Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1455: Surrender

Thinking of this, Li Meng said to Tan Ya: "Tan Ya, the matter of the outland of Austria is left to you. Whether it is war or peaceful return, the war in Austria must end as soon as possible."


Tan Ya knows the urgency of the master, and also knows the threats facing the First Army today.

Only peace can bring development, and only peace can enable the First Army to make better use of the resources in the territory. As long as the First Army is given a few years, perhaps everything will change.

Sitting on the soft sofa, Li Meng's expression was calm.

With a goal, it is clear what to do next.

It is not without reason why a ten-day agreement was made with Catherine.

One is to wait for the movement of the demons, and the other is to give the Dengsha Kingdom and the Yasi Kingdom enough time to think.

It’s no secret that the First Army ruled the mainland of Austria. Ten days are enough to reach the ears of the two countries. At this time, the two countries are invited to negotiate in the name of the First Army. Where will they go? In fact, they no longer have the right to choose.

The entire continent of Austria has fallen. How can the strength of their two countries resist the front of the First Army?

For the two countries, there is only one road today, and that is peaceful return.

Just as Li Meng thought, when the Danlan Kingdom issued an invitation to the two countries to negotiate in the name of the First Army, the Dengsha Kingdom and the Yasi Kingdom were panicked.

On the border of the Danlan Kingdom, although the two countries have 500,000 coalition forces, if they want to fight with the First Army, it will only be a way of hitting the rocks and asking for trouble.

The invitation to negotiate from the Danlan Kingdom changed the situation in the outlying areas of Austria.

On November 7, 348 in the new calendar, on this day, in the border city of the Danlan Kingdom, Lehad, the representatives of the three countries gathered together to hold the first talks for the unification of Ogeria.

The result was unknown to outsiders, but just two days later, the 500,000 coalition troops stationed on the border of the Danlan Kingdom retreated and returned to their respective countries.

Yasi Kingdom, Qulantan City, Royal Palace.

This is an ancient city, which existed in the days when the Kingdom of Austria was strong.

More than one hundred years later, it still stands on the outer land of Ogeria, and is prospering.

Over the centuries, the city changed hands frequently. It was not until the emergence of the Kingdom of Yassi that this situation gradually improved.

But decades later, as if played by fate, this ancient city will change ownership again.

"Fight? What shall we fight? In the battle with the Danlan Kingdom, we lost 60,000 soldiers. Now, our opponent is no longer the Danlan Kingdom, but the behemoth of the First Legion. Look what they said. , If we choose war, those soldiers who died, all the guilt will be counted on my head, on the head of the royal family, I am old and have a bad life, this life is worthless, but I can't take the entire royal family to bury it ."

Today's court meeting is unusual. In the king's hall, the old king uttered a roar that had never been seen in years.

Facing the roar of the king, all the ministers in the hall looked at each other and remained silent.

At this time, one person stood out from the minister’s queue and said: "Your Majesty! If this is your wish, we will naturally obey. Now we are looking at the general trend of the outland of Austria, unification is inevitable, and peaceful return is inevitable. It is our only choice, and our people will remember your favor."

"Huh, Minister Booth, I remember you didn't say that before."

From the minister's queue, another person came out, he was dressed in a light gray military uniform.

Taking a mocking look at Booth, he said to King Ferrandis on the throne: "Your Majesty, the First Legion is very strong. I admit that, but our country is not weak. The foundation of our country lies in the city of Qulantan. After guarding this city, the Kingdom of Yasi can still be passed on."

Booth disagreed with this, and he retorted: "General Yellance, you are a soldier and it is good to have confidence, but blind confidence will only make you stupid. Maybe you should go out more. , Pay attention to the situation of the surrounding countries. Although the city of Gulantan has tall walls, these walls are only to deal with the threat of polluting beasts. For humans, it is not unbreakable. Once we fail, not to mention the sacrificed soldiers. The royal family will also face trial because of our choice."

Speaking of this, Booth paid a salute to Ferrandis on the throne, saying: "Your Majesty, the general situation cannot be violated. In the next situation, if we choose the wrong one, everyone here may not be able to escape being caught. The fate of "sanctions" is that the human beings living in Austria are the same nation, and the peaceful return of His Majesty Ferrandis will only be praised by future generations."

The words of the ministers changed the expression of Ferrandis on the throne. Although he had already made a decision in his heart, as the leader of a country, the unwillingness to subdue the country naturally exists in his heart.

He has ruled the Kingdom of Assi for decades. Unlike the short-lived kings of the other two countries, the Kingdom of Assi has only ushered in the third king. Longevity represents the fullness of descendants. For Ferandis, It is also a responsibility.

His expression was low, looking at the dozens of black figures in the hall, Ferrandis said, "Is there any news from the Dengsha Kingdom?"

Booth replied: "Your Majesty, the court of the Dengsha Kingdom is also discussing the matter of surrender, but the result should not be unexpected. In terms of national strength, the Dengsha Kingdom is not as good as our country, and its territory will also contact the Arafir Strait. They choose war. The First Army will land from the Arafore Strait and drive straight into the hinterland of the Dengsha Kingdom. Within a month, no, I am afraid that the Dengsha Kingdom will fall within ten days."

In that case, they have no choice.

Ferrandis on the throne was lost in thought.

His silence also silenced the hall, even Yellance, who was in the main battle, remained silent.

As a soldier, the main battle was his attitude, but Yellance had to accept the result.

For a long time, Ferrandis on the throne made a decision. He looked around at the ministers in the hall and slowly said: "The Kingdom of Yassi has been established for 83 years. The hand is destroyed, what is the general trend? The strong is respected is the general trend. The West Asian kingdoms are weak and can only follow the general trend. This is a fact that everyone present cannot change."

"Secretary Booth!"

Booth came out and responded: "The minister is here."

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