Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1447: metamorphosis

"Why? Although the current situation is deadlocked, as long as we are given enough time, we will definitely be able to break through the capital of the Kingdom of West Asia. Why do we need to issue the order for a full retreat?"

In the king's hall, Diels in military uniform questioned Harandi angrily.

As the head coach of the frontline battlefield, he was recalled because of an order. At the same time, he was also recalled by the soldiers who fought **** the frontline.

Obviously victory was in sight, but all the fruits of victory were vanished because of orders from the country.

As the head coach of the Legion, how can Diels be willing?

Facing Diels’ questioning, Harandi seemed very indifferent. He smiled slightly and comforted: “I can understand the anger of General Diels. No one will be happy when encountering this, but in this matter There is nothing we can do about it. The order to recall the army is also to reduce unnecessary losses."

Unnecessary losses?

Frowning slightly, Diels solemnly said: "What happened?"

For what Diels asked, the officials in the hall were slightly clear.

It turns out that General Diels didn't know about it, so it's no wonder that he had such a big temper and openly roared in front of Her Majesty.

Facing Diels’s question, Harandi replied: “A lot of things have happened in Melorka these days. The withdrawal of the army is also due to the request of the First Army. Although things are not clear now, but if it goes well. , This Austrian Outland Association will be unified by the First Army."

Related to the First Army?

But for the specific reason, Diels still hasn't heard why.

Looking at Diels who was still puzzled, Harandi had to truthfully say: "The First Army is very dissatisfied with the course of the Danlan Kingdom's war for more than a year, and intends to hand over the outland of Austria to Ogeria. Kingdom rule."

"How can this be?"

Hearing what Harandi said, Diels was taken aback for a moment, and he immediately objected.

Harandi asked, "If the First Army insists on doing this, do we have a choice?"


Frowning slightly, Diels couldn't tell the answer.

Although the Danlan Kingdom's national strength has increased a lot with the help of the First Army, it is not a realistic thing to say to fight the First Army.

As Harandi said, they had no choice.

At this time, Harandi continued: "Fortunately, General Tanya supports us, and we still have a chance. At this time, there is an envoy from the First Army in the palace. His name is Li Meng, who is in the First Army. It should be very high. Even General Tanya called him "Master". Master Li Meng made a rather trivial agreement with us. As long as we can do this, the First Army will help Danlan Kingdom unify Austria. Outland."

Afterwards, Harandi informed Diels of the agreement.

When he heard the agreement made by the royal family and Lord Limon, Diels was taken aback, and he whispered to Harandi: "I said Prime Minister Harandi, does that one look after our queen? Young, but there will always be adulthood. As you said, Lord Li Meng is also very young. Why not let Her Majesty the Queen and Lord Li Meng make a marriage contract? Isn’t it simpler and clearer?"

What Dears said made Harandy's eyes light up and gave Dears a weird look.

Very surprised and said: "General Diels, as a soldier, you can even think of this. It seems that the war for more than a year has made you grow a lot."

The idea that Diels put forward made Harandi think about it a lot for a while, and he felt a sense of relief in his heart.

Yes, why didn't he see the deep meaning behind the agreement? If Lord Li Meng had no interest in Her Majesty, how could he make such an ambiguous agreement.

Thinking like this, Harandy said to Catherine on the throne: "Your Majesty, the important affairs of the court have been sorted out, and the court can be disbanded. Please also gather in the meeting room of Her Majesty. I have important matters to discuss."

Important matter?

Although she was very curious about what Prime Minister Harandi had to discuss with her, Catherine didn't think much about it and nodded and said, "Just as the prime minister said, let's leave the court."

After the dynasty was dismissed, Harandi, Karina and Catherine entered the meeting room beside the king's hall.

"Prime Minister Harandi, why is there something so urgent?"

Seeing Harandi hurriedly entering the meeting room, Karina next to the throne asked in confusion.

"Prince Harlandi, sit down and talk."

At Catherine's sign, Harandy sat down in the vice seat.

Facing Karina’s question, Harandi asked, "Karina Interior Officer, how did the agreement with Li Meng go?"

The agreement with Li Meng?

Regarding this question, Karina looked at Catherine next to her, and said: "You can only ask our Lady Queen about this."

At Karina's words, Catherine pouted and looked at Karina angrily.

But facing the eyes of the two, she still compromised.

Little cute face wrinkled, she said dullly: "Although I have been with Brother Li Meng these days, I can feel that Brother Li Meng is not satisfied."

Speaking of this, Catherine sighed slightly, her face showing the sorrow of a small ghost, she muttered to herself: "Although I get along with Brother Li Meng very happy, I always feel that I am missing something. Brother Li Meng again He refused to say clearly, hey... what should I do?"

Seeing Catherine showing the appearance of such a small devil, Harandy and Karina looked at each other.

Karina was surprised and curious, and Harandi looked "as expected".

The conjectures in my heart are already intact. With a slight smile, Harandi said: "Your Majesty, you always feel that you are missing something. Could it be that the relationship between you is not close enough? Maybe Her Majesty should treat Lord Li Meng Fiance, not brother, maybe Her Majesty will not feel that way."


At the beginning of what Harandi said, Catherine didn't realize it at first. When she realized something, she looked at Harandi in a daze, her eyes were stunned, and her little cheek became ruddy. .

Although she is still young, how can Catherine know what her fiance is.

"Fiance? Brother Li Meng?"

As if thinking of something, Catherine's face was red, and this look made Karina on the side roll her eyes.

She is really a big kid, how old she is.

This is too strange, right?

How can you think of going up to the fiance?

Frowning slightly, Karina asked Harandi incomprehensibly: "Prince Harandi, you mean..."

Facing Karina's suspicious gaze, Harandi nodded lightly, and said, "This agreement is not unusual, it's too ridiculous. I think Master Li Meng does have this meaning."

is it possible?

Karina couldn't be sure.

Looking at Catherine who was shy, Karina murmured: "Your Majesty is only eleven years old. If Master Li Meng really has this idea, it's not..."

Isn't that abnormal?

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