Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1454: Enemy (seeking monthly pass)

Looking at the master who returned with Catherine, Tan Ya did not ask where the master went last night, but stood silently on the side, like a statue.

Harandi didn't let Li Meng wait for a long time. After a while, he and Karina entered the hall.

What's the matter, why did Master Li Meng call him? On the way, Karina had already informed Harandi of something.

Although the final result is still unknown, Harandi already has some speculation in his mind.

Sure enough, when the three of them were seated, Li Meng in the main seat said calmly: "Today is the tenth day when I came to Danlan Kingdom. A lot of things have happened in these days, and I have met many people."

Speaking of this, Li Meng looked at Catherine on the left and smiled lightly: "In this agreement, Catherine won. So far, the First Army will promise you that as long as the Danlan Kingdom fulfills its responsibilities. , The First Army will permanently shelter this country and recognize that the Regodas royal family is the only orthodoxy outside of Austria."

Facing Li Meng's gaze, Catherine smiled sweetly, staring at her with light gaze.

Li Meng's words undoubtedly made Harandi and Karina breathe a sigh of relief, and smiles appeared on their faces.

In this way, the great crisis of the Danlan Kingdom has been perfectly passed, and the next thing will be...

Speaking of this, Li Meng put away the smile on his face, looked at Harandi on the other side, and said indifferently: "I said before that the First Army will assist the Danlan Kingdom to unify Austria. Lu, this is of course not false. The First Legion needs Austria to restore real peace and will not allow any disputes."

Is a new battle coming?

Upon hearing this, the expressions of several people in the hall became solemn.

The words paused slightly, and Li Meng continued: "Harandi, in the name of the First Legion, immediately invites the Kingdom of Dengsha and the Kingdom of Yassi to negotiate. You can talk and ask them whether they want war or peace or war. The First Army gave them the war. Soldiers who died in the war were borne by them. The First Army would not spare anyone guilty. For peace, then unconditionally surrender. The First Army would guarantee the two royal houses. Life is rich and safe."


This is a good idea. If the outland of Austria can be unified by peaceful means, this is what Harandi would like to see. This will bring great benefits to the rule of the Danlan Kingdom in the future.

Thinking of this, Harandi nodded quickly and said: "Understand, I will arrange it immediately."

Glancing around the hall, Li Meng said, "My mission to Danlan Kingdom is complete. I will rely on you for the next thing. I will leave Danlan Kingdom soon. You can contact General Tanya if you have any issues. She is responsible for everything in Austria."

Brother Li Meng is leaving?

Upon hearing this, Catherine's expression became a little gloomy.

Although she knew that Li Meng's brother would leave sooner or later, she didn't expect it would be so soon.

After the meeting, Harandi left in a hurry.

The ten most difficult days have passed. For Danlan Kingdom, tomorrow will be an extraordinary day, and many things will change.

"Brother Li Meng! Are you leaving?"

After the meeting, Catherine asked Li Meng again.

This matter made Catherine very concerned.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said: "Yes, Austria is very big, and many things need my attention, but I can't stay here for too long."


Catherine lowered her head in loss.

At this time, Karina on the side said to Catherine: "Your Majesty, the Danlan Kingdom will be very busy in the next few days. Her Majesty must make corresponding preparations. We should leave."

Hearing Karina's words, Catherine had to say to Li Meng reluctantly: "Brother Li Meng, then I will go first."

With a slight smile, Li Meng said, "Go!"

In reluctance, Catherine and Karina left the hall and disappeared in Li Meng's eyes.

When the three left, Li Meng and Tan Ya were the only two in the hall.

Coming to Li Meng's side, sitting down on the deputy on the left hand side, Tan Ya asked: "Master! Where are you going next?"

Where to go

Li Meng shook his head and said: "I am not going anywhere. The purpose of my coming to Austria is to deal with the threat of the demons. Now the situation of the demons is unknown. The first step is to find a way to contact the demons and find out about them. Intent, even if they have the ambition to dominate the world, we can also prepare in advance."

There is too little information on the Mozu. Knowing that the Mozu has advanced technology, but knows nothing about the next move of the Mozu, which makes Li Meng have a strong sense of crisis.

This feeling of knowing nothing is uncomfortable, which Li Meng cannot accept.

Contact with the demons became Li Meng's primary goal.

Tan Ya said: "What should we do?"

"Do not."

Li Meng didn't intend to leave it to ordinary soldiers, and they couldn't do it.

Li Meng said, "I can only do this. Although the Demon Race's technology is strong, they can't stop me. Only I can come and go freely in the Demon Race's territory. I have long wanted to explore the reality of the Demon Race. , Taking advantage of this opportunity, we must thoroughly understand the demons. I want to see what they are doing in the southern continent."

Since the demons unified the southern continent, there has been no movement for decades.

What exactly the demons are doing in these decades is a secret to the entire human race.

But humans always believe that the Demon Race will not stop there, one day they will leave the Southern Continent and sweep the entire human world, and Li Meng also believes this.

It can be said that Li Meng believes this more than anyone else.

Because only Li Meng knew that the demons came from aliens and were alien life.

Perhaps their form is very strange, but one thing is undeniable. Their purpose is not simple. They parasitize human beings and respect "gods". How can such beings and the means of controlling human beings be kind.

From beginning to end, Li Meng regarded the Mozu as an enemy, as a true opponent.

In the past, Li Meng has always believed that the First Army is invincible on earth. As long as there is enough time, unifying the earth is not an unattainable dream, but now, since he has a basic understanding of the demons, such There is no more confidence.

It's not that it doesn't, but it's more cautious, alert to unknown enemies.

Although from the mouth of the Demon Race, the First Legion learned that there are more powerful enemies in the universe, the "Kraken Clan", but compared to the enemies in front of them, the enemies that have not yet been involved become dispensable.

At least now the goal of the First Army is clear, and that is to deal with the enemy of the "Devil Race".

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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