Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1434: Battle with Hammer

They are humanoid beasts with the same posture as humans, but are more bloated. They look like extinct gorillas. Although there are four, they are sometimes used together when running, and sometimes stand upright like humans.

They have brown skin with white scaly spots on the skin. The head is oval and does not look vicious. Compared with the hind limbs, their forelimbs are larger, like a pair of hammers, very eye-catching.

They were fast, and they rushed out of the forest and roared towards the Hurricane.

"Attack, kill them."

With a roar, Hua Zhenghao raised the rifle in his hand and pulled the trigger at the hammer beast outside through the shooting port.


In the darkness, gunshots rang abruptly.

For the martial artist in the train, this is a signal, a signal of attack.

"Bang, bang!"


The shooting port and the turret suddenly burst out flames.

Amidst the sound of gunfire, the flaming bullets attacked the hammer beast.

"Chiff, chick!"

In the baptism of bullet rain, many bullets hit the hammer beast.

However, the damage caused by the bullet to the Hammer beast was very low, and it did not pierce the skin at all, but caused the pain of the Hammer beast.

"Boom! Boom!"

In the rain of bullets, accompanied by explosions and flashes, several flames rose up.

A powerful shock wave tore the surrounding area. Under the impact of the flame, the surrounding Hammer Beasts were overturned, and two Hammer Beasts that were very close to the explosion point were directly blown off half of their bodies.

Compared to bullets, the cannon on the train undoubtedly brought effective damage to the Hammer.

But this also made the Hammer beast even more crazy.


Amidst roars, the Hammer beast approached the train.

The forest and the train were too close, the martial artist in the car only attacked one wave, and the hammer beast outside approached the train.

Like a bull, the Hammer Beast approaching the train hit the train body with its huge body.

For a while, the crash of "dongdong" kept ringing in the car.

This is not the end, but just the beginning. The Hammer Beast approaching the train began to use the pair of huge hammer hands to launch the most primitive attack on the car body.


The train was trembling, and the bodywork was groaning everywhere.

On the ground that was attacked by the hammer beast, the car body was even more sunken, increasing in magnitude.

"Bang, bang!"

Through the shooting port, the martial artist in the car fired frantically outward.

But useless, it will only cause greater anger from the Hammer Beast, and the power of the Hammer Hand is getting stronger.

Only the turret on the roof of the car appeared powerful, constantly bombarding the hammer beast in the distance.

In the sound of the explosion, in the surging flames, a large number of hammer beasts fell on the way to charge.

The turret on the roof of the car has also become the target of the hammer beast's anger.

Outside, I saw huge figures leaping up and onto the roof of the car.

They used the pair of hammer hands to attack the turret, and with just one blow, the huge turret became their victim. The seemingly heavy turret was directly smashed into shape, and the barrel was twisted.

For a time, the fierce confrontation between the martial artist and the polluting beast began.

"Boom! Boom!"

Under hammer after hammer beast, the train body finally reached its limit.

In Hua Zhenghao's eyes, the train body in front of him was smashed with a huge hole by the hammer beast.

This is just the first hole, and other places that are attacked by the Hammer Beast will also be torn apart by the Hammer Beast.

From the huge gap, a hammer hand covered with white scales reached in and leaned against the edge of the gap.

Outside, the huge figure of the Hammer beast is clearly visible.


Take a deep breath.

Hua Zhenghao raised his axe and let out a loud roar: "Erlang of the War Banner, follow me."

With that, he jumped up, raised the big axe in his hand, and rushed out from the crack.

This blow was full of power. He rushed out of the crack and swung the big axe in his hand, and slashed at the huge head of the Hammer beast outside the crack.

Before the attack, the wind had arrived.

I saw a flash of cold light.


The sharp axe blade slashed deeply into the hammer beast's neck, and this blow almost cut off the hammer beast's head.


After the blow, Hua Zhenghao let out a roar, and his burly body rushed into the herd.

Behind him, his companions rushed out amidst roars.

Hua Zhenghao who rushed into the herd was like a sharp blade, and the hammer beasts were chopped under the axe one by one.

Every time it swings, every time it evades, a hammer beast will fall under its feet.

The big axe was shook by the cries of his swing, and he was shaking the tide of beasts like a giant in the herd.

But the Hammer Beast is not a weak one, the same kind of death and **** smell make the Hammer Beast become even more crazy, and defying death rushed to Hua Zhenghao.

Due to his physical advantage, Hua Zhenghao couldn't bear just one collision. Facing the approaching hammer beasts, Hua Zhenghao felt pressure for a while.


He roared and raised the axe high, and a layer of blue light appeared on Hua Zhenghao's body and the axe.

With a strong wave, the giant axe swept across a hammer beast like a Taishan Mountain.


Upon contact, the huge hammer beast was instantly smashed.

With a red blood mist, the strong blue wind went unabated, and swept the hammer beast in a straight line like a strong wind.

More than a dozen Hammer Beasts were immediately knocked into the air, and the first two Hammer Beasts were torn in half.

The power of this blow was terrifying.

Although powerful, Hua Zhenghao fell into fatigue after the blow, flushing on his face and cold sweat on his forehead.

At this time, numerous hammer beasts rushed up again.

"Brother, please step back and let us come."

With a roar, Hua Zhenghao's companions followed, passed by him, and fought with the hammer beast in front of him.

Turning around, Hua Zhenghao let out a loud roar: "Qiangwei!"

The sound is mighty and has been transmitted into the rear train.

At this time, many martial artists left the carriage and entangled with the hammer beast outside.

The carriages of the train were torn apart, and for the martial artists, the train was no longer a shelter. Only in an open place outside could they exert their abilities.

Under the illumination of searchlights, a fierce battle scene appeared in this small bright area.

The roar of the polluting beast is intertwined with the anger of human beings, and life is dying, for both parties.

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