Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1421: Power ministers and young owners

"Youth lord, power minister, this is the predicament faced by the Regodas royal family when the First Army was in contact with the Danlan Kingdom. If there was no "threat" of us at that time, perhaps the Regodas royal family would no longer exist. With the help of the First Legion, the Regodas royal family regained control of the kingdom’s power, but it still couldn’t change the fact that the "young lord" was in the hands. Now the Danlan kingdom’s royal power is actually in the hands of the Interior Officer Karina and Prime Minister Harandi These two people, Karina naturally does not say that she is a martial artist, loyal to the royal family, and will be the bargaining chip for the queen "Catherine" to regain control of the royal power in the future, and Prime Minister Harandi, this person is extremely ambitious and is the cause of the royal power. The root cause, if there is no First Legion, this person may have become the new king. Although Prime Minister Harandi has re-cooperated with the royal family, his existence is a big threat to the Regodas royal family. However, although this person has great ambitions, his ability is recognized by me. The Danlan Kingdom has this prime minister, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages."

The advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

This is the reason why the rebellious royal family can still occupy a high position after failing?

Li Meng did not understand the situation of the Danlan Kingdom, but Li Meng would never be merciless to the betrayers.

No matter what the reason is, betrayal is betrayal, and no matter how big the reason is, it cannot cover the fact of betrayal.

However, although he hated the betrayers, Li Meng would not interfere in the internal affairs of the Danlan Kingdom.

Regardless of the future of the Danlan Kingdom, at least for now, the Danlan Kingdom is still a member of the First Army.

Young master?

This reminds Li Meng of the three princesses of the Kingdom of Austria. The royal family of Austria is really declining, whether it is the Regodas royal family or the Aredir royal family. There is no male in a generation. In other words, in the future, is it possible for Austria to have two queens?

Thinking of this, Li Meng suddenly felt that the result seemed good.

If it is a "young master", it is impossible to draw conclusions on the ability to govern.

Because this queen is still young, only ten years old, she is still a child at this age, what can she see?

But right now, the palace of the Danlan Kingdom still has to go. Regardless of the power of the Regodas royal family, some things still have to be resolved.

Melorka City, Royal Palace.

It is not the first time that Tanya has come to this palace.

When the warship entered the port, she had already contacted Karina through remote communication.

When she stepped off the warship and boarded the dock, a welcoming convoy belonging to the palace was waiting outside the dock.

In the city, the welcoming convoy was unimpeded all the way, and when it arrived at the palace, under the leadership of a court maid, Tan Ya was taken to the inner court.

In a reception room of the royal palace, Tan Ya met Karina and Queen Catherine.

Tan Ya was no stranger to this combination of big and small. She understood that the young Catherine was inseparable from Karina, and the two would always be together at any time.

"General! You are welcome. Due to time constraints, please forgive me for lack of courtesy."

Looking at Tan Ya apologetically, Karina said softly.

The arrival of General Tan Ya was too sudden. They had not received any news before. Due to the tight time, Karina could only simply arrange the welcoming convoy to welcome the arrival of General Tan Ya.

Sitting on the opposite sofa, Tan Ya apologized to Karina indifferently: "It's okay. I won't care if unnecessary courtesy is overstepped."

Tan Ya's words made Karina smile slightly, and she asked with a little doubt: "I don't know if General Tan Ya is here..."

Karina had guessed some things, but she didn't confirm it.

Sure enough, Tan Ya's answer confirmed Karina's guess.

Tan Ya said: "There are two reasons. One is for the war outside of Austria. You should have received the news. The mainland of Austria has been unified. In order to restore peace to Austria, the First Army will not It will allow the war on the outside of Austria to remain deadlocked."

Karina naturally knew the situation on the Austrian continent, and also knew that with the assistance of the First Army, the Kingdom of Austria unified the continent.

But is that assistance?

The Kingdom of Austria did nothing but waited for the first legion to give them the fruits of victory. Compared to the Danlan Kingdom, the Kingdom of Austria is undoubtedly much luckier. At least they got the most thorough result of the First Legion. help.

Sometimes Karina couldn't figure it out, why the First Army took so much effort to unify the mainland of Austria, and then handed over the rule to the Kingdom of Austria.

The actions of the First Legion were unbelievable, and people couldn't figure out the reasons.

With a light sigh, Karina said helplessly: "General, you should know that we have worked hard. In this war, the price we paid is too great. Many soldiers died on the battlefield, and many families were fragmented. In this case, we are still working hard, and the soldiers on the front are still fighting hard. We need more time."

"There is no time."

The cold words came from Tan Ya's mouth.

This made Karina stunned for a moment, and looked at Tan Ya solemnly.

And the little face of Catherine, who was staying quiet, looked at Tan Ya thoughtfully.

Under the gaze of the young and the young, Tan Ya calmly said: "More than a year is not short, and it has exceeded the time limit given by the First Army to the Danlan Kingdom to unify the outland of Austria. In this case Next, some strange voices appeared in the First Army, thinking that the Danlan Kingdom was not capable of ruling the entire outlying land of Austria. Perhaps, Austria only needs one kingdom to rule instead of two."

What is the meaning of this last sentence, how can Karina know.

She immediately changed her face and said solemnly: "You can't do this. The Danlan Kingdom has become a subject of the First Army. You are risking your reputation by doing this. What do other affiliated congresses think of your First Army?"

Indeed, letting a subject country disappear for no reason, or "destroying the country", will indeed affect the reputation of the First Army, but reputation is very important when it is needed, and when it is not needed, it is worthless. .

In the hood, Tan Ya's cold voice rang.

"We will do this when necessary. Reputation is not that important to us. Although this is not what I want, the owner has come. If he insists on his own point of view, I will do what he wants."

the host?


In the past, Karina had heard the word "master" from General Tanya. Although she did not know the system of the First Legion, a general called the "master" in the First Legion. The identity must be extraordinary.

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