Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1439: Still dead after all

Inhot's words, the dark forest fell into silence.

Seeing that the voice was not there, he was silent for a while, looking at the stone knight not far away, Hoth cautiously asked: "Can I go now?"

At this time, Hoth has made a decision in his heart. Even if the dark forest is full of dangers, he must stay away. Although the forest is dangerous, he still has the possibility of surviving, but if he stays here, he will be close to death. It will be very close.

But the next voice in his mind made Hoth desperate.

"I can't let you go."

Can't let him go?

These words made Hoth's face change, anger mixed with fear.

He said so much, begging like a clown for mercy, and finally only got the sentence "I can't let you go"?

This gives Hoth a feeling of being played.

Fear and anger make Hoth crazy.

With a roar, he raised his claws angrily and rushed towards the stone knight.

Roared in his mouth: "It's just a stone statue, let's see how I destroy you."

His speed was extremely fast, and his huge figure seemed to teleport closer to the stone knight, and his sharp claws swung towards the stone knight.

Faced with this blow from Hoth, the stone knight moved, swinging the stone sword in his hand and slashing towards Hoth.

Facing the stone knight's blow, Hoth grinned and roared: "It's just a stone, destroy it."

With that said, he didn't have the idea of ​​avoiding at all, and slashed at Shi Jian with confidence.

At that moment, Hoth's claws touched the stone sword.


There is no impact of hard objects, only the splash of blood.

The seemingly fragile stone sword directly split Hoth's claws, causing Hoth's entire arm to be torn apart.


With a bleak scream, Hoth's golden pupils were wide, and his face couldn't be confident.

I don't seem to believe that a stone sword can split its claws comparable to steel. It is just a stone sword.

After the blow, the stone knight didn't give Hoth time to react. He turned sideways, holding the hilt in both hands, squatting slightly, and assumed a "stab" posture.

A sudden thorn, the stone sword turned into a phantom and pierced into Hoth's heart.


In Hoth's horrified gaze, the stone sword pierced his body and almost fell into it.

The movements of the stone knight are full of flowing clouds and flowing water, giving people a very beautiful feeling, which is completely opposite to Hoss's open and close attack.

The heart was pierced, and even the demonized Hoth had no chance of surviving, the golden pupils gradually dimmed, and the huge body was weakly leaning against the stone knight.

At this time, the stone knight moved again. The stone sword was withdrawn from Hoth’s heart, grabbed Hoth’s other intact arm, turned around and threw it, Hoth’s huge enchanted body was thrown out and swiped across. In the dark sky, it fell to the Hurricane not far away.

After all this was done, the forest became quiet again, and the gargoyle began to crumble, turning into a pool of rubble.



It wasn't long since Hoth left, only a few minutes before and after, the martial artist on the battlefield had not left.

When a huge black shadow passed through the searchlight curtain and landed on the edge of the battlefield with a "bang", it undoubtedly frightened the martial artists who were about to return to passenger train No. 301.

When the martial artists looked at the fallen thing, everyone was stunned.

"This... Is it Hoth? Is it the fallen one?"

Although he was dead, Hoth's posture was still demonized, and the devil's genes kept him in the form before death.

"It's him, how could he..."

"Dead? How could it..."

He was dead, and he could not die anymore. His heart was penetrated, leaving a huge blood hole. The golden pupils were also dead silent. They opened wide, as if they had seen something incredible before his death.

The martial artist's exclamation made Hua Zhenghao and Qiangwei walk over, and came to the corpse of Hoth.

Looking at the huge corpse of Hoth at their feet, the two looked at each other.

How long has it been?

It was only a few minutes since Hoth left, which means he was killed right after he left?

In such a short period of time, Hoth couldn't be too far away, that is to say, after almost a face-to-face, Hoth was killed and the body was thrown in front of them.

Who killed him?

Who would send Hoth's body back specially?

Hoth's body is right in front of him, which means that they have completed the mission this time.

Speaking slightly, Qiang Wei said uncertainly: "Is it him?"

Regarding Qiangwei’s guess, Hua Zhenghao pondered for a moment and then said in deep thought, “I’m afraid it can only be him. Only he can kill Hoth in such a short time, and only he will send Hoth’s body. Come back, it seems that we owe this favor."

An SSS-level task is a great temptation for any guild. Once it can be completed, it will also bring greater prestige to the guild when it gets a great reward.

As Hua Zhenghao said, they owe this love.

"It must be Lord Li Meng. Only Lord Li Meng can wipe out Hoth quietly and quietly. Lord Li Meng is really strong, and he is indeed Lord Li Meng."

"Yeah, our mission this time can be considered complete. Thanks to Lord Li Meng, there are too many dead people. It would be nice if Lord Li Meng took the shot earlier."

"What are you talking about, Master Li Meng is not a martial artist, he has no obligation to shoot, and this idea shouldn't be there. We are martial artists, we can't have the idea of ​​relying on others, and we can only rely on ourselves for everything."

The martial artists are still very happy to be able to complete the task, but the sacrifice of their companions still makes the surviving martial artists a little sad. Many female martial artists are crying while holding the bodies of their companions.

Martial artists are also humans, with seven emotions and six desires, but their will is stronger than ordinary people. Other than that, they are no different from ordinary humans.

Looking around the **** and hideous battlefield, Qiangwei sighed in her heart. She didn't know whether she should be happy or sad at this time.

The task was completed, but her companion also sacrificed one.

But this is the reality, the reality that their martial artist has to accept.

This world is cruel, especially for martial artists.

They have the strength and shoulder the corresponding responsibilities. Ordinary people can live safely behind the tall city walls, but their martial artists cannot. For the martial artists, they will experience fighting and killing and polluting beasts throughout their lives. Battles, battles with fallen ones, battles with demons, and even battles with humans.

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