Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1448: Wishful thinking?

Only abnormal will have this idea.

To Karina, Harandi did not agree with him. He said calmly: "Your Majesty is small, but she will always grow up. With Her Majesty’s current appearance, she must grow up to be an alluring beauty, Li Meng. The adults are still young, but they are in their twenties. It is normal to have this thought."

"This one……"

Karina still did not believe that Li Meng-sama would have this idea.

"Could we be mistaken?" Karina reminded again.

In this regard, Harandi looked firm and affirmed: "I can be sure that this is the profound meaning of Lord Li Meng and Her Majesty the Queen."

Is it really?

Seeing Harandi so swearing, Karina was a little convinced for a while.

Maybe...Is that so, right? It should be...

With a slight sigh, Karina had to say: "Prime Minister Harandy, what should we do? We can't just ask Lord Li Meng to be engaged to Her Majesty the Queen? Even if Lord Li Meng has this idea, we will Don’t be too direct, otherwise what outsiders will think of Lord Li Meng, this will have a great impact on Lord Li Meng’s reputation, and it will also have a great impact on Her Majesty the Queen, and..."

Speaking of this, Karina looked at Catherine next to her and asked softly: "Your Majesty, what do you mean? For this..., if you don't want it, we will find another way."


When asked about Karina, Catherine glanced at Karina strangely, and said: "Katherine does not hate brother Limon, sister Karina, you said that getting married and having children is my duty, and I must do it for Regoda. The royal family of Sri Lanka continues the bloodline. In that case, why does Catherine refuse?"

Karina had no choice but to smile at Catherine's words and said softly: "Perhaps you will meet better people in the future."

"A better person?"

Lowering her head, Catherine said calmly on her face: "Perhaps, but I don’t hate being with Brother Li Meng. I feel very relaxed by his side. I will unknowingly forget the responsibility on my shoulders. I care about everything I do. As long as I'm around him, I'm satisfied."

Catherine's words made Harandi look at Karina very strangely.

What happened in the palace these few days? How could the little Queen be like a girl thinking of spring.

How old is she?

The gaze from Harandi made Karina smile helplessly, shook her head and said: "Don't look at me, I don't know. Although my contact with that person is not small, but I don't feel much, why? By the way, Master Li Meng seems to be a more reasonable person, and more casual, very amiable, and basically does not lose his temper. He can't even say a single word, although sometimes he will say something that makes people incomprehensible. It's very profound, but the whole person looks calmer and gives people a very reliable feeling."


Harandi nodded thoughtfully.

In that case, why attracts Her Majesty’s attention, because it should be a personal charm.

Since Her Majesty did not refuse, this matter is much easier.

Harlandi thought this way: "Even if Master Li Meng has this idea, it is not appropriate now. You must wait until Her Majesty is a little older to talk about the engagement. For now, we only need to explain to Master Li Meng that we have this meaning. , Karina Interior Officer, this matter can only be left to you. If you really want the Regaldas royal family to prosper for a long time, now is the time for you to take action."

There is something in the words...

Facing Harandi's deep gaze, Karina nodded silently.

After talking with Her Majesty the Queen, Harandi was still very satisfied.

Now the Danlan Kingdom is unpredictable. Aside from the borderline and the Dengsha Kingdom, the stalemate of the Yasi Kingdom is not to be discussed. Just the one in the palace makes the Danlan Kingdom vacillate in the storm.

If Her Majesty the Queen can really get engaged with that person, Harandi knows very well what this means for the Danlan Kingdom, which means that the Danlan Kingdom will usher in an unimaginable era.

After the meeting, Harandi returned home and told Monica, his curious daughter, of some interesting things in the court as usual.

"Father, do you really think Master Li Meng has this idea?"

In the living room, Monica, who was sitting in the chair, looked at the father on the main seat with a surprised expression.

is it possible?

Although there is only one relationship with Li Meng, Monica doesn't believe Li Meng has this idea.

This is simply nonsense. I really don't know how my father thought about it.

To his daughter Monica’s words, Harandi just chuckled, and said indifferently: "I don’t know whether it’s true or not. I don’t know whether Master Li Meng has this idea, but it will not affect us to do something. What to do, daughter, think about it, if Master Li Meng really becomes the prince of the Danlan Kingdom, what does that mean for my Danlan Kingdom?"

Monica knew what it meant, of course, but it was only wishful thinking of her father.

Shaking her head lightly, Monica said calmly: "Father, this is just your wishful thinking. Although Her Majesty is noble, she is only the queen of our Danlan Kingdom. In the eyes of the First Legion, these two identities are probably the same. It's not equal. Once Master Li Meng doesn't mean this, where do you let Her Majesty's face go?"

Harandi sighed slightly to his daughter's words, and said helplessly: "We have no retreat, we can only fight for it. This is done, and everything is naturally easy to say, but it is not, just like Master Li Meng said , Danlan Kingdom can only disappear in the long river of history."

It seems that my father has made up his mind...

Monica could feel her father's determination.

When things reached this point, everything was a foregone conclusion, and Monica didn't say more.

With a casual glance, the black on her daughter's left ring finger caught Harandi's attention.

Looking at her daughter, Harandi asked in surprise, "Daughter, the ring on your left hand..., who gave it to you?"


Her father's words surprised Monica slightly, and quickly retracted her left hand behind her, looking like she didn't want her father to know.

Showing such an appearance to his daughter, Harandi just smiled and said happily: "Did my sons get awake? Okay, very good, quickly, tell me who it is, no matter who it is, I will No objection."

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