Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1453: Cry (seeking monthly pass)

The night is long, but it is also short-lived for the sleeping person.

Early the next morning, when the dazzling sunlight shone on Li Meng from the sky, the sudden light made Li Meng open his eyes.

In his pupils, the blue sky was reflected in Li Meng's eyes. When he realized something, he looked around and Li Meng realized that he was actually in a sea of ​​flowers. The memories of last night gradually poured in.

Fell asleep...

With a helpless smile, Li Meng got up and sat up.

With this movement, the blanket on his body suddenly slipped off.

Looking at the blanket on his lap, Li Meng's face was puzzled, and immediately thoughtful.

It should be Karina, it will only be her.

"Brother Li Meng! Brother Li Meng!"

At this time, a childish voice rang.

Looking in the direction of the sound source, on the small bridge, Catherine's little figure is happily approaching.

Behind her, Li Meng also saw another familiar figure.

It's Karina...

It seems that the dynasty meeting is over. So, isn't it early?

"Your Majesty, slow down."

Seeing the figure of Catherine walking in small steps, carrying a long skirt, and trotting ahead, Karina sighed inwardly.

Today is the last day of the appointment. If Her Majesty knew..., she would be disappointed.

Karina did not tell Catherine what happened with Li Meng-sama last night.

For Karina, she already knew the answer to this agreement.

She didn't know how to tell Catherine, she could only let Catherine get the answer from Limon's large population.

"Oh, it's Catherine."

Beside Li Meng, Catherine stopped with a flushed face, her small mouth was slightly open, and she was breathing heavily.

The trot this way made her tired.

Pulling off the blanket on his leg, Li Meng spread it on the ground beside him and said to Catherine: "Sit down and rest for a while, see if you are tired."


Smiling shyly, carrying her long skirt, Catherine sat down on the blanket very cutely.

The sitting posture is for girls, like a straddle sitting. Catherine in this posture looks very cute.

As soon as she sat down, Catherine said enthusiastically: "Brother Li Meng, do you know what day is today?"

How can Li Meng forget what day is today?

Reaching out and rubbing Catherine's head, Li Meng chuckled lightly: "This is natural."

Catherine was looking forward to saying: "Then Brother Li Meng..."

Putting his hand down from Catherine's head, facing Catherine's expectant gaze, there was a slight silence for a while, Li Meng still shook his head.

The smile on Catherine's face disappeared, her head was lowered, and she looked pitiful.

Although Li Meng didn't say much, Catherine had a bad feeling in her heart.

Li Meng's brother is still dissatisfied with her these days.

Seeing Catherine's appearance, Karina was very uncomfortable, she couldn't bear to turn her head too far, and didn't want to keep watching.

She regretted in her heart, very regretful, maybe she should have told Catherine last night, at least let Catherine have a preparation.

"Why, what should Catherine do?"

Catherine raised her head and looked at Li Meng in tears, her expression very sad and helpless.

She whimpered, tears constantly falling from her eyes, and said: "What should Catherine do? What should Catherine do?'t know what to do, Catherine doesn't want...the Danlan kingdom to disappear. "


Finally couldn't help but feel wronged inside, Catherine burst into tears,

Cries echoed in the huge garden.

Seeing Catherine, who was crying with tears, Li Meng sighed in his heart, silently stretched out his hands, took Catherine, who was crying, into his arms, and whispered: "This is fine, this is fine. "

Facing Li Meng's comfort, Catherine cried even harder. She threw herself into Li Meng's chest and cried loudly.

In a short while, the clothes on Li Meng's chest were wet with Catherine's tears, and Li Meng could feel the warmth on his chest.

Without extra comfort, Li Meng just gently hugged Catherine in his arms and let her cry.

Li Meng knew that only by letting Catherine cry for a good time and releasing all the emotions in her heart, can such Catherine have a future, and such Catherine can become a true queen.

Seeing Catherine crying in Master Li Meng's arms, Karina's eyes were full of tears, and a drop of tears flowed from her cheek. She was crying, but there was a smile on her face.

At this moment, she knew why Master Li Meng had to make such a strange agreement with Catherine.

After a long time, the crying in the garden gradually subsided.

In Li Meng's arms, Catherine quietly leaned on Li Meng's wet chest, the tears no longer flowed down, and there was only peace and dependence on her face.

Li Meng knew that Catherine needed some time to calm down.

Holding Catherine lightly, Li Meng looked at Karina, who was also tear-stained, and said softly: "Go, let Harandi enter the palace for a while, I have something to tell you."


Nodding lightly, Karina left without hesitation.

She knew that today would be a meaningful day for the Danlan Kingdom.

Looking at Karina's distant back, Li Meng patted Catherine's back in his arms and whispered, "Let's go back."


Replied softly, Catherine reluctantly left Li Meng's embrace.

Looking at the lovely Catherine next to him, Li Meng smiled and stretched out his hand and rubbed the small head.

After the ravages, in Catherine's white eyes, Li Meng smiled and stood up from the ground.

"Let's go!"

With that, Li Meng turned and walked in the direction where the bridge was.

Catherine behind him stared at the figure of Li Meng who was going away in a daze.

After a while, Catherine recovered, wiped the tears on her face, and ran after her with her long skirt.

When catching up with Li Meng, she stretched out her right hand and unceremoniously occupied Li Meng's left hand.

Looking down at Catherine next to him, Li Meng smiled faintly, and took Catherine to the palace.

Back to Qingya's residence, Li Meng saw Tanya in the hall.

Still with the black bloodmarked armor and the darker attire, these days, in the eyes of outsiders, Tan Ya has never changed, which disappoints those who are curious about her appearance.

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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