Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1450: Mozu News

Dissatisfied with Brother Li Meng?

Catherine shook her head quickly, and said angrily: "They dare, if they are dissatisfied with Brother Li Meng, I...I will remove them."

With that, Catherine waved her two small hands to make herself look more imposing.

Seeing Catherine’s lovely appearance, Li Meng just smiled faintly, stretched out his right hand to touch Catherine’s small head, and said softly: “After all, the First Army is an outsider. This xenophobic psychology has its own reason. It cannot be eliminated. Contradictions exist at all times. We can only sort out the contradictions that cannot be eliminated. The use of force is the most unwise way. This will only deepen the contradictions."


Catherine nodded seemingly.

For Li Meng's words, the current Catherine couldn't understand, and she could only listen to Li Meng's words in her heart. Maybe one day, she would understand.

"Where is your sister Karina?"

Looking around, Li Meng did not see Karina.

Li Meng is no stranger to this, where Catherine is there, she will exist.

Although she was a royal clerk, it was quite curious to follow Catherine so inseparably.

Sister Karina?

As if thinking of something, Catherine's little face became ruddy, and she whispered: "Sister Karina, as the royal clerk, has a lot to do, and I didn't follow it today."

This is naturally not a fact. Although this palace is big, there are not many affairs. The reason why Karina did not appear was just to give Catherine and Li Meng a chance to be alone.

Although this is the truth, it is naturally impossible for Catherine to tell Li Meng this fact.

"That's it!"

Although it was a bit strange why Catherine suddenly became shy, Li Meng didn't think much.

However, Catherine is small, but her blushing face does look cute, and she looks like a little ghost.

At this time, a slight sound of footsteps sounded, and not far away, Tan Ya's figure appeared, approaching here.

In front of Li Meng, Tan Ya stopped. The gaze in the hood glanced at Catherine beside her master. Tan Ya said to Li Meng: "Master, there is news about the demons that need to be reported to you."


Tan Ya's words made Li Meng refreshed and sat up from the ground.

"What did you find?"

These days Li Meng has been worried about the movement of the Demon Race, and now it seems that his worry is not unnecessary.

Seeing Tan Ya staying silent for a long time, Li Meng naturally knew what Tan Ya cared about.

Tanya cares about the outsider Catherine.

"No problem!"

Li Meng waved Tan Ya to continue speaking.

Seeing this, Tan Ya had to say: "Just at 8:32 in the morning today, an astronomical observation satellite in orbit discovered a 200-meter-class Demon warship in the orbit of the moon. According to the calculation of the flight path, it should have started from the earth and finally disappeared on the back of the moon."

A two-hundred-meter-class demon warship?

This is a big guy, two hundred meters, that is to say, the diameter of this battleship is four hundred meters, think about its spherical body, this is undoubtedly a huge big guy.

The demons really have the ability to leave the earth. If Li Meng had doubts about this before, but now, this has become a reality.

The far side of the moon?

Is there something on the back of the moon?

Although Li Meng’s spiritual power can extend to Mars, it does not mean that he can know everything that happens in this area. Even if the spiritual power is completely released, it covers all areas of the extendable range. I want to know the location of a certain area. What happened, Li Meng also needed to control his consciousness to explore.

The main reason is to control the amount of acceptable information. The wider the range, the greater the amount of information. If at the same time accepting the information within the range covered by mental power, even Li Meng's brain cannot bear it.

At this time, Tan Ya said again: "Alcatraz has also been discovered. In the past few days, at least fifty targets have appeared in the waters around Alcatraz. The situation is temporarily unknown. The demons have not reached Ogili. Signs of Asia."

It seems that the demons have increased the defense of Alcatraz...

Is it because of "Sikkim"?

In his heart, Li Meng muttered to himself.

Sikkim is a good thing. If the First Army wants to truly enter the starry sky in the future, Sikkim is also an indispensable resource.

Although he has the same ambitions for Li Meng in Sikkim, Li Meng has self-knowledge. Now the First Army is not qualified to fight the demons. Once a war breaks out, the First Army will be at an absolute disadvantage.

Li Meng asked: "Do we have the ability to deal with targets on track?"

Regrettably, Tan Ya shook her head and said, "No, with the existing weapons of the First Army, none of the weapons can attack enemy targets in orbit. The magnetic acceleration gun is under development, and it will take some time before it is put into use. ."

In this way, if the Mozu decides to attack the First Army, the situation will be a bit bad.

In the past, the First Army used advanced weapons to crush the enemy, but now, in the face of the enemy's technological advantages, the First Army will become the target of crushing. This is no doubt.

A trip back, Li Meng once again lay in the sea of ​​flowers.

Looking at the blue sky, it was not the first time Li Meng felt the urgency of time.

Time, the First Army needs enough time, as long as the First Army has enough time to develop, everything will be changed.

Gently waved to Tan Ya, Li Meng said calmly, "I see."

Silently glanced at the master lying in the sea of ​​flowers, Tan Ya didn't say much, turned and left.

Although Tanya has been with Li Meng these days, she will not be as idle as Li Meng.

Ogeria is so big that there are a lot of things that require her to worry about. Although she can't sit in person, there is no problem with remote remote control. On some issues, Tan Ya can also deal with it in time.

"Brother Li Meng! What is the Demon Race?"

Seeing that Tan Ya had left, Catherine asked Li Meng curiously.

Just now, Catherine heard the conversation between Li Meng and General Tan Ya.

The two words Mozu puzzled her, because she had never heard anyone talk about it before.

Facing Catherine's question, Li Meng murmured softly: "Mozu, do you know the demons on the southern continent?"

Catherine nodded. Naturally, she knew the demons on Yunan Continent. Although she hadn’t seen it, she often heard Sister Karina talk about it because the outer land of Austria is very close to Yunan Continent. The demons are a big threat to any country above Austria.

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