Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1422: Big crisis

Karina asked very carefully: "General Tanya! What is the identity of your master?"

Tan Ya did not answer Karina’s question clearly, saying: “You don’t need to know his identity in the First Army. You only need to know what he says and I will execute it. If you can convince my master, One legion will personally end this war and help you unify the outland of Austria."


How to convince?

How can someone who can be called the "master" by the General Tan Ya in front of him is a good person.

There is so little information, and Karina doesn't know how to deal with the master mentioned by General Tanya.

With a helpless smile, Karina pleaded with Tan Ya: "What should we do? Please give the military a clear indication."

Just now General Tanya said that this was not what she wanted. In other words, General Tanya was biased towards them, which made Karina a kind of "hope" in her heart.

Karina knows very well that if the First Army insists on letting the Austrian Outland be ruled by the Kingdom of Austria, their Danlan Kingdom will not have any resistance. Even if the three countries are united, there will be no result. Change.

This is the gap. Think about the kingdoms on the continent of Austria. There are seven kingdoms. The strength of each kingdom is not worse than that of the Danlan kingdom, but in only one year, the seven nations surrendered. , Annihilation, annihilation, on the other hand, the First Army did not suffer much loss at all. Any battle is a one-sided situation.

This one……

Tan Ya hesitated a little about Karina's plea.

She didn't know if she should help Danlan Kingdom and the little queen in front of her. If she helped, how would the master treat her?

But if she doesn't help, Tan Ya will feel a little awkward. After all, the Danlan Kingdom is her fancy, and if the Danlan Kingdom is to disappear, Tan Ya is also a little unwilling.

After a long time, Tan Ya finally made a decision. On this matter, the master has not settled down. Before that, all her actions were reasonable. Even if the master knew it, she would not be blamed.

Tan Ya, who thought so, said to Karina: "Master... is different from us. I can’t guess his mind. It’s even more impossible for you to guess. When facing the master, you’d better have a sincere Heart, because any lie is ridiculous in front of the master. In short, you don’t need to be too restrictive in front of the master, just show your nature to contact the master.”

Speaking of this, Tan Ya added another sentence and reminded: "The master is a mindful person, very sensitive to a person's soul, and likes to get along with a girl with a pure heart. If you do what you like, this may make the master happy. "

At this time, Tan Ya didn’t realize that she had said enough, and what she said made Karina a little confused. She understood, but she couldn’t understand. General Tan Ya said a lot, and it seemed that everything Did not say.

In short, what kind of person the "master" in General Tanya's mouth was, Karina still didn't have any impression in her mind, she could only nodded faintly.

What should be said, what should not be said, Tan Ya has already said, the sky is about to darken, she should also leave.

From the sofa, Tan Ya stood up, looked at Karina, and said: "The master is on the warship in the harbor. Tomorrow, you can arrange a meeting with the master. In the city of Melorca, the master may Stay for a while, this time is your only chance."

So fast?

Karina originally thought that General Tanya had notified them in advance, but she did not expect that the "master" had already arrived.

Without thinking about it, Karina nodded and said, "I will arrange it carefully, please rest assured."

Before leaving, Tan Ya suddenly sounded his master's instructions and turned around and said: "By the way, everything is simple and does not require much scenes. The master does not like these. Now the Danlan Kingdom is in a war, and the soldiers on the front are bleeding and sacrificed. , And in the capital behind, the royal family mobilized the relatives of those soldiers to welcome the host’s arrival. This is inappropriate."

Duo Tanya said that Karina was very grateful, and she nodded and said: "I understand, thank you for the general's understanding."

This is indeed inappropriate. This war has already made the people of the kingdom feel very depressed, and their emotions are in collapse. The royal family is unwilling to do something to stimulate the people. Tan Ya's understanding is undoubtedly the most needed by the Danlan kingdom. of.


Replied softly, Tan Ya turned and left.

Seeing this, Karina quickly got up to see him off. Before leaving, Karina motioned to Catherine.

Catherine nodded clearly.

War is not a good thing, but war is indispensable in human history.

For mankind, war is an opportunity to change everything, and "change" is the root of the advancement of human society.

For the Danlan Kingdom, the "war" was launched for a better future, but they paid the price of failure.

Did the Danlan Kingdom fail?

No, at least it has not failed, and now, the opportunity to change the fate of failure has arrived.

Danlan Kingdom, Melorka City, Palace of the Grand Duke of Harandi.

"Queen Catherine asked Prime Minister Harandy to go to the palace immediately for an interview, and also asked the Prime Minister to enter the palace as soon as possible."

Night had fallen, but in the Grand Duke's mansion, Harandi welcomed an uninvited guest.

A messenger from the palace.

Without saying much, the attendant who delivered the message hurriedly left.

Soon after, the roar of the engine rang outside the Ducal Palace.

"Father! What happened?"

Just as Harandy stood in the courtyard thinking about what Queen Catherine asked him to enter the palace so late, from the corner of the corridor of the mansion, a slim white figure walked out.

The light voice made Harandi look back and look at the people coming. He smiled and said, "It's a daughter, it's nothing, it's probably about the First Corps. A warship of the First Corps came in the port during the day. , It should be what news the general brought."


When she came to her father's side, Monica calmly said: "If there is news, it should also be bad news. Father should be alert in this regard."

Harandi's face sank to his daughter's words.

He nodded solemnly, and said: "The war has been going on for too long. I am not surprised that the First Army has opinions. The only thing I worry about is what the First Army will do. In front of this behemoth, the Danlan Kingdom It's like the newborn baby. It is too weak and has no ability to resist. No matter what the First Army does, we have no room for resistance. I just hope that things have not reached the point where they are irreversible."

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