Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1432: Explore Hurricane

Martial artists are no strangers to armed armored trains.

In the darkness, several burly figures moved forward, groping on the carriage.

"The door is locked from the inside and cannot be opened."

Frowning slightly, Hua Zhenghao had to say, "Go on."

The martial artists continue to move forward.

Without a single train, several carriages of the Hurricane armored train were locked from the inside until they reached the front of the train, and everyone discovered something.

"Kang Dang!"

In the dark, a metal collision sounded. Surprisingly, the front door of the car was opened easily.

The accident made everyone look at each other.

The front of the car is the most important place. In such an important place, the car door can be opened easily.

Did someone leave the armored train?

Thinking of this, everyone became more curious about the situation in the train.


Hua Zhenghao is not afraid, he took the lead and was the first to board the Hurricane armored train.

Behind him, a group of burly men followed.

And Qiangwei followed with her companions.

Compared to the War Banner Guild with strong melee combat capabilities, the Thorns Forest Guild is undoubtedly not good at melee combat.

As a magician, Rose, who is also known as the "witch", naturally will not risk being attacked by close hands and walk in the forefront. Why did the association let the War Banner Guild cooperate with the Thorns Forest Guild? It is not without reason. of.

Compared to the outside, the main control room of the car is darker.

"Which of you knows how to drive armored trains?"

In the darkness, Hua Zhenghao's rough voice sounded.

"I...I know a little."

A thin man responded to Hua Zhenghao, who squeezed from behind the crowd.

The main control room is still relatively small, except for the Battle Standard Guild and the Thorns Forest Guild, everyone else stayed outside, waiting by the front of the car.

Looking at the little man in front of him, Hua Zhenghao said: "Turn on the lights inside the car. Remember, it's the lights inside the car. Don’t turn on the searchlight outside the car. It’s too dazzling. The polluting beast attracts."

"This... I will try my best."

After all, as a martial artist, how could he be 100% sure when faced with the densely packed machinery in the main control room.

After that, the little martial artist began to stroll around in the main control room, looking for something.

Soon, with a burst of "click, click" sound, the main control room lit up, and the cars behind them also lit up.

It is inside, not outside. Because the carriage is completely enclosed, it is still dark outside.

Only in front of the open door of the car, a bright light shone out from the door.

"well done!"

The darkness faded, light returned to the main control room, and everything was clearly visible.

In response to Hua Zhenghao's praise, the thin martial artist smiled slightly. When he was about to say something, his eyes froze, the smile on his face disappeared and he became solemn.

In his sight, there was a person lying in front of the door of the main control room leading to the rear compartment. He was sitting with his back against the door, his head drooping deeply, and the ground was a dazzling pool of blood.

He saw it, and everyone in the main control room saw it, and everyone's expressions changed.

Only Qiangwei approached the corpse in front of the cabin door indifferently, squatted in front of the corpse, and carried out an inspection.

He was wearing a black-gray captain's uniform, and his identity was self-evident, he was the captain of the Hurricane.

Speaking slightly, Qiangwei's whispers sounded in the main control room.

"The ribs were broken, the left arm was dislocated, the lower jaw was broken, and the fatal wound was on the chest. Although there was no wound, there was blood congestion and the heart was shattered. Before he died, he suffered a long period of torture. Before his death, he should be The murderer interrogated."

This is everything Qiangwei found, and as the words fell, she stood up.

Looking at the corpse in front of the cabin door, Hua Zhenghao coldly snorted: "Huh, he is indeed a cruel fallen person, taking pleasure in killing.

Looking back at his companion, Hua Zhenghao said: "Go, move the corpse aside."

Although the captain is dead, what is going on in the entire carriage is still a secret that needs to be investigated.

The two burly men moved forward, dragging the body in front of the hatch aside.

Afterwards, Hua Zhenghao personally moved forward and opened the door leading to the carriage.

As the hatch was opened, before stepping into the carriage, Hua Zhenghao's brows were frowned by everything he saw in his eyes.

The corpses, the corpses all over the ground, and the light gray military uniforms on the corpses can clearly indicate that the corpses that fell in the carriage were all soldiers with the carriage.

Without an extra pause, Hua Zhenghao stepped into the carriage.

Behind him, the martial artists outside also boarded the train one by one.

They saw the body of the captain in the main control room, and when they stepped into the carriage, they also saw the hideous scene on the ground.

The corpses were all corpses, so dense that they didn't even have a place to stay.

For martial artists, this scene is cruel, but the various experiences they have experienced in the past have made them numb to it, and their eyes are only solemn.

One carriage, two carriages, until the last carriage, all the martial artists saw were the corpses, without any trace of the fallen.

"There are 130 corpses in the carriage. Although it far exceeds the number of standing soldiers on the armed train, considering that this is a similar "escort" operation, it makes sense for the government to send additional soldiers to the Hurricane, but the problem is, Where did the fallen?"

Yes, where did the fallen?

This is also what all martial artists are puzzled. The train is so big, where can the fallen ones go?

"It's still a question, of course I left." Without even thinking about it, Hua Zhenghao exited.

Qiangwei sneered coldly at this mindless words, looked at Hua Zhenghao sarcastically, and said with a sneer: "The location of the Hurricane is two hundred miles away, and there is no town. The devil is the enemy of all living creatures. Anything with a devilish atmosphere. Things will cause riots of polluting beasts. The situation of the fallen in the forest is even more dangerous than ours. In this dark night, once it leaves the shelter of the train, there will be no possibility of survival."

Hua Zhenghao chose to ignore Qiangwei's ridicule, and he said solemnly: "Then where do you say "it" is?"

With a faint smile, Qiangwei stretched out **** and said in her mouth: "There are two possibilities, either it is around the train, hidden in the dark, or it is still on the train, looking for opportunities to attack us."

"It's impossible to be on the train, the train is so big, you can see the end from the beginning, and there is no place to hide, if there is..."

As if thinking of something, Hua Zhenghao's expression changed and he shouted, "Be careful of the corpse on the ground."

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