Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1451: Flame Teng (seeking monthly pass)

Li Meng said calmly: "Those guys are not real demons, so we gave them a new name and called them demons."

"So it's like this..."

Catherine understood that the demons mentioned by the older brother were those demons on the southern continent.

"Is the demons very strong?"

From the previous conversation between Li Meng and General Tanya, Catherine could feel Li Meng’s fear of the demons.

Li Meng couldn't comment on Catherine's words, and sighed softly: "Very strong, very strong, even if the nations of mankind are united, they should not be their opponents."

Is it so strong?

Although Catherine is small, she also knows the meaning of human nations.

There are so many powerful countries in human beings, and they are not the opponents of the demons when they unite. Is this possible?

Brother Li Meng would not lie to her, since Brother Li Meng said so, then this is true.

Seeing Catherine showing a worried look, Li Meng smiled slightly, stretched out his right hand and rubbed Catherine’s small head, and chuckled: “Don’t worry, the demons are strong, but if you want to win a game War is not such an easy thing. Humans have nothing, but there is resilience. Humans can fail, but demons cannot. They will not start wars so easily."


Since Li Meng said so, Catherine naturally believed what Li Meng said.

For the hands on her head, Catherine was shy, and the gesture of doting on Li Meng's brother made her very useful.

The hand dropped from Catherine's head, Li Meng looked at the sky.

How could things be so easy, humans still have too little understanding of the Demon Race, so Li Meng has no way to know the motivation of the Demon Race.

There is a way, and that is to meet the leader of the demon clan, who is called the "demon clan" by humans.

Maybe you can find "pull"?

It's a strange name. Although it is the name of a certain **** in ancient humans, the name is really awkward.

For this, the First Army has been in contact, and if you really want to see him, it is considered to have a goal.

Want to see you?

Looking at the sky, Li Meng muttered to himself.

To tell the truth, Li Meng really wanted to meet the high-level Demon Clan for a while. If he found them, some things would be understood clearly.

However, as a high-level demons, it is not easy to find them.

There are also 200 million human beings on the southern continent, and even Li Meng can't do it if you want to find a clan of envoys from the 200 million people.

Of course, there are ways. If you use strong methods, Li Meng's ability can naturally capture the Demon soldiers, plunder their memories, and search for some information about the high-level Demon Race. However, at this time, Li Meng does not want to have trouble with the Demon Race. It's too stiff, which is not good for both parties.

Even if you want to meet, you have to use a tactful way.

Time passed quickly, unknowingly, one day passed, and the city of Melorka was shrouded in darkness.

"Karina, where are you taking me?"

In the corridor, Karina and Li Meng walked one after another.

After dinner, Li Meng was invited by Karina and said something to relax.

When asked by Lord Li Meng behind her, Karina's face turned slightly ruddy, and she tried her best to use a calm tone to say: "This palace is very big, and Master Li Meng has never been to many places. Don’t ask too much. Follow Karina."

Well, since Karina said so, Li Meng can only follow behind him curiously.

The next road was somewhat familiar. The two passed the bridge and came to the back garden.

In the night, the back garden is still relatively quiet, only the street lights exude dim light, so that the garden will not fall into darkness completely.

Along the walkway in the garden, the two kept moving forward. When a rockery could be seen in their eyes, behind the rockery, a steaming hot spring was revealed to Li Meng.

The rockery is located in the sea of ​​flowers, which makes this hot spring look extremely beautiful.

Is this the place to relax as Karina said?

Looking at the hot springs getting closer and closer, Li Meng thought to himself.

If there is a hot spring bath, it is indeed a beautiful thing, if his body is a human body at this moment, it is even more a perfect thing.

By the hot spring, the two stopped.

I saw Karina looking at the pool water, and whispered: "This hot spring has a long history. It was built by the founding king of the Danlan Kingdom. Although it is not a real hot spring, it is because of the flame vine growing on the bottom of the pool. , So that this hot spring has the effect of relaxing muscles and vitalizing bones."

Flame vine?

Li Meng is aware of this kind of plant. It is a kind of plant that can heat up. It likes to live in water. The place where it grows will become a natural hot spring, and flame vine is a kind of medicinal material that has the effect of healing wounds. Said flame vine hot spring is a very high-end thing.

Now that he saw such a high-end thing, Li Meng would certainly not miss it.

"Master Li Meng! Enjoy."

With that said, Karina came to Li Meng and stretched out those slender hands, she was about to take off her clothes for Li Meng.

Although a little surprised by Karina's actions, Li Meng did not say anything to refuse.

Under Karina's service, one after another clothes slipped from Li Meng.

Seeing Master Li Meng, who was gradually becoming naked, although Karina was very shy in her heart, her face was calm.

After taking off his clothes, Li Meng stepped into the hot spring in Karina's eyes.

The scorching warm water hit his body, instantly covering his whole body, which made Li Meng let out a sigh of comfort.

Although it is a spiritual body, its structure is exactly the same as that of a human body.

In addition to the scorching warm water, Li Meng also smelled a very fragrant medicinal scent, which should be the medicinal scent of the flame vine.

Just as Li Meng was enjoying the caress of the water in the hot spring, the "Suo Shuo" behind him was affected, accompanied by a figure entering the water.

When Li Meng looked back, he saw Karina who had entered the hot spring and the pile of clothes on the shore.

In Li Meng's surprised eyes, Karina turned ruddy and came to Li Meng.

Looking at Karina, who was in front of her with a white breast and crisp breasts, Li Meng smiled slightly, and said, "I said Karina, you are not afraid that I will eat you?"

At Li Meng’s words, Karina pursed her lips and said softly, “If I’m afraid, I won’t come down anymore. Tonight, I invited Master Li Meng to come, so I naturally want to accompany Master Li Meng.”

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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