Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1452: A promise is a promise

The slender hand stretched out and placed it on Li Meng's shoulder, kneading it lightly. Under the water, Li Meng felt two soft objects backlogged on his back. The feeling was very subtle.

Since Karina didn't care, how could Li Meng as a man care? In the hot spring, Li Meng comfortably enjoyed the service from Karina.

Karina is beautiful, tall and tall as a Caucasian woman, with white skin, and her golden hair draped casually behind her shoulders. The hair that entered the water floated away, forming a golden touch on the water.

As a martial artist, Karina's figure can be said to be more perfect and looks more pleasing to the eye.

Enjoying the service from Karina comfortably, Li Meng said: "You don't need to do that. If you are discovered, you may not be able to get married in the future."

Karina just smiled at Li Meng’s words, her movements never stopped, and she whispered: “I’ve been living in the palace since I was a child. Although I have gone out to practice for a few years and have been to many places, the palace is my home. It’s also my responsibility to protect the royal family of Regodas. With my current status, it’s impossible to marry. I don’t have this idea. Maybe I will have a man in the future, but this man will only be the Danlan Kingdom. The prince."

Prince of Danlan Kingdom?

Is it Catherine's husband?

It's really feudal thinking, maybe this is one of the drawbacks brought by the feudal system.

Perhaps this cannot be called foolish loyalty, but for people living in a democratic system, they cannot understand this.

As for Li Meng, he still understands Karina's ideas.

In the palace, Karina and Catherine love sisters, they are the people Catherine trusts most, and Karina, who is loyal to the royal family and holds the position of royal clerk, is impossible to marry and have children like ordinary girls. , Once Catherine gets married, Karina will be like a maid in the ancient Chinese dowry, and become the prince’s woman together.

Although this may seem unbelievable, it is almost 100% what will happen, because only in this way can the stability of the royal regime be guaranteed. Perhaps Karina has a choice, but looking at the entire palace, I am afraid that only the prince is worthy of her. .

For this kind of thing, for various reasons, Catherine would basically not object.

Because the royal family needs Karina, and Catherine can't do without Karina, only when Karina is on the same line as herself and become the prince's woman, Catherine can stabilize the royal power.

Li Meng chuckled: "Then you have to be careful, if I eat you here, you won't be the prince's woman in the future."

Karina lowered her head to be so blatant about Li Meng, and said in a low voice: "As long as Li Meng becomes the prince of the Danlan Kingdom, even if Li Meng eats me here, I am willing."

Li Meng was slightly taken aback at Karina's whisper behind him, and then suddenly realized.

Turning his body slightly, Li Meng faced Karina, and his underwater hands hugged the soft body in his arms.

Karina was a little overwhelmed by the sudden attack of Master Li Meng, and she didn't know where to put her hands on Li Meng's shoulders.

Facing Master Li Meng's aggressive gaze, Karina lowered her head shyly and stayed quietly in Li Meng's arms, not daring to move.

Looking at the face of Karina close at hand, feeling the softness of the underwater body, Li Meng said calmly: "This is your attention? Let me be the prince of Danlan Kingdom? How big is that girl, how are you? Have this idea?"

Regarding Lord Li Meng's words, Karina lowered her head and said softly: "Your Majesty will always grow up."

Will always grow up?

The underwater hand released Karina, and Li Meng turned and walked towards the shore.

In Karina's shy, suspicious gaze, Li Meng walked onto the bank sloppily, picked up the clothes on the bank and put them on him.

After doing all this, Li Meng looked back at Karina in the hot spring and said calmly: "A promise is an agreement. I will not interrupt the agreement for anything. I understand your difficulties, but I cannot agree with you. , Catherine, I like it very much. Even if she is not the queen, I can guarantee that she will have no worries in her life. For you and for her, this may be the best ending."

After that, in Karina's stunned gaze, Li Meng turned around and left with such determination.

Seeing Li Meng's leaving figure, Karina remained silent, until Li Meng's figure left her sight, she sighed and looked up at the starry night sky.

Did they do it wrong?

A drop of crystal tears slipped from Karina's cheeks, and "dingdong" fell on the surface of the hot spring.

Karina seemed so helpless and lost at the moment.

On the way back, Li Meng was not at peace.

Walking in the sea of ​​flowers, he unknowingly stopped, and looked back in the direction of the hot spring.

His words may be a bit harsh, but Li Meng does not regret what he said.

The determination to give everything is admirable, but it is also sad.

Li Meng knew exactly what kind of heavy responsibility Karina had on her shoulders, but Li Meng did not want to see that this heavy responsibility made her lose everything, even if the object of the payment was himself.

With a slight sigh, leaving the aisle, Li Meng calmly lay down in a sea of ​​light blue flowers, his eyes unconsciously looking at the starry night sky.

This may be trouble, a process that must be experienced in ordinary life.

After all, in the human world, how many people can truly control their own destiny?

Maybe there are, but it will never be Karina, and Catherine.

Perhaps he shouldn’t deny Karina’s efforts...

Nine days have passed since the ten-day agreement, and tomorrow is the deadline.

Time is running out, is she feeling urgent?

How to choose, Li Meng has no answer.

An agreement is an agreement, and there is no choice in the heart. This is also an answer.

Li Meng thought of Catherine. Although she gets along with that girl these days, although the girl has changed a lot, has she really restored her original nature?

Children's consciousness is the most vulnerable, and perhaps Catherine will never regain her original nature.

When thinking of Catherine, Li Meng was also asking himself.

Is his request too high? Should this extreme perfectionist change?

Tonight, many people are worried, including Li Meng.

Unconsciously, Li Meng, who was lying in the sea of ​​flowers, fell asleep and fell into a deep sleep.

Li Meng didn't notice that Karina found him after he fell asleep and stayed beside him for a long time.

Nor did he notice that when Karina left, there was an extra blanket on his body.

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