Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1443: Agreement

Speaking of this, Li Meng smiled faintly, looked at Catherine, and asked: "How old are you?"

For Li Meng's sudden inquiry, Catherine was at a loss for a while.

Facing Li Meng's gaze, she lowered her head and whispered: "I'm eleven years old."

Catherine's performance made Karina frowned and sighed in her heart.

Sure enough, it was still too hasty, and Catherine in front of her looked like a queen, she did not have the elegance and demeanor of the queen, she was just an ordinary little girl.

Harandi on the side was fairly calm, but he glanced at Catherine, his expression very calm.

Li Meng didn’t care about Catherine’s timid appearance. Instead, he smiled and said softly: “In my opinion, a child is a child, and a child must have a child’s character. If you lose the innocence you should have when you were a child, then This person also won't have any future at all. This will help, and his character will always be affected."

When he said the last sentence, Li Meng glanced at Karina.

Facing Li Meng's eyes and these words, Karina was silent, she didn't know what to say.

Perhaps as Master Li Meng said, she was a little harsh on Catherine, but did she do it wrong?

At this time, Harandy on the side spoke: "Master Li Meng is right, but the Danlan Kingdom has no time, and there is no time for Queen Catherine to grow up. There will be gains and losses. Between gains and losses, we must Choose a path that allows Danlan Kingdom to go down."

Li Meng just smiled slightly at Harandy's words.

Perhaps their approach is correct, and the needs of the environment are also the needs of the country.

With a flash of inspiration in his mind, Li Meng thought of an attention.

Looking across Karina and Harandi, Li Meng chuckled lightly: "Well, how about we make a promise?"


Li Meng's words made Karina and Harandi start to look at Li Meng with suspicious eyes.

Even Catherine, with her head down, looked up at Li Meng curiously.

Looking at the petite and lovely Catherine, and staring at that light gaze, Li Meng smiled lightly, and said: "If you can restore Catherine to her nature and let her face me with her original mind, I will admit you Danlan. Kingdom, the First Legion will unconditionally help you unify the Austrian continent. For ten days, I will give you ten days."

Restore the nature of Catherine?

This...this is too trivial, right?

Looking at Li Meng suspiciously, Karina and Harandi were full of puzzled eyes. Did they not know why Master Li Meng made this agreement with them?

Ten days?

Although I don't know why Master Li Meng did this, Harandi didn't want to think about it.

Because this is an opportunity for the Danlan Kingdom, an opportunity not to be missed.

Not to mention the weird feelings in Karina and Harandy, even Catherine herself stared at Li Meng in the main seat, the little devil blushed, she didn't know how the destiny of the kingdom would fall. On her body.

With a slight expression on his face, Harandi quickly said: "Then it's settled. We'll take this agreement."

"Prime Minister Harandy..."

Karina on the side hesitated to speak but stopped...

Let Catherine restore her nature?

This is not easy, but not easy.

A worried look appeared on Karina's face.

At this time, Catherine recovered, and she vowed to Karina: "Sister Karina! Don't worry, I will work hard."

Seeing Catherine's serious expression and Harandi's undoubted gaze, Karina sighed helplessly, and could only compromise, she nodded softly to the two.

Li Meng can see the changes in the three people's exchanges and expressions.

Looking at the three of them, Li Meng said calmly: "You can withdraw the frontline troops and keep your original borders to avoid unnecessary losses. Ten days will not be very long, no matter what the outcome, The outer regions of Austria will be unified."

Really confident...

In one sentence, the Danlan Kingdom’s past efforts have been scrapped. Is this self-confidence? Yes, this is also true. The three of them have no idea of ​​rebutting. With the strength of the First Army now, if they really want to unify the outland of Austria, it is only a matter of one sentence.

Even if the two countries reclaim their lost ground, this will not change much.

Li Meng said indifferently in the eyes of the three of them: "If you succeed, naturally you will not say it. If you fail, I also hope that your Danlan Kingdom can withdraw from the stage of history peacefully. There is no need, first. The Legion didn’t want to make killings."

Is it a peaceful exit from the stage of history?

It's really an unacceptable sentence, but the three of them have no thoughts about this sentence.

If it really fails, they have only this way to go.

"Master Li Meng, then I won't bother you to rest."

For the three of them, what should be done next, they already have a goal in their minds.

Afterwards, the three people in power in the Danlan Kingdom left.

"Master! You are..."

Looking at the back of the three people leaving, Tan Ya's very puzzled voice rang from his hood.

With a faint smile, Li Mengruo pointed out: "Isn't this what you want to see? Besides, this thing seems easy, but it is not that simple to do it. A promise is a promise, since it is said. , I will not take back what I said, Tan Ya, you have to be mentally prepared."

Tan Ya looked very lightly at this, and she said calmly: "I said, no matter what decision the owner makes, I support it. Since the owner has made this agreement with them, then act according to the agreed result. ."

"That's good!"

Taking a deep breath, Li Meng stood up from the sofa and came to the edge of the hall facing the courtyard.

Leaning on the wooden guardrail, Li Meng looked at the huge courtyard outside.

The walkways in the courtyard are all over, extending like spider webs, and some unknown green vegetation is planted in one garden after another. The vegetation looks very bright and has various colors.

The scenery is good, and nothing more.

Looking up, Li Meng looked at the blue sky.

Today's weather is very good, there are no clouds in all, and the blue sky is very pure.

Looking at the sky indifferently, Li Meng said in his mouth: "Tan Ya, what do you say the Demon Race will do?"


Tanya knew what the master was worried about. She replied: "Please rest assured, master. We are closely monitoring the Aegean Sea. Any movement of the demons cannot escape our monitoring. Now the naval ships are being transferred to Ken. Lin Gang, once the assembly is completed, we will have a strong naval force in the Aegean Sea, which is sufficient to deal with any incoming enemy."

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