Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1430: rose

"Everyone, this mission is extremely dangerous, and I don't know anything about "Hose". I only know that he is an evil demon believer with extraordinary power. For your safety, please proceed with caution."

With that, Liu Haoming stretched out his right hand and pressed a red button on the metal wall beside him.


In the sound of the machinery, the door to the outside slowly opened.

As the car door opened, the darkness outside was revealing little by little until it was completely opened.


The wind was whistling, pouring in from the door, and sweeping from the martial artists.

The cool feeling shocked the martial artists, looking solemnly at the extremely deep darkness outside the door.

It was late at night, and now it was when the polluting beasts were active, and the forest was also the most dangerous time.

Leaving the train is a big test for anyone in the carriage.

"No... Li... Master Li Meng?"

Just as some martial artists in the carriage were eager to try, the exclamation of one person attracted everyone's attention.

Lord Li Meng?

When everyone looked for the reputation, they saw three figures of a man and two women walking into the carriage.

These three men have ordinary appearances and attractive female looks, especially the woman in the white-collar short skirt of ordinary people is extremely beautiful and dazzling.

But it was the seemingly ordinary man who made the martial artists in the carriage ignore the two beautiful women behind him, and looked at him with all eyes, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"Master Li Meng? You really are Master Li Meng, so young..."

"I saw Master Li Meng here, this... is simply unbelievable."

After a little quiet, there was a sensation in the carriage, and most martial artists looked at the young man who didn't know why.

Who is he?

He is recognized as the world's strongest man. He often shows up, but few people can see him with their own eyes.

Here, at this time, how can young martial artists not be excited to see the strongest man in here.

What is the strong?

That represents absolute strength. In this world where the strong are respected, the strong will also be revered by the world.

This has nothing to do with age, and it has nothing to do with power, there is only a respect for the strong.

"It's him?"

Looking at the young man with only ordinary appearance, Qiangwei muttered to herself in her heart.

Compared with those young people who respect the strong, Qiangwei would not have such a young mentality.

But in her heart, Qiangwei still had the awe that she deserved for that young man.

He is very strong and is the most powerful human being she knows. Neither her opponent nor her friend will deny his power. The number one human being is not a false name, but obtained from actual combat.

Looking at him at his young age, Qiang Wei was very curious about how the power he possessed was obtained. Even if he began to exercise his abilities in his mother's womb, he would not have such inhuman power.

"With Lord Li Meng, what fear does the little fallen man have? The train is safe."

"Yeah, in front of Master Li Meng, the SSS level is not worth mentioning."

It doesn't matter if he is revered by ordinary people, even martial artists adore him like this.

Feeling the awe and admiration gazes around him, Li Meng felt a little emotional.

Powerful "power" is really a good thing, no matter where you go, you can be respected.

Of course, when you are respected, you will be relied on.

That is the dependence of the weak on the strong, and it is also the responsibility of the strong.

"It turned out to be Lord Li Meng. I never thought that Lord Li Meng was also on this train."

Liu Haoming is very clear about Li Meng’s identity. He is the ambassador of the First Army and a prestigious powerhouse. The relationship between China and the First Army is also China’s most distinguished guest.

As a train conductor, Liu Haoming must of course give the greatest respect to the man in front of him.

When he saw Li Meng appear, Liu Haoming greeted him.

Looking at the noisy crowd in the car, and then at the opened door, Li Meng asked Liu Haoming in front of him: "What happened?"

Just when Liu Haoming wanted to answer Li Meng's question, a rough voice rang.

"Since our next mission, there is no need for outsiders to intervene."

It was Hua Zhenghao who was speaking. His eyes turned to Li Meng, his eyes were very calm, there was no awe or respect, there was only one thing called striving for the strong, and he regarded Li Meng as his opponent.

This is an SSS-level mission. If this one intervenes, Hua Zhenghao knows that the protagonist in this mission is not them, and the evaluation of the SSS-level mission will also be greatly affected.

Suddenly inserting someone else's words is a very rude thing.

The interruption to Hua Zhenghao and the arrogant tone made the martial arts practitioners frowned.

Sure enough, it was a group of reckless men, it was unspeakable.

Looking at Hua Zhenghao, and then at the martial artists who kept quiet and frowned, Qiangwei smiled slightly and she stood up.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Li Meng, she chuckled, and said softly: "I said little brother, just stay on the train. This time it’s our martial artist's business. You are the ambassador of the First Army. The Martial Arts Association has nothing to do with it and has no obligation to get involved. This SSS-level task is very precious to us."

Speaking of this, Qiangwei was tempted to cast a wink at Li Meng, and said softly: "If you agree to your sister, after the event, what you want to do to your sister, sister will not refuse..."

This woman...

Looking at the evil and beautiful woman not far away, Li Meng was a little bit dumbfounded in his heart.

What and what, is this teasing him?

The martial artist who knew that the black widow would not be attracted to Qiangwei's charm, a black line on her face.

This woman, even coquettish in front of Lord Li Meng.

For a time, Qiangwei ushered in a lot of dissatisfied eyes.

Among them is Liu Haoming.

Smiling apologetically at Li Meng, Liu Haoming said helplessly: "This is Miss Rose from the Thorns Forest Guild. She has a rather weird temperament. Please also Li Meng not to be familiar with her."


The name is good, very nice.

To Liu Haoming's apology, Li Meng smiled faintly, shook his head and said, "It's okay!"

Looking back, Li Meng looked at Qiangwei not far away, and said calmly: "You are right. I am the ambassador of the First Army, and I have nothing to do with the Wushu Association. My identity is just a passenger on the train. Don't worry, I will not be nosy to affect your assessment in this mission."

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