Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1431: Luo Luoxin

It is good to be confident, but to be too confident is stupid.

Li Meng knew that because of his appearance, the martial artist in the carriage had shown contempt for this mission.

Whether it is the woman who looks very evil or the big man with a big build, they may be strong, but at this time they have lost their previous vigilance. For them, this is not a good thing.

But Li Meng did not say much, nor did he intend to remind them.

Li Meng's words undoubtedly made Hua Zhenghao feel relieved. He took off the big axe behind his back and said to the companion behind him: "Let's go."

As he said, he strode towards the opened car door, and behind him, his companions also took down the big axe behind him and followed him.

Seeing those guys from the Zhanqi Guild set off, Qiangwei on the side also said to the companion behind him: "Let's go."

When she walked to the car door and left, she did not forget to turn around and cast a glamorous eye at Li Meng. Even Li Meng could not help touching her nose in that charming and coquettish posture, which was quite embarrassing.

I have to say that the woman's appearance is indeed extraordinary. The evil nature of the body did not make her ugly, but instead gave her a very unique charm, but to ordinary people, it was more like a poison.

After the departure of the War Banner Guild and the Thorns Forest Guild, some martial artists also followed after hesitating for a while.

An A-level task reward and an A-level task evaluation are no small temptations for any martial artist.

This risk is worth taking, and the main force is the War Banner Guild and the Thorns Forest Guild. The two martial arts guilds bear the greatest risk. What worries do they have.

In the intermittent, from time to time martial artists left the train and entered the darkness outside.

After the martial arts performers left, Liu Haoming continued to talk with Li Meng, speaking what he hadn't said before.

From Liu Haoming's mouth, Li Meng learned the causes and consequences of the accident.

There is no doubt that this was not an accident, but an incident caused by the government's mistakes.


Although the First Legion is no stranger to the fallen, it has wiped out many fallen ones on the mainland of Austria, but knows nothing about the fallen ones outside, and does not know the origin of this "Hose".

"Since you know his name, there should be more information about him, do you know where he comes from?"

Apologizing, Liu Haoming replied: "I'm just a train captain. Although the association entrusted me to issue tasks to the martial artists on the train, it did not tell me too many details."

This is also...

Li Meng did not continue to inquire.

The current situation is understood clearly, and then I can only rely on those martial artists.

However, even if all goes well, this trip to Xiangdu will probably be delayed for a long time.

"Thanks for letting me know!"

After thanking Liu Haoming a lot, Li Meng planned to leave here.

Now that the matter has been clarified, there is no need to stay here again. Compared to here, the box is much more comfortable.

"Master Li Meng! Please wait a moment."

Seeing that Li Meng was about to leave, Liu Haoming quickly stopped Li Meng.

In Li Meng’s puzzled gaze, Liu Haoming asked: "Master Li Meng, the situation is unclear at the moment. If necessary, Master Li Meng will be asked to protect the safety of the train. This is just in case, but also for getting on the train. Considering the safety of thousands of civilians, I also ask Master Li Meng to agree. All Chinese citizens on the train will be grateful to you."

'I will!

Li Meng didn't think much about Liu Haoming's request.

He glanced at Liu Haoming with his head down, as he wished.

Later, Li Meng took Luo Luoxin and Long Qiaoer and left the carriage.

"Cut, what's great, if you run into any trouble, don't want Master Li Meng to help."

On the way back to the box, Luo Luoxin was a bit angry, and the tone of the big guy in the box made her very unhappy.

Obviously Lord Li Meng didn't say anything, but he drove Mr. Li Meng aside with a word.

Is an SSS-level task just that important?

With Luo Luoxin’s indignant words behind him, Li Meng just smiled faintly, and said indifferently: “Although human beings live under the same sky, the world they see is different. For martial artists, guilds and missions It is their everything, adventure and battle are the themes in their world, but in my eyes, the world is not moving."

Is that right?

It seems so...

As a nobleman of the Barron Kingdom, although Luo Luoxin was a martial artist, she could not integrate into the life of a martial artist. She never wanted to join a certain guild, or to work hard for a certain task. Understand the world in the eyes of martial artists.

Is this the level of distinction?

Luo Luoxin thought of what his father said.

This world is divided into levels, with civilians at the bottom, martial artists at the top, and nobles at the top.

At different levels, life values ​​will be different, and the perspective on the world will be different.

Just when Li Meng returned to the box with Luo Luoxin and Long Qiaoer, outside the train, the martial artists were also performing their tasks.

Darkness is dangerous, but with the help of moonlight, everything becomes clear after the naked eye adapts to the darkness.

The Hurricane was in front. After leaving from the passenger train No. 301, looking forward, within a hundred meters, he saw the outline of a train in the dark.

"Everyone! The believers of the devil are weird and have incredible powers. In order to better complete the task and for everyone's safety, please do your best, don't be impulsive, so as not to lose your life."

What does this mean?

Looking at the big men in front, the martial artists were whispering.

Are you underestimating them?

Everyone didn't say much, and moved forward in silence.

Since they have left the train, it is impossible to give up here. Since they are in the dark, they are naturally prepared for death.

The distance of one hundred meters was not far. Soon, under the leadership of the War Flag Guild and the Thorns Forest Guild, a group of martial artists came to the car at the end of the Hurricane.

The Hurricane armored train in the dark. There was a dead silence, as if time had stopped passing, and was silent on the railway.

Unlike the passenger train, the Hurricane is an armored train. The firing port can be seen on the carriage. There will be a turret every other carriage. The turret is equipped with a twin-mounted 70mm cannon.

Compared to passenger train No. 301, the armor of the Hurricane is heavier and the entire train looks more bloated.

Although bloated, it is shorter and shorter. Compared with the dozens of cars on the 301 passenger train, the Hurricane armored train has only six cars.

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