Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1444: Elves

It's not that simple. Facing the demons, the First Army has no technological advantage.

Looking back at Tan Ya next to him, Li Meng said calmly: "According to our intelligence, the round demons of the Mozu are actually flying weapons. The small round demons are analogous to human fighters, and the ten-meter-class analogous humans. The bomber of the 100-meter class, is it a flying battleship or a space battleship? If those big guys can really escape the earth’s atmosphere, it will be crushed by technology."

Li Meng’s concern is unreasonable. In fact, it is only speculated based on the existing intelligence of the First Army. The demons are likely to have the ability to leave the earth. If this is the case, it is not a good thing for humans. .

Regarding the master’s concern, Tan Ya comforted: “The master does not need to worry too much. Even if the demons have an advantage over humans in technology, at least the demons have no idea of ​​launching a war, and we still have time.”


Tanya was right. Now the Austrian continent has been unified. With such a large territory, the First Army can do many things it wants to do.

As long as the First Army is given enough time, even if this time is only five or ten years, the First Army will be able to step out of the earth and enter the primary aerospace era.

Time is running out...

Although the development of the First Army is fast enough, Li Meng is still not very satisfied.

But Li Meng also knows that the development of science and technology is so easy. Even with advanced technological knowledge, it will take a lot of time to realize the technology that turns into data.

You can only come step by step, and you can't eat the big fat man in one bite. Li Meng naturally understands this truth.

"This is... floral fragrance?"

In the nose, Li Meng suddenly asked a very strange floral fragrance.

The scent is coming from a distance, it should be on the other side of the courtyard.

Putting away the thoughts in his heart, Li Meng came with interest, rolled over the fence and jumped into the courtyard.

As he walked far away along the aisle, he waved his hand to Tan Ya behind him and said, "I will go back."

Seeing the master leaving behind, Tan Ya did not catch up, but turned back and entered the hall.

Li Meng kept walking along the road in the courtyard.

When crossing a small bridge, on the other side of the bridge, Li Meng finally found the source of the fragrance of flowers.

If there is a green world on the other side of the bridge, then this side is the world of flowers.

This side seems to have left the palace complex and is located in the garden behind.

On a piece of gentle ground near the river bank, there are a large number of strange flowers planted with various colors, which makes this picture very beautiful.

Standing on the bridge, Li Meng quietly admired this extremely beautiful sea of ​​flowers.

The design of this palace is really beautiful. If that beautiful love story can be happy to the end, I am afraid this palace will be even more beautiful.

With an inadvertent glance, Li Meng's gaze froze, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

In a sea of ​​white flowers, a white figure suddenly appeared in Li Meng's eyes.

She appeared too suddenly, as if she appeared out of thin air.

That exquisite white dress is completely fused with the white sea of ​​flowers, and if you don't look carefully, you can't notice her existence.

Standing in the sea of ​​flowers, she has long, snow-white, waist-length hair wafting behind her shoulders. The pure whiteness of her whole body makes her look like a fairy in a sea of ​​white flowers. The color.

She seemed to notice the sight behind her, and she turned her head.

The snow-white skin and that beautiful face were printed in Li Meng's eyes.

She seemed to see Li Meng standing on the bridge head, her white face showed a look of surprise, and then she smiled slightly, and two small hands held long skirts and bowed to Li Meng in the distance.

Then she turned around and planned to leave.

But unexpectedly, he only took a step forward and twisted his right foot.


In the panic and sweet voice, her slender body fell into the sea of ​​flowers.

Li Meng, who was not far away, saw this scene without even thinking about it, and instantly turned into a black mass of death power and dissipated.

When she appeared again, she appeared beside her.

Before she fell, Li Meng caught her, and the two fell together in a sea of ​​flowers.

The expected pain did not appear, and Monica only felt it fell to a warm and soft place.

When she opened her eyes, she found her lying in the arms of a young man in black.

"It's him? How could..."

Isn't he on the bridgehead in the distance? How could...

The girl's shyness caused Monica to lower her head, feeling very shy inside.

If it were an ordinary girl, she would blush, but the snow-white skin made her lose this ability.

Looking at the girl who looked like a snow elf, Li Meng smiled faintly. He stretched out his hand to caress the white cheek, and said softly: "I caught an elf. It seems that today is my lucky day."

As he said, Li Meng turned over and pressed Monica under his body, his head dropped, and he kissed the white red lips.

"Elf? Did he misunderstand? What is he going to do?"

Seeing Li Meng actually bowed her head to kiss her, Monica felt very nervous and at a loss.

She wanted to resist, but she couldn't exert any strength all over her body. She seemed to be able to move her hands, but she only clutched the flowers under her.

In Monica's inner struggle, Li Meng kissed her.

The touch of mouth and lips, and the smell of flowers in his nose, made Li Meng forget about it, and he was deeply entangled with Monica.

How could the unmanned Monica resist Li Meng's fierce attack, and soon fell, and her hands unconsciously hugged the man on her body.

In the sea of ​​white flowers, the two hugged and entangled.

The occupation of the mouth could no longer satisfy Li Meng, and his right hand stretched out, groping on the girl below him, very rude and gentle, the long skirt seemed to be lifted up, and the white and slender thighs were looming.


When the hand under the skirt was about to touch the sensitive place, Monica finally came to her senses, let out a soft cry, and also awakened Li Meng.

The scorching heat in his eyes dissipated in an instant, and Li Meng looked at the girl under him in confusion.

Then he seemed to think of something, he smiled helplessly, and quickly got up from the girl.

Seeing Li Meng finally let go of her, Monica sighed in relief and sat up from the ground, tidying up her slightly messy long skirt.

Looking at the weak girl under him, Li Meng let out a sigh of relief, and sat beside her calmly.

She is not an elf, and Li Meng is aware of it. Li Meng thought it was in a dream, but in fact he was still in reality.

Because of the stunning, because of the impact of the color at that moment, Li Meng's spirit fell into a very peculiar state, which inspired Li Meng's most primitive desire.

Driven by desire and possessive of beautiful things, Li Meng did something extraordinary.

This is probably what ordinary people call impulse.

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