Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1438: Scared away

Regarding Hua Zhenghao's words, Qiangwei gave Hua Zhenghao a slightly surprised look.

Qiangwei had never expected that this big man would have such a careful side. His words might save her life.

Now how to do?

Hoth's hesitation made Qiangwei confirm a little bit. To Li Meng, this one in front of him was quite jealous.

No, it's not fear, but fear. The fear of him is also the fear of death.

In this case……

With a slight expression, Qiang Wei made a decision in his heart, and said calmly: "He is the ambassador of the First Army. It is not convenient to take action in the tasks assigned by the Association. You can try his bottom line. I also want to know that I am in his mind. s position."

With that, Qiangwei took a step forward, and a blue halo poured into her pupils.

His body is getting bigger little by little, and two small sharp horns are growing on his head.

This is a sign of transformation.

Qiangwei's sudden move caused Huosi to be stunned for a moment. Her savage face lost her original composure, and she quickly roared, "Woman, stop me."

Once Rose is demonized, Hoth knows what will happen.

His blood of the great demon will arouse the wildness of the Rose Succubus blood, which will make Qiang lose consciousness and become a puppet whose goal is completely to kill. At that time, let alone him, everyone present, there is still not far away All trains will be her target.

And the first thing she loses consciousness, she will attack the most powerful him.

Although there are classes of demons, there is no distinction between upper and lower classes, because demons of any class have the possibility to become strong, and the level of class is only to show the difference of origin.

He had no control over the rose who became a succubus.

For the demonized Rose, Hoth wanted to attack, but he was afraid of something, his face showed a hurry.

"Damn it!"

The distressed Hoth let out a roar, his body turned and jumped up, the red figure disappeared into the dark air.

In order not to cause the evil in the succubus bloodline, Hoth chose to leave.

I have to say that he left without any hesitation in his heart.

After Hoth's departure, Qiangwei also stopped her demonization, and her original growth was regaining her body. The two small horns on her head were also retracted. After a while, she was completely restored to her human form.

Looking at the direction where Hoth was leaving, the martial artists looked at each other.

The development of the situation made people dumbfounding. The mighty fallen man was scared away by Qiangwei's words. When everyone admired Qiangwei's intelligence, they were also appreciating the power of Lord Li Meng.

Without anyone showing up, he scared away a fallen man who could be demonized.

This is prestige, and it is also due to Master Li Meng's powerful strength.

Although the mission failed, they are still alive.

This is a fallen person who can be greatly demonized. It is a very rare thing to live. It is impossible or impossible to ask for too much.

It's over, everything is over.

But for someone, this is not the end.

In the forest not far from the armored train of the Hurricane, behind a large tree, the huge figure of Horse was looming.

"Damn it, did the plan fail?"

Yes, it failed, even if Hoth didn't want to believe it, but he had to admit that the plan he had made before had failed.

The culprit responsible for all this is "he", the person Hoth wants to face last.

Although Hoth had never seen that person before, Hoth knew that there were some people he couldn't reach. In front of those people, if he wanted to survive, he had to stay away.

Seeing the hurricane shrouded in light not far away, Hoth sighed helplessly and muttered: "It seems that I can only find a way to get into the passenger train No. 301. It is not a wise move to stay here."

The fallen are humans, not monsters. At least the external image is like that. As long as the demonization is removed and the costumes are more like humans, no one will be able to discover the difference between the fallen and humans. This is also how Hoth was almost able to get into Kyoto. Although the reason was finally seen through, it was only an accident.


With his gaze condensed, Hoth turned and let out a violent cry in the darkness beside him.

Hoth noticed a slight change, it was a dull sound.

In the gaze of Hoth, the ground in the dark cracked, and a stone statue of a knight climbed up from the cracked ground and appeared in front of Hoth suddenly.

Seeing the formed stone knight, Hoth's face changed, and his body couldn't help but step back two steps.

He had seen such a method, and it was the method used by the famous World War I.

It's just that this time the stone knight is relatively small, about the height of his big demon, about four meters high, holding a big stone sword in his hand.

The fear in his heart made Hoth quickly said: "I know, I know, I will leave China now, I will not cause trouble, absolutely will not cause trouble."

For Hoth's words, the giant stone knight only moved his head, as if looking at Hoth.

Although the look on the stone knight's face is clear, and there are outlines of eyes, but there is no real eye, but when facing the stone knight, Hoth felt a pair of eyes looking at him.

"Is the devil believable? Is the believer of the devil worthy of trust?"

In the darkness, a voice that didn't know where it came from echoed, and it passed into Hoth's ears.

However, this was just an illusion of Hoth. No one's words sounded in the dark forest, it was always quiet, and the sound appeared directly in Hoth's mind.

"Credible, credible, I will definitely leave, I will leave China in the shortest time, I will not lie to you, how can I lie to you?"

The fear of death made Hoth cowardly, he was very scared, very scared.

Although he is a fallen man and a believer of the demon god, he is also a human being and wants to live.



Was he the purpose of coming to Kyoto?

Hoth had no idea to conceal at all, and hurriedly said: "Kyoto is the most densely populated city, and it is also the city that we fallen people most want to enter. My goal this time is Wang Yanmei, and the powerful martial artists in Kyoto. If I use these people to sacrifice to the devil, I will get the richest reward."

"Only you?"

The voice was full of disdain.

Kyoto is the capital of China, and there are countless masters among them. Although Hoth is strong and has the ability to demonize, it is impossible to subvert Kyoto. The chance of success can be said to be infinitely zero.

In order to prove that what he said was not a lie, Hoth quickly explained: "Of course I can’t, but Kyoto has magic weapons that humans can’t control. I got the news that there are many statues of demon gods in Kyoto, as long as I get one of them. It’s easy to subvert Kyoto."

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