Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1449: misunderstanding

Her daughter’s marriage has always been of great concern to Harandi. His lineage is just such a daughter. The task of inheriting the family line depends on Monica. Because of Monica’s albinism, Harandi is very much in the marriage. headache.

Although the daughter is beautiful, not many people really want to marry her.

Seeing that her father had misunderstood, Monica no longer concealed it. She said calmly: "Father has misunderstood. I said before that my elder brother is my elder brother. No matter now or in the future, none of them will become my husband. ."

Is not it?

His daughter’s words made Harandi even more curious. He chuckled and said, “My daughter doesn’t want it, I will naturally not force it. I also told them your brothers, they should not have this idea. Daughter, this lifelong event is not a trifling matter. You can't keep it from me. Since the ring is all on, or the ring finger, no matter who he is, even if he is just a poor boy, the father will not care. Tell him, who is he? "

"This one……"

For a while, Monica hesitated, she didn't know how to tell her father.

Although the ring was indeed worn by the person himself, it was not as his father thought.

After hesitating for a while, Monica sighed slightly and said softly: "Father still remember the day I entered the palace?"

"of course I remember!"

How could Harandi forget that that day was the first day Master Li Meng came to Danlan Kingdom.

Staring at the ring in her hand, Monica whispered: "My daughter entered the palace and successfully met Li Meng, but I didn’t see it secretly. In the back garden of the palace, Li Meng discovered me. The ring was given to me by Master Li Meng."

Lord Li Meng gave it?

For a moment, Harandi was quite surprised by Monica's words.

"Daughter! This..."

Harandi was completely confused. How could Lord Li Meng give his daughter a ring, and how could his daughter put the ring on the ring finger of his left hand?

Monica knew why her father was confused, and she said quietly: "Father, don't get me wrong, Lord Li Meng naturally didn't mean it. He just pityed my daughter and gave me this ring with a peculiar function."

"Oh? What do you say?"

Strange function?

Looking at the dark and delicate ring on her daughter's left hand, Harandi was very curious.

Monica explained: "According to Master Li Meng, this ring will create a dark position that will prevent me from being exposed to ultraviolet radiation."

After listening to Monica's words, Harandi's eyes lit up slightly, and he said happily: "If it does have this function, then this ring is a good thing. In the future, my daughter won't have to worry about skin cancer."

Since Monica's birth, Harandi has been cautious, for fear that her daughter with albinism will have skin cancer. In terms of protection from light, it can be said that she has been able to prevent leakage.

During these nearly thirty years of days and nights, Monica was able to be safe, all of which was protected by Harandi.

With a faint smile, Monica confidently said: "Mr. Li Meng will naturally not lie to me. I have also done experiments. This ring is indeed amazing. When strong light shines on the skin, it becomes very Dim, as if there is an invisible barrier on the skin, which greatly weakens the intensity of light."

"Good, good, good."

After saying three good words, it can be seen how happy Harandi is.

"It looks like thank you Lord Li Meng!" Harandi said happily.

Can Harandi be upset? Her daughter’s illness has always been a heart disease in Harandi’s heart. Although albinism will not have any impact on her daughter’s lifespan, she is afraid of bright light and easy to get skin cancer. Di has always been worried, for fear that her daughter will have incurable skin cancer.

Everything is fine now, and my daughter no longer needs to be afraid of the sun, she can walk in the outside world like ordinary people, no longer need to hide in the room.

To her father, Monica just smiled.

Although the time she met with Lord Li Meng, she was taken lightly by Lord Li Meng, but Monica didn't care anymore.

If the father can thank Master Li Meng well, this is also Monica Le’s opinion.

Speaking of Lord Li Meng, Monica remembered the scene in the sea of ​​flowers with Lord Li Meng.

At that moment, Master Li Meng was so rude, savagely opened her mouth, occupied her body, and even touched the most sensitive mysterious place.

Whenever she thought of that scene, Monica couldn't help but blush, her heart beating fast.

Although the matter was over, Monica couldn't forget the feeling for a long time.

The skin of Baizhe is well hidden in Monica's inner shyness.

In Harlandi's eyes, the daughter just bowed her head and didn't know what she was thinking.

The palace, in the back garden.

In a sea of ​​white flowers, Li Meng lay lazily.

Lying in the fragrant sea of ​​flowers, looking at the blue sky, thinking about nothing or worrying about anything.

I don't know when, Li Meng fell in love with this feeling.

He is not alone, there is another small figure beside him.

She wears a white long dress, which blends well with the colors of the flowers. She sits beside him in a sitting posture that can only be a girl, looking very cute.

"How is the meeting going on today? Isn't it going well?"

Looking slightly at the little girl beside him, Li Meng asked softly.

Facing Limon’s question, Catherine smiled sweetly and nodded and said: “Well, it’s very smooth, there is nothing important, but General Diels came back from the front and lost a lot of temper at the meeting.”

General Diels?

Li Meng said: "Is that the coach who fought on the front line?".

Catherine replied: "Well, it was him. Although General Diels was very angry, he was relieved after Prime Minister Harlandi explained."

Regarding this, Li Meng understood very well: "Well, he should be angry. Although the war is deadlocked, in his eyes, as long as there is enough time, victory belongs to the Danlan Kingdom."

Although Catherine didn't know much about the battles on the front line, Catherine remembered what Limon's brother said, General Diels also said that if there is enough time, victory belongs to the Danlan Kingdom.

Nodding lightly, Catherine said in her childish voice: "General Diels also said this, it should be the case."

With a slight smile, Li Meng looked at the lovely Catherine next to him, and Li Meng said thoughtfully: "So, there should be many people in the court of Danlan Kingdom who are very dissatisfied with me."

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