Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1456: Think about it

Looking at Booth in the main hall, Ferrandis said: "That little girl is lucky, telling her that the Yasi Kingdom is willing to surrender unconditionally. Starting today, the royal family will no longer exercise political rights and notify all the towns under its control. The army, let them be on standby, waiting for the Danlan Kingdom to be incorporated, and then, to inform the Dengsha Kingdom of our decision. As an ally, we have the responsibility to remind them that how they choose to war has nothing to do with the Yassi Kingdom."

Has the final ruling been made?

Regarding the king's decision, the ministers in the hall had different expressions. Some were slightly relieved, some sighed regretfully, and some looked sad and unwilling.

But Booth was clear about this, he said straightly: "Yes!"

Booth is loyal to the royal family and this country. In the past, he did not hesitate to use any means to make this country stronger and prosperous. But now, Booth is still loyal, but now his loyalty object is not The royal family no longer talks about this country, but the people of this country, and the soldiers who shouldn't just die like this.

So far, under the general trend that cannot be violated, the fear of the First Army made the Kingdom of Assi chose to surrender.

This news had already spread before the envoys of the Yasi Kingdom arrived at the Danlan Kingdom.

Danlan Kingdom, the capital of "Meluoka" city.

Palace, back garden, rockery and hot springs.

"You really don't think about it?"

In the scorching hot spring, Karina nestled in Li Meng's arms and said in Li Meng's ear full of seduction.

The submerged body was close to Li Meng's body, her hands were gently placed on Li Meng's shoulders, facing Li Meng, the full mountain peaks were half exposed on the water, which looked very attractive.

Since that time in the same bath, the relationship between the two has become very delicate.

From time to time, Li Meng used the excuse of relaxing in the hot springs to take Karina to serve herself. Facing Li Meng's request, Karina did not refuse, and readily accepted.

Although nothing really happened between the two of them, they were undoubtedly closer than before.

Li Meng was not fooled by Karina's temptation, and smiled faintly. The hand in the water squeezed the plump buttocks, which made Karina roll her eyes, her face shy.

But she still refused to give up. She lifted a strand of hair on her chest, and she whispered: "If you become the prince of the Danlan Kingdom, Your Majesty and I will belong to you. I know that Lord Li Meng cares. What? Although Her Majesty is young, this matter is not urgent. We can wait. Her Majesty will not object to this matter. Lord Li Meng should know that Her Majesty will not hate you now or in the future. , And you are also the most suitable candidate for Prince Danlan."

Speaking of this, Karina smiled slightly, looked at the man in front of her tenderly, and said softly: "It is not emotional, but only from political considerations. This marriage is both for the First Army and the Danlan Kingdom. A great advantage, Master Li Meng, you represent the First Army. If you become the prince of the Danlan Kingdom, the people will more easily accept the rule of the First Army."

Although Karina's words are very reasonable, Li Meng still doesn't feel much about getting married.

Speaking of fiancée, Li Meng really has one. Although some names do not fit the truth, Li Meng still admits to Li Lanxin's fiancée. After all, he personally agreed to it at first, so how can he go back.

Of course, the First Army at that time was still very weak, with only a small place like Nanlin Island.

The funding for Li Lanxin's resistance army was extremely beneficial to the First Army at that time, but the situation changed too quickly.

Not to mention the speed of development of the First Army, just to mention the changes in Kyoto, the resistance army led by Li Lanxin has become dispensable in the eyes of the First Army.

Although the cooperation between the two sides continued, and Li Lanxin led the rebels to leave Kyoto and fought in South Vietnam, but this still cannot change Li Lanxin's awkward position in the First Army.

In fact, Li Meng didn't have too many thoughts about that girl. The reason for agreeing at the beginning was only to see what the future of the resistance army would have under Li Lanxin's leadership.

Generally speaking, it can be regarded as an investment.

"talk later!"

Li Meng did not explicitly refuse, but just smiled and said perfunctorily.

Karina was dissatisfied with Li Meng's perfunctory answer, but Karina did not go on.

Time has things, she can't force Master Li Meng too much, just take her time.

As Her Majesty grew up and became more and more beautiful, Karina did not believe that Lord Li Meng would not be tempted.

With her mouth open, Karina spit out slightly.

Looking at the position of the sky and the sun, she whispered: "I should go now. Her Majesty is taking a nap. She should be waking up soon, but can't let her see us like this."

What are we like?

Li Meng didn't let go of Karina, but hugged even tighter, and smiled lightly: "What are we like?"

The tight restraint around her waist, and the warmth that was hotter than the current, made Karina shy.

She lowered her head and whispered: "Catherine is still young, so I can't let her know too much about us."


Leaning to Karina's ear, Li Meng whispered: "You can go, but..."


Karina's face flushed when she heard what Master Li Meng said.

She gave Li Meng a sullen look, so she leaned forward slightly and kissed Li Meng's lips in shame.

She wanted to escape with just a kiss, but Li Meng refused.

As she fled, the underwater hands hugged her tightly, and a counterattack was launched.

Prying her mouth open strongly, Li Meng attacked the city all the way.

Facing Li Meng's offensive, Karina could only retreat with flushing face.

Until the end, the two people crossed their tongues and demanded each other.

After a deep kiss, Li Meng let go of Karina, who was flushed, and the hand in the water was slightly released from Karina's waist.

The restraint around her waist was no longer, in Li Meng's arms, Karina was panting, and had not recovered from the intense kiss just now.

"I...I should go."

Karina left with a shy look at Li Meng.

In Li Meng's eyes, she went ashore so smoothly, her white and graceful body was clearly exposed in Li Meng's eyes.

She seemed to perceive Li Meng's fiery gaze behind her, and Karina, who came ashore, blushed and hurriedly picked up the clothes on the shore and hurriedly put them on her body.

Before leaving, he did not forget to salute Li Meng in the pond, which looked very cute.

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