeed a bit chaotic in terms of the system, perhaps because power is concentrated on a few people. This chaos is invisible, but Li Meng had this kind of fusion of arms a long time ago. idea.

This is the earth, not Al. The contradictions between the countries behind the generals should not appear on the "earth". Different arms and different equipment must be controlled and integrated, so that the First Army can completely become a complete one. group.

Li Meng said, "You are Tan Ya's confidant and her most powerful assistant. Your opinions and thoughts should be included in the orders she gave. I want to know how you view the Danlan Kingdom in your eyes."

Why did the commander make such a fuss?

Looking at Li Meng puzzledly, Davis said in confusion: "Commander, I think General Tanya should have made it very clear."

"Do not!"

With a faint smile, Li Meng shook his head and said, "I understand Tanya and know better than you. Among the three generals of the First Army, Sakuya has a changeable temperament, sometimes cold and ruthless, sometimes gentle and lovely, although he is not a general candidate. , But the coldness she possessed was something her two generals had never had. In some things, the First Army needed to use this coldness. Natasha is a real soldier, with the determination that a soldier should have. She is a woman, but in certain matters, she is more decisive than any man. She is the most suitable candidate for the general, and Tanya..."

Speaking of this, Li Meng paused and sighed slightly: "Although she has a long career as a soldier, she still has not lost the sensibility in a woman's heart, and she has a bottom line that belongs to her in her heart. Having lost her identity as a human, she has never changed. In her heart, she has always yearned for the light and has a strong sense of justice.

sense of justice?

These three words reminded Davis of General Tanya's life in "Ayre".

Indeed, General Tanya's acting style in "Ayre" is upright. He never bullies the weak or clings to his superiors. He has always been on the front line and used his indelible military exploits to improve his status.

After the war, she even went to fight for embezzled pensions for the families of the soldiers who died at the cost of eliminating her military status. Although in the end her military status was preserved due to media exposure, she had no future in the military. In other words, he had to enter the military academy as an instructor.

Yes, isn't this just a sense of justice?

Davis could not refute what the commander said. Indeed, the commander knew General Tanya better than them.

After meditation for a while, Davis expressed his views on the Danlan Kingdom.

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