Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1435: Demonization

Amidst Hua Zhenghao's roar, an indifferent rose appeared at a twisted crack in the body.

She looked at the battlefield outside with cold eyes, her slender body leaped lightly and came to the battlefield.

There are corpses at the feet, including hammer beasts and human beings, and not far away are the martial artists entangled with hammer hands.

Seeing all this, Qiangwei stretched out his hand and waved back gently, saying: "Go ahead."


The four people said in unison.

The four immediately left, walked past Qiangwei and came to the front line.

Although the four have no weapons, they have hands.

For the four, the two sides are their best weapons.

They are going deep into the battlefield, advancing step by step.

As they progressed, a blue halo appeared in the pupils of the four, and a scene of surprise appeared.


The four who were advancing let out a roar, and an amazing change occurred in them.

Their bodies are getting bigger, they almost broke their clothes, the exposed skin began to grow red scales, a sharp red tail appeared behind them, and the face also It was quickly covered by red scales, and the ears became pointed and longer, and two small black horns grew on the head.

All of them were originally slim, but now they are more than two meters tall.

When the blue halo in their eyes disappeared, their eyes had become blood red.

The demonization of the four made the martial artists who were fighting around felt a cold neck, and looked at the tall and evil four with fear.


With a bloodthirsty and deep whisper.

The four of them rushed out with their hands and feet together, running like a wild beast, only seeing red shadows flashing at such a speed.

The four people who rushed into the herd were extremely powerful, and every part of their bodies became their weapons.

I saw the red figure flashing, and a demonized figure directly slammed into the hammer beast's body, and two hands covered with red claws and the sharp tail pierced deeply into the hammer beast's body.

Facing this blow, the Hammer Beast had no power to roar and stepped into the figure of death, while standing on the Hammer Beast, he jumped up and attacked the other Hammer Beast like a sharp arrow. His posture is very agile.

Although there are only four people, their joining has made the martial artist's situation instantly improved and a lot easier.

The roars and the initial sound of guns in the distance were of course heard by the passengers on the 301 passenger train not far behind. The movement in front of them was too loud.

Although it is impossible to see the scene, the movement caused can remind people of the fierce battle.

Some people are worried, and some are panicking. In this area, if the martial artist in front collapses and fails, then train 301 will become a new target of attack.

"This is magic? No, it should be demonization."

In his heart, Li Meng muttered to himself.

Although the three of them are in the box, Li Meng has been observing the situation outside with the power of mind.

When the group of people in the Forest of Thorns used "demonic" magic, this surprised Li Meng very much.

In Li Meng's cognition, magic is the use of certain elemental powers, such as the magician in the world of Adras.

Of course, there are many kinds of magic, and enhanced magic such as demonization can also be attributed to magic.

The accident was an accident, and Li Meng didn't feel much surprise.

The invasion of the human world by demons has also brought a new kind of power to mankind. It is natural that mankind can use the power of demons.

If it is explained scientifically, demons are also a race, a race with great achievements in biotechnology. Their existence may be very strange, but they are also affected by certain laws and follow certain laws. Humans’ current vision still cannot understand demons from their origins.

It's like the soul.

What is the soul?

Even today's Li Meng can't say clearly.

It can be said to be a consciousness, it can also be said to be a memory, or it can be said that it is an individual in the form of energy, and the body is just a container.

Take the demons as an example. Those races that were previously called envoys by humans. Although they are thinking bodies, they can also be called energy bodies. They are not pure souls, but a form of energy. The living body of existence.

"Listen to this roar..., aren't they fighting the polluting beast?" Luo Luoxin murmured while looking out the window.

Although I can't see it, Luo Luoxin can hear it, and the roar of the polluting beast is still very clear.

To Luo Luoxin’s words, Li Meng said indifferently: “In this dark forest sea, the slightest movement will attract the attention of the polluting beast. The time is wrong and the place is wrong. It seems that the fallen man is very smart and knows. Take advantage of the venue."

"Will the martial artist fail?" Luo Luoxin asked back.

With a faint smile, facing Luo Luoxin's gaze, Li Meng said lightly: "It depends on how the martial artist will respond. If this mission is only the main force of the War Flag Guild, the chance of failure of the martial artist will be high. In evenly matched battles, wisdom is often more important than force. Although those big men are brave and extraordinary, they lack a certain amount of thinking. This will be very dangerous for the entire team of martial artists, but fortunately this time annihilation. There is another guild in the mission of "The Fallen". The difference from those big guys is that the woman is very smart. Maybe she will become a turning point, a turning point for martial artists to win."

she was?

Luo Luoxin curled his lips slightly and said: "I don't believe that woman, the people in the Thorns Woods Guild are all descendants of the fallen. Once demonized, they will easily lose their minds. Maybe she will become the cause of this mission failure. The culprit."

Descendants of the fallen?

In this case, they have the ability to demonize.

Fallen people who believe in evil gods will have their bodies changed more or less by the power of evil gods, their genes will be completely tampered with, and they will gradually transform into demons, and their descendants will more or less carry the genes of demons.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said: "Then wait and see."

What is the result? Just wait for the final result.

At this time, in the battlefield heading 100 meters away, new changes appeared in the battle.

When the hammer beast no longer gushes out of the forest, the victorious Libra gradually leans towards the martial artist.

The more powerful the pollution beast the individual, the scarcer the number will be.

Although the hammer beasts are strong, there are not many in a group.

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