Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1440: is it him?

"Let's go, for the martial artist, the beast burial is also a "honor". At dawn, all traces here will disappear."

There are many scavengers in the forest, and the dead bodies on the ground will not stay for too long.

The pungent smell of blood has caused a commotion in the forest, and something seems to be about to move in the dark forest.

They may not have the power as powerful as the "hammer beasts", nor the ability to hunt prey, but in the forest, these little things are indispensable and an indispensable link in the biological chain.

"Let's go!"

It was time to leave. Qiangwei did not refuse Hua Zhenghao's reminder.

Although a little reluctant to part with the corpse of his companions, in the end, the surviving martial artists left the **** battlefield and returned to the passenger train No. 301.

"The task is completed? Great, so I can rest assured. I have received a contact from the General Administration of Railways. There will be an engineering team rushing here tomorrow morning to clear the railway line. Tonight is really not peaceful. It is said that we There are three trains behind that have to spend the night in the dark forest. I hope they are all safe."

The return of the martial artists made Liu Haoming quite happy, and the completion of the mission gave Liu Haoming a sigh of relief.

The most threatening fallen are eliminated, and the other threats are not worth mentioning.

"Did anyone else leave the train after we left?"

Although he was sure, Qiangwei still wanted to confirm.

other people?

Although Liu Haoming didn't know why Qiangwei asked this, he shook his head and said, "No, even if someone wants to leave, I won't allow it."

Isn't it him?

The commander's answer made Qiang Wei a little suspicious. If it weren't for him, who would it be?

Who has this ability?

"Are you still doubting? If I were you, I wouldn't have any doubts. In the entire Huaxia, except for him, even those who are immortal may not have this ability."

Hua Zhenghao heard the conversation between Qiangwei and Liu Haoming, the coach, and he stopped in front of the door leading to another carriage, turned around and said something to Qiangwei.

After speaking, he turned and left with the giant axe on his back, followed by his three companions.

This is also...

Hua Zhenghao's words made Qiangwei put away the doubts in her heart, and after saying goodbye to the driver Liu Haoming, she turned and left.

With the return of the martial artists, the civilians on the train finally felt more at ease. After that, they spent the long night on the 301 passenger train.

"Qiao'er, how many people know about our trip to Xiangdu this time?"

In the box, Li Meng sitting on the sofa suddenly asked Long Qiaoer this question.

How many people know?

Without thinking too much, Long Qiaoer said softly: "This time we came out and did not hide our whereabouts. Anyone who "follows" you, master, should know it."


Looking out the window, Li Meng said thoughtfully.

Howth, passenger train No. 301, armored train No. Hurricane, everything is too coincidental.

If he is not here today, not on passenger train 301, how should the situation develop here?

With the strength of the "great demonization" fallen person, everyone present may not be able to escape the fate of being sacrificed.

What will happen afterwards is self-evident. China is afraid that a demon natural disaster will break out. If this happens, I don't know how many people will die.

Is it being used?

Maybe it is, maybe it's just that he thinks too much.

Whether or not, Li Meng would not care too much.

Some things have not been encountered. Since they have encountered them, whether it is man-made or not, Li Meng cannot stand by. Li Meng has no hatred of China, and this is also his hometown. It is reasonable and he will not let it. Depraved beings as powerful as "Hose" harm this land.

At this time, Luo Luoxin was no longer there. Not long ago, she left the box.

"Master! It's late at night, go to sleep."

Qiao'er whispered softly in her ears.

The time is indeed late, it should be almost early in the morning...

Nothing will happen at this time. Even if there are polluting beasts outside, the protective armor of the train can also protect the safety of the passengers on the train.

The overlord "Hammer Beast" in this area has been almost wiped out by the martial artist, and the other polluting beasts are just small, not too dangerous.

Stretching a lazy waist and hitting Hatch, Li Meng said, "Then go to sleep."

Although it is a box, there is no bed in the box. The only place to sleep is the sofa.

Fortunately, the sofa is long enough to easily lie down on Li Meng without any problems.

Seeing that the master agreed, Long Qiaoer got up and locked the door of the box, then turned to the sofa where the master was, and sat down on one end of the sofa.

Seeing Qiao'er, who was slender, said, although Qiao'er didn't say much, Li Meng knew what she meant by doing this.

Li Meng did not refuse, turned over and lay down, resting his head on Qiao'er's knee.

Feeling the softness under his head, Li Meng let out a comfortable breath.

For men, with women around, enjoy them when they deserve to be enjoyed.

Qiao'er is still very beautiful, with her head resting on her lap, and when she looks up, her sight is completely blocked by the two mountains, leaving her face very narrow.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said casually: "I said Qiao'er, how do you feel that your two places are much bigger?"

Is it an illusion?

Of course not. When I saw Qiao'er for the first time, the two peaks on Qiao'er's chest were small and exquisite, not very big, but now they seem to be very different from before, almost catching up with Yan'er.

A man asking a woman this question is undoubtedly extremely sensitive, unless it is a very intimate couple.

Long Qiao'er didn't care about the embarrassing words of her master. She looked at her chest and seemed to be measuring, and then whispered: "When necessary, the ghoul can control the rigid body and let the blood in the body. Being active makes the body full of vitality. By absorbing vitality, we can control the growth of the body. The eldest lady said, whether a woman is beautiful, a beautiful face is only one of them, but also the most perfect body. Master, you don’t like it. ?"

"This... I can't say that."

Seeing Qiao'er's serious expression, Li Meng sighed slightly in his heart.

It seems that Yana girl is instilling some strange ideas for the ghoul again.

However, Yana was right, at least for men, it was completely irrefutable.

Late at night, the passenger train 301 gradually became quieter.

Regardless of the deep environment, as long as mentally exhausted, human beings can always forget everything and fall asleep.

In the darkness, only the moonlight spreads the earth, making the forest covered in silver.

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