Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1446: The end of I

Standing up, Li Meng sat side by side with Monica, looking at Monica who was puzzled in front of him, Li Meng smiled lightly: "Now you are free, but one day you belong to me."

With that, Li Meng took Monica's left hand and placed it in Monica's puzzled and shy eyes.

Monica originally didn't understand the meaning of Li Meng's doing this. When Li Meng took out a black exquisite ring from nowhere, Monica instantly understood.

What a beautiful ring...

Looking at the ring in Li Meng's hand, Monica praised in her heart.

Although it is dark throughout, it has a strange pattern on it, which is exquisite and full of mystery.

In Monica's somewhat bewildered gaze, Li Meng personally put the ring on the ring finger of Monica's left hand. This kind of behavior, this kind of picture, can be somewhat...

That's the ring finger...

Looking at the exquisite black ring on the ring finger of her left hand, Monica was silent.

Don't Li Meng-sama know the meaning of the ring on the ring finger of his left hand?

Just in Monica's stunned expression, Li Meng said calmly: "You have albinism and cannot be exposed to ultraviolet radiation for a long time, but with this ring, you don't need to worry about strong light in the future. , It will create a dark position. Although you can’t see or touch it, it wraps your body and blocks any direct exposure of strong light to your skin.”

The so-called dark position is actually just covering a layer of death power.

Because it is a spiritual body, Li Meng can control the power of death as much as he wants. Although it cannot directly convert energy into matter, there is no problem in pseudo-solidification.

Although the ring on the ring finger of Monica’s left hand looks like some kind of black crystal, it is actually formed by a mass of death force, which will not dissipate due to the blessing of Li Meng’s mind. , Instead, it will continuously absorb the force of death from the air to achieve a balance with consumption.

In short, for Li Meng, this is just a gadget.

It turns out Master Li Meng knew what disease she had...

When she learned the function of this ring, Monica felt warm.

She never doubted whether this ring had this function, because Master Li Meng gave it to her, and this one would never lie to her.

Looking at the dark and delicate ring on the ring finger, Monica opened her mouth slightly and said softly, "Thank you!"

Although the ring finger has a special meaning, since it is put on, Monica will naturally not take it off.

Regardless of whether Lord Li Meng knew the meaning of this ring, Monica would not ask.

and also……

Monica remembered what Master Li Meng had said to her before.

One day, she belongs to him...

Looking at the dark and exquisite ring on the ring finger, Monica recalled the profound meaning of Lord Li Meng's words.

There are so many things that happened today. I met Master Li Meng by accident, and was taken lightly by Master Li Meng. She, who should have left angrily, returned to Master Li Meng in a mysterious manner.

After some conversations, Monica found that she could not develop any disgust towards Li Meng, who was far younger than herself. Everything about him was so curious, and he was not strong. It makes people feel any discomfort, but it makes people think it is taken for granted.

This is too strange...

Although Monica had a lot of curiosity and interest in this Lord Li Meng, it was just a kind of worship for legendary characters. When she really saw it, her original temperament changed instantly.

At this moment, Monica had no idea what mentality to use to face the "him" beside her.

Although it was just a "thank you", for Li Meng, it was enough.


With an exclamation, Monica realized that it was late.

Father should be looking for her everywhere at this time.

Quickly stood up from the ground, carried a long skirt and gave a very graceful gift to Li Meng, Monica apologized: "I'm sorry, it's not early, I should go."

With a slight smile, Li Meng nodded and said: "Go."

Although she didn't know where she came from, Li Meng didn't ask much. Whether she was in this palace or not, it didn't matter. The important thing was that she was already favored by Li Meng.

When her life ends perfectly, Li Meng will find her.

In Li Meng's eyes, Monica's slender figure disappeared so far, and soon disappeared from Li Meng's sight.


With a light breath, and looking up at the blue sky, Li Meng stood up and walked to the small bridge not far away.

After leaving for a long time, it's time to go back.

The meeting with Monica was just an accident to Li Meng.

Although this accident was gratifying, for Li Meng, what he cared about was not Monica's beauty, but something more mysterious, a feeling, a feeling about the soul.

Because only the throbbing from the soul can make Li Meng deeply attracted by Monica.

For the next few days, Li Meng stayed in the palace and did not go anywhere.

It is said that for ten days, Li Meng will naturally stay in the palace during these ten days.

I don’t know the days of the day are very leisurely, the palace is very large, and there are many places to go. The garden in the back mountain is enough to make people forget to return.

Since that day passed, Li Meng never saw Monica again, and the people around him were either Karina or Catherine.

With the contact, Catherine also let go a lot, no longer like before, when facing Li Meng, she was completely timid and afraid. Although she is a child, Catherine's change is still eye-catching.

In the past few days, a major event has occurred in the Danlan Kingdom.

The war that was originally stalemate with the Kingdom of Dengsha and the Kingdom of Yasi, with the full retreat of the Danlan Kingdom, the situation completely reversed.

The Yasi Kingdom not only regained the lost ground, but also successfully merged with the Allied Kingdom of Dengsha.

All of a sudden, the two countries gathered their 500,000 troops on the border of Chen Bing, preparing to destroy the Danlan Kingdom in one fell swoop.

Facing the aggressive coalition forces of the two countries, the Danlan Kingdom seemed very indifferent, just garrisoning several cities on the border with heavy troops, and chose to ignore the coalition forces outside.

In terms of military strength, although the two countries’ coalition forces occupy an absolute advantage, in terms of weapons and equipment, the two countries’ coalition forces are far inferior to the Danlan Kingdom’s army. The Danlan Kingdom is not only equipped with quasi-third-generation guards provided by the First Army It is also equipped with powerful individual weapons. The gap in the weapons makes it difficult for the coalition forces to break through the city guarded by the Danlan Kingdom army.

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