Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1436: Great Demon Blood

Will polluting beasts escape?

Yes, for the continuation of the group, the polluting beast will also run away.


Just hearing a roar of grief and indignation, new changes appeared on the battlefield.

Therefore, the hammer beast entangled with the martial artist gave up the enemy in front of him, turned and rushed into the forest.

Compared to when it came, the hammer beast escaped faster, and its huge body dashed into the dark forest amid the sound of "dongdong" footsteps.

After a while, the last hammer beast disappeared on the battlefield.

"it is finally over……"

For the martial artists, the escape of the hammer beast is something they are happy to comment on.

Fighting these big guys is not an easy task, and if you are not careful, your life is in danger.

The escape of the Hammer Beast gave the surviving martial artists a look of rejoicing. Regardless of the corpses on the battlefield, they sat on the spot leaning on the body of the Hammer beast, allowing their tired body to rest.

Among the corpses on the ground, there are not many martial artists who have survived. At a glance, only a dozen figures can be seen under the light, and the rest are lying on the ground with the corpse of the hammer beast, silent. Breath, human blood is intertwined with the blood of polluting beasts, and the scene is so hideous.

After the battle, Hua Zhenghao immediately found Qiangwei with an ugly expression.

"Damn woman, I need an explanation. Everyone is fighting the polluting beast. Why is it only you watching from behind? I will tell the association clearly and let your thorny forest guild give you an explanation."

Looking at the exhausted Hua Zhenghao who was roaring at her, Qiangwei snorted and said unceremoniously: "Our greatest enemy is not the "hammer beast". Take it like you are now. What fights the fallen? Your stupid head can't figure this out, but I am not as stupid as you."

Qiangwei's words made Hua Zhenghao stunned for a while, his expression turned pale, and his eyes looked at the front of the car.

At this look, Hua Zhenghao's gaze narrowed slightly, and his face appeared astonished.

The front door of the car was opened at some point...

"Flap, pop, pop!"

At this moment, a burst of crisp applause sounded, so clear on this quiet battlefield.

This attracted the attention of the martial artists, who cast their gazes towards the source of the sound.

I don't know when, a person appeared on the roof of the train. He sat on the edge of the roof, watching the hideous and **** battlefield, clapping his hands, and only excitement on his pale face.

Of course the martial artists knew who he was. Apart from them, there was only one "degenerate".

In the ugly faces of the martial artists, he smiled excitedly and praised: "Yes, yes, you can repel the "Hammer Beast". You are really amazing, but what's the use?"

He opened his hands and made a hug, his pale face smiled grimly: "It's useless, haha, it's useless..."

He lowered his head and looked at the martial artist on the battlefield below, his mouth was slightly tilted, his face was distorted, and he said in a low voice: "Because you are going to die, you will die soon, rest assured, just you are not enough. I need more, more sacrifices."

He raised his head and looked into the darkness behind him, his face was very excited, and he muttered to himself: "That's great, a lot, a lot, is it enough? It should be enough, hahaha! "

As if talking about the excitement, he laughed madly again, looking like a madman.

Looking at the fallen man on the roof of the car, Qiangwei looked solemn and said coldly: "Hmph, we are not dead yet, I hope your madness can be worthy of your strength."

His age does not seem to be very old, he is about thirty years old, wearing the military uniform of a trainman, it is obvious that he was mixed with the trainman before the Hurricane accident.

Qiangwei's voice caught his attention, and she lowered her head and looked at Qiangwei coldly.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his expression was cruel and cruel: "Use the power of the devil to deal with the devil. You betrayers are more damned than anyone else. Don't worry, I will "love" you in a while, and I will let You return to the embrace of the devil in pain."


Qiangwei sneered and mocked: "As a human, she has become a mad dog at the feet of the devil. No, in the eyes of your ridiculous devil, you ugly lunatics are probably not as good as a dog."

"you wanna die."

Qiangwei's sharp words undoubtedly angered him, and he roared at Qiangwei in anger.

He stared at Qiangwei tightly, his eyes filled with resentment and anger, and his mouth moved slightly: "The scocer "die"."

He stood up...and stood on the roof of the car.

Looking at the rose below coldly, a powerful breath radiated from his body.

The blue halo in the cold pupils was surging, and his figure was getting bigger, directly tore the military uniform.

Two huge horns grew from his head, and the exposed skin was instantly wrapped in red scales. Within a few breaths, he changed from a human form to a red monster with a height of four meters.

A powerful and evil aura surging out from him, making the faces of all martial artists present, showing fear.

It is too strong, just standing there, it gives people a feeling of scalp numbness, and the heart of resistance is completely lost.

The same is true for Hua Zhenghao, who is exhausted, holding the big axe in his hand tightly, his face is horrified.

Among the people present, Qiangwei's face was the most ugly.

Looking at the huge figure on the roof of the car, Qiangwei's mouth opened slightly, and she uttered a few words with a very ugly expression.

"It's a complete blood of the Great Demon."

The great demon, the senior leader among the demons, is a symbol of absolute "power", and a killer among the demons.

"Qianwei! What are you waiting for, still not changing?"

The mighty power made Hua Zhenghao feel a little scared, and he quickly yelled at Qiangwei.

Qiangwei's state was a bit strange. She stared at the red monster on the roof of the car blankly. The expression on her face gave Hua Zhenghao a bad premonition.

Facing Hua Zhenghao's reprimand, Qiangwei lowered her head and smiled bitterly: "It's useless, he is of the blood of the high-level great demon, I am the blood of the middle-level succubus, and his demonization has reached full body, which will give me a spirit. The coercion from above, once I become demonized, my spirit will be disturbed by him. At that time, let alone fighting with him, I am afraid you will all be killed by me.

How could this be...

Qiangwei's words undoubtedly made Hua Zhenghao desperate.

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